Interface FileItem

public interface FileItem
FileItem represents an uploaded File using the FileUploadControl. The FileItem contains basic information regarding the file including the file name, file size and error status

Further documentation.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    java.lang.String getErrorMessage()
    Returns the failure error message if the file fails to upload
    java.lang.String getFileName()
    Returns the file name of the file that is saved as on the server.
    java.lang.String getFilePath()
    Returns the full path to the uploaded filename on the server
    long getFileSize()
    Returns the original file size of the file that the user uploaded.
    java.lang.String getRelativePath()
    Returns the relative path to the uploaded filename and the relative path to the base upload directory
    java.lang.String getStatus()
    Returns the status of the file upload.
    java.lang.String getUserFileName()
    Returns the original file name of the file that the user uploaded.
    boolean hasError()
    Returns true if the file fails to upload
  • Method Details

    • getFileName

      java.lang.String getFileName()
      Returns the file name of the file that is saved as on the server. If replace duplicate is not selected a unique file will be created with _x appended to the original name. e.g myfile.txt is created as myfile_1.txt if the file already exists.

      Further documentation.

    • getUserFileName

      java.lang.String getUserFileName()
      Returns the original file name of the file that the user uploaded.

      Further documentation.

    • getFileSize

      long getFileSize()
      Returns the original file size of the file that the user uploaded.

      Further documentation.

    • getStatus

      java.lang.String getStatus()
      Returns the status of the file upload. This can either be OK for success or FAILED for failure. Note that the error message contains the reason for the file upload failure
      See Also:
      getErrorMessage(), Further documentation.
    • getErrorMessage

      java.lang.String getErrorMessage()
      Returns the failure error message if the file fails to upload
      See Also:
      getStatus(), Further documentation.
    • getFilePath

      java.lang.String getFilePath()
      Returns the full path to the uploaded filename on the server

      Further documentation.

    • getRelativePath

      java.lang.String getRelativePath()
      Returns the relative path to the uploaded filename and the relative path to the base upload directory

      Further documentation.

    • hasError

      boolean hasError()
      Returns true if the file fails to upload

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
      getStatus(), getErrorMessage()