Table Column Widths


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Introduction. 1

Fixed Width Mode. 1

Automatic Width Mode. 2

Changing Width Mode. 2



It is possible for a conflict to exist between a width configured by the designer and the width that will be rendered by a browser. A browser can decide to adjust table column widths in order to accommodate table cell content e.g. a textarea that is wider than the declared width, or a text with the nowrap CSS attribute. In general this browser behaviour is advantageous in that it allows a page to dynamically adapt to changing data content and stops displayed data from being truncated or overlaid.


This conflict becomes visible in the WYSIWYG View when a control widget is displayed that allows table column widths to be configured e.g. for a Grid Control, Table Control or Field Grid Layout.


To cater for this conflict, the WYSIWYG View can operate in two modes:


This is controlled by the Toggle designer view toggle switch  on the WYSIWYG tool bar. When selected, fixed width mode is used; when unselected, automatic width mode is used.

Fixed Width Mode

With this mode, all configured widths will be honoured and any content that doesn’t fit will be truncated. In the WYSIWYG View, column widths shown in a control widget will be aligned with the table columns as shown in Figure 1 below:

Fixed width is configured with the following CSS declarations:

Automatic Width Mode

With this mode, table column widths are displayed as they will appear in the browser. Table cells will be adjusted to accommodate their content. In the WYSIWYG View, column widths shown in a control widget may not align with the table columns as shown in Figure 2 below:



Automatic width mode is the default mode.

Changing Width Mode

The fixed width CSS declarations shown above are inserted automatically by the system into the WYSIWYG View depending on the setting of the Toggle designer view toggle switch. Note that no insertions are made at form runtime.


Designers can explicitly change the width mode by configuring these CSS declarations on the appropriate style properties.