Studio Dependency Report


Apache Commons Codec1.11Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Commons Collections3.2.2Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Commons IO2.6Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Commons Lang3.9Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Commons Logging1.1.1Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Derby10.14.2.0Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache HttpClient4.5.12Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache log4j2.17.1Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Velocity2.2Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache XMLBeans3.0.2Apache License, Version 2.0
Balloon tip1.2.4.1BSD
Barcode4J2.1Apache License, Version 2.0
Flying Saucer9-120131ebGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
ICU4J International Components for Unicode67.1Licence
itextpdf2.1.7GNU Lesser General Public License v2.0
Jackson2.11.3Apache License, Version 2.0
Jakarta Activation1.2.2Eclipse Distribution License - v 1.0
Java API for WebSocket1.1Common Development and Distribution License 1.1
Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB)2.3.3Common Development and Distribution License 1.0
Java Servlet3.0Common Development and Distribution License 1.0
Javassist3.27.0Apache License, Version 2.0
JDOM1.0Apache-style license
JFreeChart1.0.5GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
JGoodies Common1.8.1BSD
JGoodies FormLayout1.0.5BSD
JGoodies Looks2.5.3BSD
JIDE Common Layer3.7.5
JIDE Docking Framework3.7.5
jsass5.10.3MIT License
JSON in Java20200518MIT style license
Minimal JSON Library1.4.1Apache License, Version 2.0
MongoDB Java Driver3.5.0Apache License, Version 2.0
OpenJDK15_0_2GNU General Public License, version 2 with Classpath Exception
Rhino Javascript1.7.13_Ebase_21062021Licence
RSyntaxTextArea AutoComplete3.0.0BSD
RSyntaxTextArea LanguageSupport3.0.0BSD
SLF4j Simple Logging Facade1.7.28MIT License
StAX, The Streaming API for XML1.0.1Apache License, Version 2.0
TagSoup1.2.1Apache License, Version 2.0
Tyrus Standalone Client1.17Eclipse Public License - v 2.0
WSDL4J1.6.1Common Public License - v 1.0

Embedded Server

Apache Derby10.14.2.0Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Tomcat9.0.63Apache License, Version 2.0
Atomikos TransactionsEssentials5.0.8Apache License, Version 2.0
jadoZoom OleDB/ODBC JDBC driver
Java Message Service API1.1
Java Transaction API (JTA)1.1Sun Microsystems licence
jTDS SQLServer JDBC Driver1.3.1GNU Lesser General Public License v2.0
MariaDB Connector/J2.7.0GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
PostgreSQL JDBC Driver42.2.16PostgreSQL BSD License

Web application

Annotations spec License, Version 2.0
Apache Commons BeanUtils1.7.0Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Commons Codec1.11Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Commons Collections3.2.2Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Commons FileUpload1.4Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Commons IO2.6Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Commons Lang2.4Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Commons Logging1.1.1Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache CXF3.4.0Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache HttpClient4.5.12Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache log4j2.17.1Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Neethi3.1.1Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache Velocity2.2Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache WSS4J2.3.0Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache XML Security2.2.0Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache XMLBeans3.0.2Apache License, Version 2.0
Apache XMLSchema2.2.5Apache License, Version 2.0
Apple Push Notification Service1.0.0.Beta6BSD License
Barcode4J2.1Apache License, Version 2.0
DKIM for JavaMailApache License, Version 2.0
Ehcache2.4.2Apache License, Version 2.0
Flying Saucer9-120131ebGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
Google Guava19.0Apache License, Version 2.0
ICU4J International Components for Unicode67.1Licence
itextpdf2.1.7GNU Lesser General Public License v2.0
Jackson2.11.3Apache License, Version 2.0
Jakarta Activation1.2.2Eclipse Distribution License - v 1.0
Jakarta SOAP with Attachments (SAAJ)1.5.2Eclipse Distribution License - v 1.0
Jakarta SOAP with Attachments API (SAAJ)1.4.2BSD
Java API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS)2.3.1Common Development and Distribution License 1.1
Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB)2.3.3Common Development and Distribution License 1.0
java-ipv60.17Apache License, Version 2.0
JavaMail API1.6.5Eclipse Distribution License - v 1.0
JavaMelody1.86.0Apache License, Version 2.0
Javassist3.27.0Apache License, Version 2.0
Jaxen1.1.1eApache-style license
JCIP Annotations1.0Apache License, Version 2.0
JDOM1.0Apache-style license
JFreeChart1.0.5GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
jQuery3.3.1MIT License
JRobin1.5.9.1GNU Lesser General Public License v2.0
jsass5.10.3MIT License
JSON in Java20200518MIT style license
JSON Small and Fast Parser2.3Apache License, Version 2.0
jsoup1.13.1MIT License
Minimal JSON Library1.4.1Apache License, Version 2.0
MongoDB Java Driver3.5.0Apache License, Version 2.0
Nimbus JOSE + JWT8.20.1Apache License, Version 2.0
Rhino Javascript1.7.13_Ebase_21062021Licence
SLF4j Simple Logging Facade1.7.28MIT License
StAX, The Streaming API for XML1.0.1Apache License, Version 2.0
Stax-ex1.8.3Eclipse Distribution License - v 1.0
StAX2, The Streaming API for XML4.2.1Apache License, Version 2.0
Sun Multi-Schema XML Validator20060310BSD License
Swagger1.6.2Apache License, Version 2.0
TagSoup1.2.1Apache License, Version 2.0
TLS Channel0.6.1MIT License
Tyrus Standalone Client1.17Eclipse Public License - v 2.0
wkhtmltopdf0.12.5GNU Lesser General Public License v3
Woodstox StAX XML Processor6.2.1Apache License, Version 2.0
WSDL4J1.6.1Common Public License - v 1.0