Integration Resource Wizard

Documentation home 


Introduction. 1

Using the wizard. 1

First Page. 1

Properties Page. 2

Select Integration Service Fields For Documents Page. 3

Finish Button. 4


See also: Integration Server, Integration Services, Integration Resources


The Integration Resource Wizard is invoked by clicking the  icon on the Integration Service toolbar and is used to create an Integration Resource from the fields and tables within an Integration Service.


The wizard lets you configure:



The Integration Resource created using the wizard is added automatically to the Resources View of the Integration Service. 

Using the wizard

The example below shows creating the Employees Integration Resource with an operation getEmployees.


First Page 




Select New to create a new resource, Modify to change an existing resource


Name of the new resource (for new resources)

Select Resource

Select an existing resource from the list (when modifying a resource)


The workspace folder where the resource will be created. Click the … button to browse.



Properties Page



New Adapter

Enter the name of the adapter. This uniquely identifies the new adapter within the resource and can be any name of your choice – typically this is the same name as the operation name.

Modify Adapter

If modifying an existing resource, select the adapter name from the list

Operation Name

Name of the operation – this will appear in the WSDL of the published web service

Target Namespace

This is normally the name of the company or organisation publishing the web service e.g. http://<your-company-web-address>. It can be any name that conforms to the XML Namespaces specification.

Create unique namespace for the request and response

When checked, the namespaces used for the request and response documents are adapted to ensure that they are unique.



Select Integration Service Fields For Documents Page



Use this page to create the request and response documents. The left hand panel shows all the fields and tables available within the Integration Service. The right-hand panel shows the format of the request and response documents to be created within the Integration Resource.


Select either Request or Response in the right-hand panel then select fields/tables from the left-hand panel and use the >> and << buttons to transfer them to the documents. 


* Note that if a table is already mapped to another resource in the Integration Service, it cannot be selected for inclusion within the request or response document. The reason for this is that a table can only be mapped to a single resource. If you are faced with this issue, the solution is to create a second table in the Integration Service with the same structure as the first table and select this new table in this wizard. You then need to copy data between the two tables which you can do using the FPL copytable or Javascript tables.TABLENAME.copyTable() statements.


Finish Button

Clicking the Finish button performs the following actions:



Here is the Employees resource created in the example above: