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hasError() - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls.FileItem
Returns true if the file fails to upload
hasModifier(String) - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls.Control
Returns true if the control has the specified modifier, otherwise returns false.
hasRole(String) - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.SecurityManager
Returns true when a user is logged on and the user has the role identified by roleName, otherwise returns false.
head(String) - Static method in class
Performs a REST HTTP HEAD call on a resource.
head(String, String) - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.GatewayRestServices
Performs a REST HTTP HEAD call on a resource.
head(String, String, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.GatewayRestServices
Performs a REST HTTP HEAD call on a resource.
head(String, String, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>, RestOptions) - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.GatewayRestServices
Performs a REST HTTP HEAD call on a resource.
head(String, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class
Performs a REST HTTP HEAD call on a resource.
head(String, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>, Authentication) - Static method in class
Performs a REST HTTP HEAD call on a resource.
head(String, Map<String, Object>, Map<String, Object>, Authentication, RestOptions) - Static method in class
Performs a REST HTTP HEAD call on a resource.
HeaderControl - Interface in com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls
Header Control A container that wraps content in a header tag.
HeadingControl - Interface in com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls
Heading Control
hide() - Method in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls.Control
Hides the control, this is equivalent to setting property hidden to true.
HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER - Static variable in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls.ControlConstants
HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_FILL - Static variable in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls.ControlConstants
HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_LEFT - Static variable in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls.ControlConstants
HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_NONE - Static variable in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls.ControlConstants
HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT - Static variable in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls.ControlConstants
HorizontalBoxLayout - Interface in com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls
The HorizontalBoxLayout interface represents a layout where child controls are laid out horizontally.
HorizontalBoxLayoutCell - Interface in com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls
The HorizontalBoxLayoutCell interface provides the ability to override properties from the parent control's HorizontalBoxLayout;
HorizontalLineControl - Interface in com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls
A Horizontal Line Control represents a horizontal line.
HorizontalMenuControl - Interface in com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls
A Horizontal Menu Control represents a menu where the top level is shown horizontally and is always visible.
HTMLControl - Interface in com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls
An HTML Control can be used to hold any amount of HTML or XHTML content which will be inserted into the output page without amendment; any content that is valid within the BODY section of an HTML page can be inserted.
HtmlElementProperties - Interface in com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls
The HtmlElementProperties lets the developer change the behaviour of the control at runtime by adding and removing HTMLElement properties to change the interaction of browsers rich text client applications.
HTTP_PROTOCOL_GET - Static variable in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.WebForm
Represents the http GET protocol, for use with the callUrl and gotoUrl methods.
HTTP_PROTOCOL_POST - Static variable in interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.WebForm
Represents the http POST protocol, for use with the callUrl and gotoUrl methods.
HttpAuthentication - Class in
HttpAuthentication is a convenience class to create HTTP Authentication objects.
HttpAuthentication() - Constructor for class
HyperlinkControl - Interface in com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls
A Hyperlink Control represents a text displayed as a hyperlink.
HyperlinkProperties - Interface in com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls
Hyperlink Properties.
HyperlinkStateProperties - Interface in com.ebasetech.xi.api.controls
Hyperlink Properties.
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