Include Control


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Description. 1

Properties 1

Html Element Properties Tab. 1

Include Control tab. 1

Right Click Menu Actions 1

Appearance in Outline View. 2


See also: Surrounding JSPs, Controls, Layouts


An Include Control represents an external JSP or HTML file that can be inserted into the generated page output at the location represented by the control. A JSP or HTML file can be selected from within the workspace or within the web application file system on the server - see Web Resource Files for more details. This is very similar to the four surrounding JSPs that can be placed around a form page, but extends this facility by allowing a JSP/HTML page to be included at any location.


In the WYSIWYG View, an Include Control is shown with an anchor icon as shown below – the system does not attempt to display the include file content. Therefore in this instance, there is a difference between the appearance of the page in the WYSIWYG View and as rendered by a browser.




See also control common properties and local/inherited control properties.


Html Element Properties Tab

This allows you to add element properties to the root element of the Control – see Html Element Properties for more information.


Include Control tab







File location

The URL of the JSP/HTML. A JSP or HTML file can be selected from within the workspace or within the web application file system on the server. See Web Resource Files for more details.





Static content

Indicates whether the JSP/HTML file represented by this control should be refreshed when Ajax communication is enabled and a page is redisplayed  e.g. when an event such as a button click, hyperlink or field immediate validation results in the same page being redisplayed. Note that JSP/HTML files are always refreshed when moving to a different page or when Ajax communication is disabled.






1 See accessing control properties from scripts


Right Click Menu Actions

Click here for right-click menu actions available to all controls.

There are no specific right click actions for this control.


Appearance in Outline View

An Include Control is shown with the control name in brackets:

