Messages Programming

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What are messages? 1

Sending a message from an API based language script (Javascript) 1

Sending a message from an FPL script 3

Positioning of messages 4

Styling messages 4


See also:  Working with Texts, Message Options For Controls, Message Control



What are messages?

A message is a text which can be sent to the user using a script statement when certain conditions arise. The characteristics of messages are:



There are four types of message:


·         Error messages – typically these inform the user about an error that must be corrected

·         Warning messages – typically these inform the user that something might be wrong – the user has the option of continuing

·         Info messages – typically informs the user of a successful action

·         Final page messages – these are a legacy feature - a special type of message that is displayed on the optional Ebase final page



Sending a message from an API based language script (Javascript)

Error, warning and info messages can be issued at form, page or control level by invoking one of the addXxxMessage() or addXxxMessageText() methods shown below. (These methods are included in the MessageContainer interface which is implemented by form, page and all controls.)


These methods provide the option to stop processing, which stops all script execution immediately and re-displays the current page to the user so the message can be acted on. Alternatively processing can continue and this makes it possible to generate and display multiple messages in a single pass; when this option is selected, the script may subsequently need to use the EventContext.stopExecution() method to stop script processing after all messages have been issued (see example below). Unless otherwise specified, error messages have a default that processing should stop immediately, whereas warning and info messages default to continue processing.


The available methods are:


    // Add an error message string

    addErrorMessage(String message);

    addErrorMessage(String message, boolean stopProcessing);

    // Add a pre-configured error message text – supports variable substitution in the text and multi-lingual texts

    addErrorMessageText(Text text);

    addErrorMessageText(Text text, String[] replaceParameters);

    addErrorMessageText (Text text, String[] replaceParameters, boolean stopProcessing);

    // Add a warning message string

    addWarningMessage(String message);

    addWarningMessage(String message, boolean stopProcessing);

    // Add a pre-configured warning message text – supports variable substitution in the text and multi-lingual texts

    addWarningMessage(Text text);

    addWarningMessage(Text text, String[] replaceParameters);

    addWarningMessage(Text text, String[] replaceParameters, boolean stopProcessing);

    // Add an info message string

    addInfoMessage(String message);

    addInfoMessage(String message, boolean stopProcessing);

    // Add a pre-configured info message text – supports variable substitution in the text and multi-lingual texts

    addInfoMessage(Text text);

    addInfoMessage(Text text, String[] replaceParameters);

    addInfoMessage(Text text, String[] replaceParameters, boolean stopProcessing);



Many of these methods accept a Text object as a parameter. All the available Text objects within a form or component are accessible via the texts variable and the code-assist feature within the Javascript editor can be used to present a list of available texts (see examples below).


The methods that support a Text object parameter give the ability to substitute variables into the message text. For example, if text Msg25 contains text:

"You cannot order && with &&"

and a script contains statement:

           addErrorMessageText(texts.Msg25, [fields.EXTRA_ORDER_ITEM1.value, fields.MAIN_ORDER_ITEM.value]);

then the user will get a message something like :

            "You cannot order ketchup with caviar"


Messages can be added to an individual control or page by invoking a method on that specific Control or Page object. But it’s often more convenient to add the message to the Control or Page that owns the current event – for example a button click event is owned by a Button Control etc. This is achieved like this:


event.owner.addErrorMessage("something has gone wrong");




// simple error message

event.owner.addErrorMessage("Please supply a reference code");

// simple info message

event.owner.addErrorMessage("Profile updated successfully");


// numbered message with substitution

// might be displayed as… “Order type CREDIT is invalid for customer type PUBLIC”

event.owner.addErrorMessageText(texts.Msg100, [fields.ORDER_TYPE.value, fields.CUSTOMER_TYPE.value]);


// multiple messages added to an explicit control – need to stop processing when done

controls.FIELDCONTROL1.addErrorMessage("First error message", false);

controls.FIELDCONTROL1.addErrorMessage("Second error message", false);

controls.FIELDCONTROL1.addWarningMessage("First warning message", false);




Sending a message from an FPL script

The script command to send a message is either:


message type, textid [,parm1, parm2, parm3 ......]     (this is a standard format message)


or simply...


message 'text'                                                                                   (this is a simple format message)


The type can be set as:


E    error message

W   warning message

I     info message

F    information message to be displayed on the final page


Each message is attached to the owning form element e.g. messages issued from control events are attached to the control etc. The message is displayed when the page is next displayed.


·         error messages cause event processing to stop immediately, and a re-display of the page to the user with the error message. The user must correct the error to proceed. Error messages cannot be issued from form level events.

·         warning messages do not cause form processing to stop but will stop the user from paging forwards using a Next Page Button – the intention being that the message must be seen by the user. Warning messages cannot be issued from form level events.

·         info messages do not cause form processing to stop. Info messages cannot be issued from form level events.

·         final page messages will be displayed on the Ebase final page that is displayed after form processing has completed. They normally contain information about what the form has done and feedback information on numbers of records created, e.g. order numbers, etc. Final page messages can be issued at any time during form processing and are accumulated for display on the form's final page.


The simple syntax is a shortcut for issuing an error message. This syntax does not provide support for multiple languages, substitution of form field variables into the message, or warning or final messages.


All three types of message allow form field values to be substituted into the message text. For example, if text Msg25 contains:


"You cannot order && with &&"


and field EXTRA_ORDER_ITEM1 has value ketchup and field MAIN_ORDER_ITEM has value caviar


and a script contains command :


            message E, Msg25, EXTRA_ORDER_ITEM1, MAIN_ORDER_ITEM;


then the user will get a message saying :


            "You cannot order ketchup with caviar"


Positioning of messages

The position of a message depends on the settings in the Message control properties for the control to which the message is attached; for page messages (issued from page-level events) this is the root Page Control. There are basically two options:



Styling messages

·         Control messages (issued from control-level events) are attached to the owning control.

·         Page messages (issued from page-level events) are attached to the Page Control – this is the root control for each page.

·         Form messages are treated the same as page messages on the current page and are attached to the Page Control for that page.


Messages can be displayed either locally to the owning control or at another location on the same page represented by a Message Control. This choice is configured in the Message options property for each control – click here for further details. Local messaging means that the message will be displayed adjacent to (usually above) the control to which it relates. Message Controls provide the ability to display all messages for a page in a single area, or to group messages for logical areas of a page.


Messages are styled for local messages by configuring Message control properties, and for Message Controls by configuring properties of the Message Control.  


A page is scrolled automatically to ensure that error, warning and info messages are visible to the user.