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Documentation for Verj.io Studio and Server Version 5.11.2




Getting Started with Verj.io Studio

Getting Started with Verj.io Server

Summary of Entity Types

Sample applications and templates

What’s new in this release


Designing Forms

Introduction to Designing Forms

Introduction to Styling

Designing For Accessibility

Styling with Bootstrap

Rich Client Features

Form Editor





Server-Side Programming

Server-side Programming Languages


API Javadoc

FPL Script Command Syntax

Client-Side Programming

Client Javascript and Rich Client Features

Client API Guide

Client API Reference

Client API Quick Reference Card (printable)

Progressive Web Applications (PWA)

Progressive Web Applications

User Guide

Working with Forms

Working with Components

Working with FPL scripts

Working with Texts and Messages

Working with Presentation Templates

Working with Lists

Working with Files

Working with JSPs

Uploading Files

Securing Web Resources

Integration with External Systems

Summary of Supplied Resources

How Resources Work

Working with Databases

Working with REST Web Services

Working with SOAP Web Services

Working with XML

Working with Email

Alternatives to Using Resources

User Reference

URLs to run a form

Configuring Web Resources

Browser Related Topics

Using Environment Variables

Server Startup Parameters

External Interface

Javadoc for Java Extensions

Field Types

Field Display Types

Additional Supplied FPL Functions


Deployment and Migration







Workflow Index

External Interfaces

Publishing REST Web Services

Publishing SOAP Web Services (Integration Services)

Browser External API

Customization and Configuration


Internationalization Support

Change Repository to a different database

Controlling a form from a JSP or HTML Panel

Customizing Error Pages

Supported Configurations


Understanding Server-Side Events

Component Concepts

Transaction Support

Advanced Topics

Scheduled Tasks

Verj.io Batch System

Postcode Lookup

Server Administration

Server Administration Application

Verj.io Licensing Procedure


Verj.io Gateway

Verj.io Gateway

Publishing Gateway REST Web Services



Verj.io Studio Dependencies

Verj.io Server Dependencies