Customizing Error Pages

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The server contains a number of error pages which are presented to the end user when runtime errors occur. These pages are designed to be customized to meet the requirements of different customers. The pages are located within the top level directory of the web application – at userdata/apps/<appname>/webapp.


Since 5.10, the authentication, authorization and general error pages have been changed to .JSP files, with the href "<%=application.getContextPath()%>/" added in a base tag allowing relative paths to resolve correctly to the expected images and stylesheet. They will automatically replace the previous .HTM files when upgrading to 5.10 unless the web.xml file has been modified locally, in which case the web.xml will need to be manually changed in order to point at the new files.


File name

Displayed when...



Authentication error occurs: HTTP 401 error.

Applies only if authentication of new users is enabled and the user has not signed on prior to accessing the form.


Authorisation error occurs: HTTP 403 error.

Applies only if authentication of new users is enabled. This page appears when the end user does not have access to the requested resource.


A form failure is detected by the system e.g. form design error, external system not available etc., and a form on error event is not specified.

The html in this file will be included in an html page generated by the server. The file should not include <html>, <body> and <head> tags, or corresponding closing tags.


If the Production Mode server property is not checked, detailed error messages will additionally be displayed. Otherwise detailed error messages will not be displayed.


A catastrophic error has occurred e.g. system or application software failure.



The license has expired.



The license is invalid.

This can be caused by a number of factors e.g. :

1.      The underlying hardware on which the license is based has changed e.g. a MAC address.

2.      The license file has been modified.


The maximum number of runtime users allowed by the license has been exceeded and access has been denied.

See Help --> Licence to display the maximum number of runtime users configured in the license.


A timeout occurs part way through a form.

The timeout period (maximum time between receiving data from a client browser) is set using the Server Admin Application.


A request is received to display a page for a form which is no longer in memory. Probably, this is caused by the user clicking the browser back or forward button to a page that can no longer be displayed.


Click here for more details.

When back button support is enabled for a form, display of this page can be a normal situation and does not result in termination of the user’s application. The user can return to their working form by reversing their action – usually by clicking the browser forward button.


The JSP supplied with the system displays system text 614. This is a multi-lingual text that can be configured. For more complex changes, the JSP code can be changed.