Integration Server

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Introduction. 1

Integration Server Terms 1

Integration Server Architecture. 1

Publishing an Integration Service. 2

Getting Started with Integration Server 2

Error Handling and SOAP Faults 3


See also: Integration Services, Server Administration Application - Web Services, Publishing REST Web Services


Introduction Integration Server is a module that provides the ability to publish an Integration Service as a SOAP Web Service. This allows remote Web Service client applications to execute an Integration Service via a web service call. The Integration Service provides the ability to receive data, process an Integration Service and return a response using SOAP messaging. Both SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2 are supported.


Each Integration Service is published as a Web Service which provides a URL for remote client applications and also publishes the WSDL for the service.


From a designer’s perspective, an Integration Service is very similar to a standard form except that it contains no pages. An Integration Service supports one main event - an Integration Event - that is processed immediately when the Service is invoked. An On Error Event can also be configured to execute when an error occurs. An Integration Service has no user and runs in the background.


The Integration Server only supports request/response SOAP messaging. The style of the Web Service definition is document literal.

Integration Server Terms


Integration Server Architecture

The Integration Server operates as a servlet that accepts SOAP requests via HTTP. The SOAP Body populates the Integration Service fields and processes the integration event associated with the requested Web Service operation.  After the integration event has executed, a response SOAP message is returned to the calling client based on the response configured for the operation. Fields, tables and resources can be added to an Integration Service in the same way as with a form.



Each Integration Service can be created to publish one or more operations.


Publishing an Integration Service

An Integration Service is published automatically and no specific action is needed. If required, each published Web Service can be disabled or enabled using the Server Administration Application.

Getting Started with Integration Server

This section gives a brief outline of the steps to create an Integration Service. It is recommended to start the process from the Integration Service and create the Integration Resource from the service as described here, although this is not essential. (It is also possible to create an integration resource independently and then import the fields and tables into an integration service).


  1. Create a new Integration Service. A new service can be created from the designer menu by clicking New > SOAP Web Service > Integration Service.
  2. Add fields, tables and resources to the integration service.
  3. Map fields to resources (if applicable) e.g Database Resource, Email Resource etc…
  4. Create an Integration Script. Note that when working with tables you must call fetchtable <tablename> to populate a table from the integration request, or updatetable <tablename> to update the table contents after data has been added to the table to populate the integration response. Fields will be automatically populated from the integration request and to the integration response field mappings.
  5. Click the  icon on the Integration Service toolbar to start the Integration Resource Wizard. Follow the simple steps and use the wizard to create your request and response SOAP messages.
  6. After creating the resource from the wizard, check the request and response messages are as expected. Note that it is possible to change the XML Structure by using the Schema Editor.
  7. Test the Integration Service by clicking the  icon on the Web Service Configuration Panel toolbar.
  8. Verify that you can call the web service by invoking the WSDL from a web browser. Type in the URL http://<hostname>:<port>/ufs/integration/<web_service_name>?WSDL. If creating the service on your local machine, with a Web Service name of GET_CUSTOMERS, the URL may look like : http://localhost:3030/ufs/integration/GET_CUSTOMERS?WSDL


Error Handling and SOAP Faults

SOAP faults are generated automatically by the system when an Integration Service fails. Either a SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2 fault is generated, depending on the protocol used by the client.  See Integration Server Error Handling for additional information regarding Integration Server error handling.