Interface MessageContainer

All Known Subinterfaces:
ArticleControl, AsideControl, BarcodeControl, BasicBlockControl, BootstrapColumnControl, BootstrapContainerControl, BootstrapRowControl, ButtonColumnControl, ButtonControl, CanvasControl, ContainerControl, Control, DynamicMenuItemControl, EbaseButtonControlProperties, FieldColumnControl, FieldControl, FileUploadControl, FileUploadTextControl, FinishButtonControl, FooterControl, GridCellControl, GridControl, GroupAndPagePanelProperties, GroupPanelControl, HeaderControl, HeadingControl, HorizontalLineControl, HorizontalMenuControl, HTMLControl, HyperlinkControl, ImageColumnControl, ImageControl, IncludeControl, InitiateUploadControl, LayoutControl, ListControl, ListHyperlinkControl, ListItemControl, ListPanelControl, ListTextControl, MainControl, MenuControl, MenuItemControl, MessageControl, NavControl, NextPageButtonControl, Page, PageBreakControl, PageControl, PageNavigationPanel, PagePanelControl, PanelControl, PrevPageButtonControl, RepeatingTableControl, RepeatingTableListControl, RepeatingTableListRowControl, RepeatingTableRowControl, RestoreButtonControl, SaveButtonControl, SectionControl, SpacerControl, StaticMenuItemControl, TabControl, TableControl, TablePageControl, TabSetControl, TextControl, TitlePanelControl, VerticalMenuControl, WebForm, WebFormEventOwner

public interface MessageContainer
The MessageContainer represents any element (a Control or Page) that supports the addition of error and warning messages.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void addErrorMessage​(int messageNo)
    From V5.0 use addErrorMessageText(Text) instead
    void addErrorMessage​(int messageNo, java.lang.String[] replaceParameters)
    void addErrorMessage​(int messageNo, java.lang.String[] replaceParameters, boolean stopProcessing)
    void addErrorMessage​(java.lang.String message)
    Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user.
    void addErrorMessage​(java.lang.String message, boolean stopProcessing)
    Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user.
    void addErrorMessageText​(Text text)
    Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text.
    void addErrorMessageText​(Text text, java.lang.String[] replaceParameters)
    Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text.
    void addErrorMessageText​(Text text, java.lang.String[] replaceParameters, boolean stopProcessing)
    Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text.
    void addInfoMessage​(java.lang.String message)
    Adds an information message that will be displayed to the user.
    void addInfoMessage​(java.lang.String message, boolean stopProcessing)
    Adds an information message that will be displayed to the user.
    void addInfoMessageText​(Text text)
    Adds an info message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text.
    void addInfoMessageText​(Text text, java.lang.String[] replaceParameters)
    Adds an info message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text.
    void addInfoMessageText​(Text text, java.lang.String[] replaceParameters, boolean stopProcessing)
    Adds an info message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text.
    void addWarningMessage​(int messageNo)
    From V5.0 use addWarningMessageText(Text) instead
    void addWarningMessage​(int messageNo, java.lang.String[] replaceParameters)
    void addWarningMessage​(int messageNo, java.lang.String[] replaceParameters, boolean stopProcessing)
    void addWarningMessage​(java.lang.String message)
    Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user Messages are removed automatically by the system once they have been displayed to the user.
    void addWarningMessage​(java.lang.String message, boolean stopProcessing)
    Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user.
    void addWarningMessageText​(Text text)
    Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text.
    void addWarningMessageText​(Text text, java.lang.String[] replaceParameters)
    Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text.
    void addWarningMessageText​(Text text, java.lang.String[] replaceParameters, boolean stopProcessing)
    Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text.
    boolean existErrorMessages()
    Returns true if undisplayed error messages exist for this element, otherwise returns false.
    boolean existInfoMessages()
    Returns true if undisplayed info messages exist for this element, otherwise returns false.
    boolean existMessages()
    Returns true if undisplayed info, warning or error messages exist for this element, otherwise returns false.
    boolean existWarningMessages()
    Returns true if undisplayed warning messages exist for this element, otherwise returns false.
  • Method Details

    • addErrorMessage

      void addErrorMessage​(java.lang.String message)
      Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user. Messages are removed automatically by the system once they have been displayed to the user.

      This method is equivalent to addErrorMessage(message, true).

      All processing for the current event is stopped immediately and the page is redisplayed to the user so the error can be corrected.

      Messages can be displayed either locally to the message owner (a control or page) or at another location on the same page represented by a Message Control. For further information on the location and styling of messages, please see the online documentation available from the Help menu, search on message options, then follow the link to Message Options For Controls.

      Javascript example:

       event.owner.addErrorMessage("Please supply a valid reference code");
      message - the message to be added
      See Also:
      addErrorMessage(String, boolean), existErrorMessages()
    • addErrorMessage

      void addErrorMessage​(java.lang.String message, boolean stopProcessing)
      Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user. Messages are removed automatically by the system once they have been displayed to the user.

      When stopProcessing is true, all processing for the current event is stopped immediately and the page is redisplayed to the user so the error can be corrected. When stopProcessing is false, processing continues normally, except that the user is prevented from navigating forwards to another page using a Next Page Button Control or the next page button within a Page Navigation Panel Control. Note that the same restriction does not apply when navigating to another page using other methods e.g. the WebForm.gotoPage(Page) method.

      Set stopProcessing to false when there is a requirement to display multiple error messages on a page. EventContext.stopExecution() can then be used at a later point to stop processing and display the messages to the user.

      Messages can be displayed either locally to the message owner (a control or page) or at another location on the same page represented by a Message Control. For further information on the location and styling of messages, please see the online documentation available from the Help menu, search on message options, then follow the link to Message Options For Controls.

      Javascript example:

       event.owner.addErrorMessage("Please supply a valid reference code", false);
      message - the message to be added
      stopProcessing - when true, immediately stops processing for the current event
      See Also:
      existErrorMessages(), EventContext.stopExecution()
    • addErrorMessage

      @Deprecated void addErrorMessage​(int messageNo, java.lang.String[] replaceParameters) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user. This method supports the addition of a pre-defined message that supports multiple languages and the substitution of variables. Messages are removed automatically by the system once they have been displayed to the user.

      This method is equivalent to addErrorMessage(messageNo, replaceParameters, true).

      A message is added using its message number. Numbered messages are defined within each project using the Messages Editor - double click on the Messages element within each project in the designer tree. Within each message, a substitutable variable is identified by &&. Any substitutable variables in the message are replaced with values in the replaceParameters parameter (see example below).

      All processing for the current event is stopped immediately and the page is redisplayed to the user so the error can be corrected.

      Messages can be displayed either locally to the message owner (a control or page) or at another location on the same page represented by a Message Control. For further information on the location and styling of messages, please see the online documentation available from the Help menu, search on message options, then follow the link to Message Options For Controls.

      Javascript example:

       event.owner.addErrorMessage(1006, [fields.ORDER_TYPE.value, fields.CUSTOMER_TYPE.value]);
      If message 1006 in language EN contains text:
      Order type && is invalid for customer type &&
      this might be displayed as:
      Order type CREDIT is invalid for customer type PUBLIC
      messageNo - the message number to be added
      replaceParameters - an array of values to replace any substitutable parameters in the message defined as &&
      See Also:
      addErrorMessage(String), existErrorMessages()
    • addErrorMessage

      @Deprecated void addErrorMessage​(int messageNo) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      From V5.0 use addErrorMessageText(Text) instead
      Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user. This method is equivalent to addErrorMessage(messageNo, null).
      messageNo - the message number to be added
      See Also:
    • addErrorMessage

      @Deprecated void addErrorMessage​(int messageNo, java.lang.String[] replaceParameters, boolean stopProcessing) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user. This method supports the addition of a pre-defined message that supports multiple languages and the substitution of variables. Messages are removed automatically by the system once they have been displayed to the user.

      A message is added using its message number. Numbered messages are defined within each project using the Messages Editor - double click on the Messages element within each project in the designer tree. Within each message, a substitutable variable is identified by &&. Any substitutable variables in the message are replaced with values in the replaceParameters parameter (see example below).

      When stopProcessing is true, all processing for the current event is stopped immediately and the page is redisplayed to the user so the error can be corrected. When stopProcessing is false, processing continues normally, except that the user is prevented from navigating forwards to another page using a Next Page Button Control or the next page button within a Page Navigation Panel Control. Note that the same restriction does not apply when navigating to another page using other methods e.g. the WebForm.gotoPage(Page) method.

      Set stopProcessing to false when there is a requirement to display multiple error messages on a page. EventContext.stopExecution() can then be used at a later point to stop processing and display the messages to the user.

      Messages can be displayed either locally to the message owner (a control or page) or at another location on the same page represented by a Message Control. For further information on the location and styling of messages, please see the online documentation available from the Help menu, search on message options, then follow the link to Message Options For Controls.

      Javascript example:

       event.owner.addErrorMessage(1006, [fields.ORDER_TYPE.value, fields.CUSTOMER_TYPE.value], false);
      If message 1006 in language EN contains text:
      Order type && is invalid for customer type &&
      this might be displayed as:
      Order type CREDIT is invalid for customer type PUBLIC
      messageNo - the message number to be added
      replaceParameters - an array of values to replace any substitutable parameters in the message defined as &&
      stopProcessing - when true, immediately stops processing for the current event
      See Also:
      addErrorMessage(String), existErrorMessages(), EventContext.stopExecution()
    • addErrorMessageText

      void addErrorMessageText​(Text text) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text. This method is equivalent to addErrorMessageText(text, null).
      text - the text to be added as a message, texts can be defined in form/component texts or in linked texts files
      See Also:
    • addErrorMessageText

      void addErrorMessageText​(Text text, java.lang.String[] replaceParameters) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text. This method supports the addition of a message from a configured text and supports multiple languages and the substitution of variables. Messages are removed automatically by the system once they have been displayed to the user.

      This method is equivalent to addErrorMessageText(text, replaceParameters, true).

      Any accessible text can be displayed as a message; this includes local texts defined using the form/component text editor and linked texts which exist in linked texts files. Within each text, a substitutable variable is identified by &&. Any substitutable variables in the text are replaced with values in the replaceParameters parameter (see example below).

      All processing for the current event is stopped immediately and the page is redisplayed to the user so the error can be corrected.

      Messages can be displayed either locally to the message owner (a control or page) or at another location on the same page represented by a Message Control. For further information on the location and styling of messages, please see the online documentation available from the Help menu, search on message options, then follow the link to Message Options For Controls.

      Javascript example:

       event.owner.addErrorMessageText(texts.Txt29, [fields.ORDER_TYPE.value, fields.CUSTOMER_TYPE.value]);
      If text Txt29 in language EN contains text:
      Order type && is invalid for customer type &&
      this might be displayed as:
      Order type CREDIT is invalid for customer type PUBLIC
      text - the text to be added as a message, texts can be defined in form/component texts or in linked texts files
      replaceParameters - an array of values to replace any substitutable parameters in the text defined as &&
      See Also:
      addErrorMessage(String), existErrorMessages()
    • addErrorMessageText

      void addErrorMessageText​(Text text, java.lang.String[] replaceParameters, boolean stopProcessing) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Adds an error message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text. This method supports the addition of a message from a configured text and supports multiple languages and the substitution of variables. Messages are removed automatically by the system once they have been displayed to the user.

      Any accessible text can be displayed as a message; this includes local texts defined using the form/component text editor and linked texts which exist in linked texts files. Within each text, a substitutable variable is identified by &&. Any substitutable variables in the text are replaced with values in the replaceParameters parameter (see example below).

      When stopProcessing is true, all processing for the current event is stopped immediately and the page is redisplayed to the user so the error can be corrected. When stopProcessing is false, processing continues normally, except that the user is prevented from navigating forwards to another page using a Next Page Button Control or the next page button within a Page Navigation Panel Control. Note that the same restriction does not apply when navigating to another page using other methods e.g. the WebForm.gotoPage(Page) method.

      Set stopProcessing to false when there is a requirement to display multiple error messages on a page. EventContext.stopExecution() can then be used at a later point to stop processing and display the messages to the user.

      Messages can be displayed either locally to the message owner (a control or page) or at another location on the same page represented by a Message Control. For further information on the location and styling of messages, please see the online documentation available from the Help menu, search on message options, then follow the link to Message Options For Controls.

      Javascript example:

       event.owner.addErrorMessageText(texts.Txt29, [fields.ORDER_TYPE.value, fields.CUSTOMER_TYPE.value], false);
      If text Txt29 in language EN contains text:
      Order type && is invalid for customer type &&
      this might be displayed as:
      Order type CREDIT is invalid for customer type PUBLIC
      text - the text to be added as a message, texts can be defined in form/component texts or in linked texts files
      replaceParameters - an array of values to replace any substitutable parameters in the message defined as &&
      stopProcessing - when true, immediately stops processing for the current event
      See Also:
      addErrorMessage(String), existErrorMessages(), EventContext.stopExecution()
    • addWarningMessage

      void addWarningMessage​(java.lang.String message)
      Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user Messages are removed automatically by the system once they have been displayed to the user.

      This method is equivalent to addWarningMessage(message, false).

      When a warning or error message exists on a page, the user is prevented from navigating forwards to another page using a Next Page Button Control or the next page button within a Page Navigation Panel Control. Note that the same restriction does not apply when navigating to another page using other methods e.g. the WebForm.gotoPage(Page) method.

      Messages can be displayed either locally to the message owner (a control or page) or at another location on the same page represented by a Message Control. For further information on the location and styling of messages, please see the online documentation available from the Help menu, search on message options, then follow the link to Message Options For Controls.

      Javascript example:

       event.owner.addWarningMessage("Extra charges apply for this service");
      message - the message to be added
      See Also:
      addWarningMessage(String, boolean), existWarningMessages()
    • addWarningMessage

      void addWarningMessage​(java.lang.String message, boolean stopProcessing)
      Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user. Messages are removed automatically by the system once they have been displayed to the user.

      When a warning or error message exists on a page, the user is prevented from navigating forwards to another page using a Next Page Button Control or the next page button within a Page Navigation Panel Control. Note that the same restriction does not apply when navigating to another page using other methods e.g. the WebForm.gotoPage(Page) method.

      When stopProcessing is true, all processing for the current event is stopped immediately and the page is redisplayed to the user.

      Messages can be displayed either locally to the message owner (a control or page) or at another location on the same page represented by a Message Control. For further information on the location and styling of messages, please see the online documentation available from the Help menu, search on message options, then follow the link to Message Options For Controls.

      Javascript example:

       event.owner.addWarningMessage("Extra charges apply for this service", false);
      message - the message to be added
      stopProcessing - when true, immediately stops processing for the current event
      See Also:
    • addWarningMessage

      @Deprecated void addWarningMessage​(int messageNo) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      From V5.0 use addWarningMessageText(Text) instead
      Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user. This method is equivalent to addWarningMessage(messageNo, null).
      messageNo - the message number to be added
      See Also:
    • addWarningMessage

      @Deprecated void addWarningMessage​(int messageNo, java.lang.String[] replaceParameters) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user. This method supports the addition of a pre-defined message that supports multiple languages and the substitution of variables. Messages are removed automatically by the system once they have been displayed to the user.

      This method is equivalent to addWarningMessage(messageNo, replaceParameters, false).

      A message is added using its message number. Numbered messages are defined within each project using the Messages Editor - double click on the Messages element within each project in the designer tree. Within each message, a substitutable variable is identified by &&. Any substitutable variables in the message are replaced with values in the replaceParameters parameter (see example below).

      When a warning or error message exists on a page, the user is prevented from navigating forwards to another page using a Next Page Button Control or the next page button within a Page Navigation Panel Control. Note that the same restriction does not apply when navigating to another page using other methods e.g. the WebForm.gotoPage(Page) method.

      Messages can be displayed either locally to the message owner (a control or page) or at another location on the same page represented by a Message Control. For further information on the location and styling of messages, please see the online documentation available from the Help menu, search on message options, then follow the link to Message Options For Controls.

      Javascript example:

       event.owner.addWarningMessage(1006, [fields.ORDER_TYPE.value, fields.CUSTOMER_TYPE.value]);
      If message 1006 in language EN contains text:
      An additional charge of && applies to this service
      this might be displayed as:
      An additional charge of $100.00 applies to this service
      messageNo - the message number to be added
      replaceParameters - an array of values to replace any substitutable parameters in the message defined as &&
      See Also:
      addWarningMessage(String), existWarningMessages()
    • addWarningMessage

      @Deprecated void addWarningMessage​(int messageNo, java.lang.String[] replaceParameters, boolean stopProcessing) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user. This method supports the addition of a pre-defined message that supports multiple languages and the substitution of variables. Messages are removed automatically by the system once they have been displayed to the user.

      A message is added using its message number. Numbered messages are defined within each project using the Messages Editor - double click on the Messages element within each project in the designer tree. Within each message, a substitutable variable is identified by &&. Any substitutable variables in the message are replaced with values in the replaceParameters parameter (see example below).

      When a warning or error message exists on a page, the user is prevented from navigating forwards to another page using a Next Page Button Control or the next page button within a Page Navigation Panel Control. Note that the same restriction does not apply when navigating to another page using other methods e.g. the WebForm.gotoPage(Page) method.

      When stopProcessing is true, all processing for the current event is stopped immediately and the page is redisplayed to the user.

      Messages can be displayed either locally to the message owner (a control or page) or at another location on the same page represented by a Message Control. For further information on the location and styling of messages, please see the online documentation available from the Help menu, search on message options, then follow the link to Message Options For Controls.

      Javascript example:

       event.owner.addWarningMessage(1006, [fields.ORDER_TYPE.value, fields.CUSTOMER_TYPE.value], false);
      If message 1006 in language EN contains text:
      An additional charge of && applies to this service
      this might be displayed as:
      An additional charge of $100.00 applies to this service
      messageNo - the message number to be added
      replaceParameters - an array of values to replace any substitutable parameters in the message defined as &&
      stopProcessing - when true, immediately stops processing for the current event
      See Also:
      addWarningMessage(String), existWarningMessages()
    • addWarningMessageText

      void addWarningMessageText​(Text text) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text. This method is equivalent to addWarningMessageText(text, null).
      text - the text to be added as a message, texts can be defined in form/component texts or in linked texts files
      See Also:
    • addWarningMessageText

      void addWarningMessageText​(Text text, java.lang.String[] replaceParameters) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text. This method supports the addition of a message from a configured text and supports multiple languages and the substitution of variables. Messages are removed automatically by the system once they have been displayed to the user.

      This method is equivalent to addWarningMessageText(text, replaceParameters, true).

      Any accessible text can be displayed as a message; this includes local texts defined using the form/component text editor and linked texts which exist in linked texts files. Within each text, a substitutable variable is identified by &&. Any substitutable variables in the text are replaced with values in the replaceParameters parameter (see example below).

      When a warning or error message exists on a page, the user is prevented from navigating forwards to another page using a Next Page Button Control or the next page button within a Page Navigation Panel Control. Note that the same restriction does not apply when navigating to another page using other methods e.g. the WebForm.gotoPage(Page) method.

      Messages can be displayed either locally to the message owner (a control or page) or at another location on the same page represented by a Message Control. For further information on the location and styling of messages, please see the online documentation available from the Help menu, search on message options, then follow the link to Message Options For Controls.

      Javascript example:

       event.owner.addWarningMessageText(texts.Txt29, [fields.ORDER_TYPE.value, fields.CUSTOMER_TYPE.value]);
      If text Txt29 in language EN contains text:
      An additional charge of && applies to this service
      this might be displayed as:
      An additional charge of $100.00 applies to this service
      text - the text to be added as a message, texts can be defined in form/component texts or in linked texts files
      replaceParameters - an array of values to replace any substitutable parameters in the message defined as &&
      See Also:
      addWarningMessage(String), addWarningMessageText(Text, String[], boolean), existWarningMessages()
    • addWarningMessageText

      void addWarningMessageText​(Text text, java.lang.String[] replaceParameters, boolean stopProcessing) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Adds a warning message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text. This method supports the addition of a message from a configured text and supports multiple languages and the substitution of variables. Messages are removed automatically by the system once they have been displayed to the user.

      Any accessible text can be displayed as a message; this includes local texts defined using the form/component text editor and linked texts which exist in linked texts files. Within each text, a substitutable variable is identified by &&. Any substitutable variables in the text are replaced with values in the replaceParameters parameter (see example below).

      When a warning or error message exists on a page, the user is prevented from navigating forwards to another page using a Next Page Button Control or the next page button within a Page Navigation Panel Control. Note that the same restriction does not apply when navigating to another page using other methods e.g. the WebForm.gotoPage(Page) method.

      When stopProcessing is true, all processing for the current event is stopped immediately and the page is redisplayed to the user.

      Messages can be displayed either locally to the message owner (a control or page) or at another location on the same page represented by a Message Control. For further information on the location and styling of messages, please see the online documentation available from the Help menu, search on message options, then follow the link to Message Options For Controls.

      Javascript example:

       event.owner.addWarningMessageText(texts.Txt29, [fields.ORDER_TYPE.value, fields.CUSTOMER_TYPE.value], false);
      If text Txt29 in language EN contains text:
      An additional charge of && applies to this service
      this might be displayed as:
      An additional charge of $100.00 applies to this service
      text - the text to be added as a message, texts can be defined in form/component texts or in linked texts files
      replaceParameters - an array of values to replace any substitutable parameters in the message defined as &&
      stopProcessing - when true, immediately stops processing for the current event
      See Also:
      addWarningMessage(String), existWarningMessages()
    • addInfoMessage

      void addInfoMessage​(java.lang.String message)
      Adds an information message that will be displayed to the user. Messages are removed automatically by the system once they have been displayed to the user.

      Messages can be displayed either locally to the message owner (a control or page) or at another location on the same page represented by a Message Control. For further information on the location and styling of messages, please see the online documentation available from the Help menu, search on message options, then follow the link to Message Options For Controls.

      Javascript example:

       event.owner.addInfoMessage("The document has been updated");
      message - the message to be added
      See Also:
      addInfoMessage(String, boolean), existInfoMessages()
    • addInfoMessage

      void addInfoMessage​(java.lang.String message, boolean stopProcessing)
      Adds an information message that will be displayed to the user. Messages are removed automatically by the system once they have been displayed to the user.

      When stopProcessing is true, all processing for the current event is stopped immediately and the page is redisplayed to the user. When stopProcessing is false, processing continues normally.

      Messages can be displayed either locally to the message owner (a control or page) or at another location on the same page represented by a Message Control. For further information on the location and styling of messages, please see the online documentation available from the Help menu, search on message options, then follow the link to Message Options For Controls.

      Javascript example:

       event.owner.addInfoMessage("Account saved", true);
      message - the message to be added
      stopProcessing - when true, immediately stops processing for the current event
      See Also:
      existInfoMessages(), EventContext.stopExecution()
    • addInfoMessageText

      void addInfoMessageText​(Text text) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Adds an info message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text. This method is equivalent to addInfoMessageText(text, null).
      text - the text to be added as a message, texts can be defined in form/component texts or in linked texts files
      See Also:
    • addInfoMessageText

      void addInfoMessageText​(Text text, java.lang.String[] replaceParameters) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Adds an info message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text. This method supports the addition of a message from a configured text and supports multiple languages and the substitution of variables. Messages are removed automatically by the system once they have been displayed to the user.

      This method is equivalent to addInfoMessageText(text, replaceParameters, true).

      Any accessible text can be displayed as a message; this includes local texts defined using the form/component text editor and linked texts which exist in linked texts files. Within each text, a substitutable variable is identified by &&. Any substitutable variables in the text are replaced with values in the replaceParameters parameter (see example below).

      Messages can be displayed either locally to the message owner (a control or page) or at another location on the same page represented by a Message Control. For further information on the location and styling of messages, please see the online documentation available from the Help menu, search on message options, then follow the link to Message Options For Controls.

      Javascript example:

       event.owner.addInfoMessageText(texts.Txt29, [fields.ORDER_TYPE.value, fields.CUSTOMER_TYPE.value]);
      If text Txt29 in language EN contains text:
      Order && updated for customer &&
      this might be displayed as:
      Order 1234567 updated for customer Acme Enterprises
      text - the text to be added as a message, texts can be defined in form/component texts or in linked texts files
      replaceParameters - an array of values to replace any substitutable parameters in the text defined as &&
      See Also:
      addInfoMessage(String), existInfoMessages()
    • addInfoMessageText

      void addInfoMessageText​(Text text, java.lang.String[] replaceParameters, boolean stopProcessing) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Adds an info message that will be displayed to the user, sourced from an existing text. This method supports the addition of a message from a configured text and supports multiple languages and the substitution of variables. Messages are removed automatically by the system once they have been displayed to the user.

      Any accessible text can be displayed as a message; this includes local texts defined using the form/component text editor and linked texts which exist in linked texts files. Within each text, a substitutable variable is identified by &&. Any substitutable variables in the text are replaced with values in the replaceParameters parameter (see example below).

      When stopProcessing is true, all processing for the current event is stopped immediately and the page is redisplayed to the user. When stopProcessing is false, processing continues normally.

      Messages can be displayed either locally to the message owner (a control or page) or at another location on the same page represented by a Message Control. For further information on the location and styling of messages, please see the online documentation available from the Help menu, search on message options, then follow the link to Message Options For Controls.

      Javascript example:

       event.owner.addInfoMessageText(texts.Txt29, [fields.ORDER_TYPE.value, fields.CUSTOMER_TYPE.value], true);
      If text Txt29 in language EN contains text:
      Order && updated for customer &&
      this might be displayed as:
      Order 1234567 updated for customer Acme Enterprises
      text - the text to be added as a message, texts can be defined in form/component texts or in linked texts files
      replaceParameters - an array of values to replace any substitutable parameters in the message defined as &&
      stopProcessing - when true, immediately stops processing for the current event
      See Also:
      addInfoMessage(String), existInfoMessages(), EventContext.stopExecution()
    • existErrorMessages

      boolean existErrorMessages()
      Returns true if undisplayed error messages exist for this element, otherwise returns false. Undisplayed error messages will be displayed when the page is next presented to the user.
    • existWarningMessages

      boolean existWarningMessages()
      Returns true if undisplayed warning messages exist for this element, otherwise returns false. Undisplayed warning messages will be displayed when the page is next presented to the user.
    • existInfoMessages

      boolean existInfoMessages()
      Returns true if undisplayed info messages exist for this element, otherwise returns false. Undisplayed info messages will be displayed when the page is next presented to the user.
    • existMessages

      boolean existMessages()
      Returns true if undisplayed info, warning or error messages exist for this element, otherwise returns false. Undisplayed messages will be displayed when the page is next presented to the user.