Interface HorizontalBoxLayoutCell

All Superinterfaces:

public interface HorizontalBoxLayoutCell
extends LayoutCell
The HorizontalBoxLayoutCell interface provides the ability to override properties from the parent control's HorizontalBoxLayout;

Further documentation.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    java.lang.String getHAlign()
    Horizontal alignment, overriding the layout cell horizontal alignment from the parent HorizontalBoxLayout.
    java.lang.String getLayoutClass()
    Layout cell CSS classes, overriding the layout cell CSS classes from the parent HorizontalBoxLayout.
    java.lang.String getLayoutStyle()
    Layout cell inline CSS style, overriding the layout cell CSS style from the parent HorizontalBoxLayout.
    java.lang.String getVAlign()
    Vertical alignment, overriding the layout cell vertical alignment from the parent HorizontalBoxLayout.
    void setHAlign​(java.lang.String hAlign)
    Sets horizontal alignment, overriding the layout cell horizontal alignment from the parent HorizontalBoxLayout.
    void setLayoutClass​(java.lang.String layoutClass)
    Sets layout cell CSS classes, overriding the layout cell CSS classes from the parent HorizontalBoxLayout.
    void setLayoutStyle​(java.lang.String layoutStyle)
    Sets layout cell inline CSS style, overriding the layout cell CSS style from the parent HorizontalBoxLayout.
    void setVAlign​(java.lang.String vAlign)
    Sets vertical alignment, overriding the layout cell vertical alignment from the parent HorizontalBoxLayout.