Server Administration Application – Configuring Web Resource Access

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Introduction. 1


See also: Server Administration Application Home Page, Web Resource Access Configurations, Configuring Web Resources



The Web Resource Access section allows you to create and edit Access Configurations (configs) for Web Resources. It provides a list of configured paths and a layout of their respective configs and permissions.


Interface Overview

The initial interface, shown below, displays a table of paths and a summary of their configured permissions. The blue buttons to the left of the paths expand individual paths to show a detailed view and allow editing, while the red buttons remove all configs for a path. The paths are editable, and clicking the Save Configuration button will save all changes made.


Expanding a path shows the detailed view below, displaying each config specified for the path with editable values. The green plus buttons add another entry of that permission type to the config, and the red crosses remove an entry. A dropdown menu of available permission types allows entries of additional types to be added, and the hyperlinks remove and add configs for the path.




Access Configuration Example

This section gives a step by step example of creating a config for a path using the interface.


Step 1- Clicking the Add Path hyperlink creates a new path entry at the bottom of the table. The path field is editable and can be filled in. In this case we use the ‘$ws’ syntax as described here.


Step 2- Clicking the Add Config hyperlink creates a new config for the path. Selecting ‘Role’ from the dropdown adds an empty role entry to the config.


Step 3- Clicking the green plus button adds another empty role entry, and selecting the ‘Credential’ permission type from the dropdown adds an empty credential entry. These can be filled in with appropriate values, and all changes can be saved by clicking the ‘Save Config’ button. This credential will now restrict access to the ‘secret.txt’ Web Resource to users with Staff and Admin roles, and with a value of HR for the Department credential.