Working with Integration Resources

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What is an Integration Resource? 1

Creating an Integration Resource. 2

Mappings between Integration Service and Resource. 3

Supported Adapters 3


See also: Integration Server, Integration Services, Integration Resource Wizard, Working with XML Resources


What is an Integration Resource?

An Integration Resource is an extension to an XML Resource. See working with XML Resources for more information.


An Integration Resource works in the reverse way to the XML Resource. The Integration Server accepts incoming requests and acts as a Server, whereas the XML Resource acts as a client. The Integration Server request document is the incoming message invoked by an external client and the Integration Server response document is the outgoing message sent back to the external client.


An Integration Resource must have at least one Integration Adapter to qualify as an Integration Resource. An Integration resource also supports other XML adapters (See Integration Adapters section). An Integration Resource configures the Web Service operations published from an Integration Service. An Integration Resource can configure multiple operations (Integration Adapters). Each Operation is equivalent to one web service operation. Ebase recommends creating one Integration Resource per operation.


An Integration Resource requires the following components:


         Request Document

         Response Document

         At least one Integration Adapter (this represents a web service operation)

         A Schema representing the Request and Response documents

         An Operation Name (name used to identify operation name for the adapter), this name cannot be empty as it is used as an identifier for the web service operation


An Integration Resource supports header documents for request and response SOAP documents. Header documents are optional and can be left blank if no headers are required in the request or response document. For additional information regarding headers within SOAP documents see SOAP 1.1 SOAP Header:


         Request Headers – Any number of header documents can be added to the incoming request document.

         Response Headers – Any number of header documents can be added to the outgoing request document.


If an Integration Resource does not contain an Integration Adapter and is added to an Integration Service, it will not publish the web service.


An Integration Resource can be created manually as described below, though usually it will be created using the Integration Resource Wizard supplied with the Integration Service editor. 

Creating an Integration Resource

An Integration Resource can be created by right clicking in the studio tree and selecting New > Integration Service > Integration Resource.




An Integration Resource is similar to an XML Resource and allows the user to configure the following:


         Schemas: Schemas are associated to the Documents used within the resource

         Documents: Documents are associated with the Adapter Documents

         Adapters: The default adapter is the Integration Adapter. Other adapters are supported, see Adapters.

         Namespaces: The namespaces associated to the Schema/Documents

         Fields and Table source fields: The source fields used for mapping data into and out of a Integration Resource.


Mappings between Integration Service and Resource

It is not necessary to call the Integration Resource from an Integration Script. The mapped service fields will automatically be updated when an incoming web service operation is invoked. When the Integration Script has finished processing, the response fields will automatically be updated depending on the operation invoked.


Tables backed by the Integration Service must be invoked in the same way as any other Resource i.e use FPL commands fetchtable and updatetable or API methods Table.fetchTable() and Table.updateTable() to fetch and update table data.


To read MY_REQUEST_TABLE from the Integration Adapter request document:



API based language (Javascript):


fetchtable MY_REQUEST_TABLE;






To update MY_RESPONSE_TABLE to the Integration Adapter response document:



API based language (Javascript):


updatetable MY_REQUEST_TABLE;






Supported Adapters


Integration Adapter


The default Adapter for the Integration Resource is an Integration Adapter. The main panel for the Integration Adapter allows you to configure:


         Operation Name: The operation name used to publish in the Web Service.

         Request Document: The incoming request document from the calling client.

         Request Headers – Select the documents to be added as Headers to the inbound SOAP message.  Headers may be added , removed , moved up  or down .

         Response Document: The response document returned back to the client.

         Response Headers – Select the documents to be added as Headers to the outbound SOAP message.  Headers may be added , removed , moved up  or down .


Note that Soap Fault documents do not need to be added; these are generated automatically by the system when an error occurs. Click here for further details.


Each Integration Adapter represents one Web Service Operation within the published WSDL of the associated Integration Service.


Other Supported Schemas


Integration Resource also supports the following XML adapters, see working with XML Resource for more details:


         File Adapter

         XSL Adapter

         Copy Adapter

         Log Adapter

         Validate Adapter