Table Page Control


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Description. 1

Properties 1

Right Click Menu Actions 1

Appearance in Outline View. 2


See also: Controls, Layouts


A Table Page Control represents a horizontal page of table data and can only be added as a child of a Table Control. When a Table Control contains more than one Table Page Controls, horizontal scrolling is automatically activated. A Table Page Control acts as a container for column controls: Table Column Control, Button Column Control and Image Column Control. Figure 1 shows a Table Control with two Table Page Controls; it also shows fixed columns which are always shown on all horizontal pages. See horizontal scrolling for further details.




See also control common properties and local/inherited control properties.


Table Page Controls do not have any additional properties.



Right Click Menu Actions

Click here for right-click menu actions available to all controls.


Table Page Control right click menu actions:


Appearance in Outline View

See Figure 1.