RESTful Web Service Tutorial

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Introduction. 1

Part 1: Building a simple GET RESTful Web Service. 1

Part 2: Building a simple POST RESTful Web Service with Basic Authentication. 8

Part 3: Building a simple DELETE RESTful with Path Parameters 16


See also: Publishing RESTful Web Services Overview, RESTful Services, Endpoint Scripting, Server Admin Web Service Administration, Publishing Web Service Documentation




The following tutorial demonstrates how to create a basic pet store RESTful Web Service. The following sections demonstrate how to:


  1. Building a simple GET RESTful Web Service: This tutorial steps you through how to implement an endpoint that retrieves all pets from our pet store application.
  2. Building a simple POST RESTful Web Service with Basic Authentication: This tutorial steps you through how to implement an endpoint that adds a new pet to the pet store with HTTP Basic authentication.
  3. Building a simple DELETE RESTful Web Service that uses path parameters: This tutorial steps you through how to implement an endpoint that deletes a pet from the pet store using the pet ID as path parameter.


Prerequisites for running this tutorial:


  1. The Integration Service module is licensed. To check , start the Server Administration Application and click License on the home page > check the Details tab


Installed Features: Integration Server [x]


  1. A copy of the EBASE_SAMPLES database and a Database connection. The EBASE_SAMPLES database should already exist with a new installation of You can create or verify the database connection using the Server Administration Application and click Database Connections.



Part 1: Building a simple GET RESTful Web Service



In this tutorial, we will create a new RESTful Web Service and add an endpoint to retrieve all the pets in our online pet store application. The endpoint accepts two optional request parameters that filter the type of pet and limit the number of pet records retrieved from the database. We will also add a script to test whether the database table exists and create it if required that we will be using in this tutorial.


Create a RESTful Web Service and add a table and an endpoint.


  1. Start the Studio.


  1. Create a new project: right click in the Entities tree panel on the left hand side and select New > Project, name the project Tutorials.


  1. Create a new folder: right click on the Tutorials project and select New > Folder, name the folder petstore.


  1. Create a new RESTful Web Service: right click on the petstore and select New > RESTful Web Service, name the service petstore.


  1. Add a script to validate the database table exists for this tutorial: Click the  toolbar button. Click the  button in the Shared Functions panel. Click the  button on the Configure scripts dialog toolbar, give the script the name createDatabaseTable. Click the OK button.


  1. We are now going to add the logic to validate whether the database table exists within the EBASE_SAMPLES database. If the pets database table does not exist we will then create it and populate the table with data. The script will be used by all the tutorials in this document. Enter the following text into the createDatabaseTable script:







 * Check whether a database table exists and create the table if it does not.

 * @param dbName database name to use

 * @param tableName database table name to check or create.


function createTables(dbName, tableName)


      var exists = checkTableExists(dbName, tableName);


      if(!exists) {

            var created = createTable(dbName, tableName);




                   //populate the database table with some data

                        insertPets("EBASE_SAMPLES", "pets", 1, 'Rover', 'Black and White Collie', 'dog');

                        insertPets("EBASE_SAMPLES", "pets", 2, 'Freddy', 'Chocolate Labrador', 'dog');

                        insertPets("EBASE_SAMPLES", "pets", 3, 'Bobby', 'Golden Doodle', 'dog');

                        insertPets("EBASE_SAMPLES", "pets", 4, 'Ginger', 'Ginger Tom', 'cat');

                        insertPets("EBASE_SAMPLES", "pets", 5, 'Tiddles', 'Black and White Cat', 'cat');

                        insertPets("EBASE_SAMPLES", "pets", 6, 'Chloe', 'Tabby Cat', 'cat');

                        insertPets("EBASE_SAMPLES", "pets", 7, 'Thumper', 'Black Buck Rabbit', 'rabbit');

                        insertPets("EBASE_SAMPLES", "pets", 8, 'Nibbles', 'Albino Rat', 'rat');




                   return false;



      return true;




 * Create the database table in a specified database

 * @param dbName database name to use

 * @param tableName table to create.


function createTable(dbName, tableName)



  var con, stmt;



            /**create the database table**/

            con = system.getDatabaseConnection(dbName);

            stmt = con.createStatement();

            stmt.executeUpdate("create table PETS (ID INTEGER NOT NULL, NAME VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(255), TAG VARCHAR(20), PRIMARY KEY(ID))");

        return true;   




          log("Error creating \nTable Name: " + tableName + "\n" + e);

          return false;



          // close the connection

          if(stmt) stmt.close();

          if(con) con.close();







 * Check whether a table exists in a specified database

 * @param dbName database name to use

 * @param tableName table to check whether it exists.


function checkTableExists(dbName, tableName)



      var con, tbls;


          /* open a database connection and get the full list of tables at that connection

           *  We can't narrow by schema or table name because different databases implement

           *        schemas differently and handle case differently        */

          con = system.getDatabaseConnection(dbName);

          var dbmd = con.getMetaData();

          tbls = dbmd.getTables(null, null, null, null);


          // loop through the returned tables, if any of them match the given name, return true


              if(tableName.toUpperCase() == tbls.getString(3).toUpperCase()) return true;



          // if no match is found, return false

          return false;



          log("Table exists check failed \nTable Name: " + tableName + "\n" + e);

          return true;



          // close the connection

          if(tbls) tbls.close();

          if(con) con.close();




function insertPets(dbName, tableName, id, name, description, tag)


      var con, stmt;




            /**create the database table**/

            con = system.getDatabaseConnection(dbName);

            stmt = con.prepareStatement("insert into pets (id, name, description, tag) values (?, ?, ?, ?)");

            stmt.setInt(1, id);

            stmt.setString(2, name);

            stmt.setString(3, description);

            stmt.setString(4, tag);





          log("Error creating \nTable Name: " + tableName + "\n" + e);

          return false;



          // close the connection

          if(stmt) stmt.close();

          if(con) con.close();






  1. Click the  button to save the createDatabaseTable script.


  1. Select the  petstore tab at the top of the Studio.


  1. Add a table to the RESTful Web Service: Select the  Tables tab and click the  (New table) button on the toolbar, name the table pets. Click the Create new columns button and then click the  three times add and enter following table columns:




Field Type










Click the OK button.



Click the OK button on the New table dialog. This will create the table and columns fields.


  1. Create a new endpoint: Click the  button in the left hand panel of the RESTful Web Service, name the endpoint getPets. Click the OK button. This will create a new endpoint and automatically select the endpoint in the RESTful Web Service tree in the left hand panel.


  1. Rename the Endpoint URI: change the text from /getPets to /pets.


  1. Create a new endpoint event: Click on the  toolbar button on the Event Scripts > Endpoint tab, name the script getPets. Click the OK button.




  1. We are now going to add the scripting logic to retrieve the pets from the database. The following script validates whether the database table exists by calling the Shared Function - createDatabaseTable. The script will then run a query against the database and then populates a table. The table is then converted to JSON formatted string and returned back to the caller as the response. This script accepts two request parameters:


Parameter Name



Optional parameter: used to filter the records by type of pet e.g “dog”, if absent, all records are returned.


Optional parameter: used to limit the number of records returned, if absent, no limit is set.



Enter the following script text into the getPets script:







   //validate and create the pets database table calling the shared function

   if(!createTables("EBASE_SAMPLES", "pets"))

         throw "Error creating database table 'pet'";


   var tag ="tag");

   var limit ="limit");


   //search pets

   searchPets(tag, limit);


   //convert the pets table to JSON

   var responseBody = tables.pets.toJSON();

   //set the response body;



{"Error finding retrieving pets: " + e);;




 * Runs a query to return all the pets from the pets database table.

 * @param tag optional parameter to filter the type of pet from the database e.g dog

 * @param limit optional parameter to limit the number of records returned in the results.


function searchPets(tag, limit)


    var index = 0;

    var stmt = "select id, name, description, tag from pets";



               stmt = stmt + " where tag = '" + tag + "'";


    services.database.executeSelectStatement("EBASE_SAMPLES", stmt,

   function (columnData)


           if(limit && limit <= index)

               return false;



  = columnData.ID;

  = columnData.NAME;

           tables.pets.description.value = columnData.DESCRIPTION;

           tables.pets.tag.value = columnData.TAG;




  1. Click the  button to save the getPets script.


  1. Select the  petstore tab at the top of the Studio.


  1. Click the  button to save the RESTful Web Service.


At this point the endpoint should look like this:



  1. Click the  button on the endpoint toolbar.


The HTTP Request Preview should contain the following text:


          GET http://localhost:3050/ebasetest/api/petstore/getPets



  1. Click the Submit button. The response should have returned a HTTP status code 200 and a JSON object containing 8 rows. The response should look like this:




Click the Close button to close the Response Dialog.


  1. We are now going to test the optional parameters. First we will test the tag parameter: Select the Parameters tab, click the  button to add a new parameter. Enter the name tag followed by the return key and the value dog followed by the return key.


The HTTP Request Preview should now contain the following text:


          GET http://localhost:3050/ebasetest/api/petstore/getPets?tag=dog



  1. Click the Submit button again to retest the service. The response should contain 3 rows and look like this:



Click the Close button to close the Response Dialog.


  1. We are now going to test the other optional parameter: Select the Parameters tab, click the  button to add a new parameter. Enter the name limit followed by the return key and the value 2 followed by the return key.


The HTTP Request Preview should now contain the following text:


          GET http://localhost:3050/ebasetest/api/petstore/getPets?tag=dog&limit=2



  1. Click the Submit button again to retest the service. The response should now only contain 2 rows and look like this:



Click the Close button to close the Response Dialog.


Click the Close button to close the Test Dialog.



Part 2: Building a simple POST RESTful Web Service with Basic Authentication


In this tutorial, we will create an endpoint to add a new pet to our online pet store application. The endpoint accepts a HTTP POST call and a request body containing a JSON object. To add information into the database we need to implement HTTP Basic authentication.


Create a shared script to handle the authentication for the RESTful service so that it can be reused with other endpoints and create an endpoint to add a pet to the pet store.


  1. First we will add a shared script to handle the authentication of the user: Click the  button on the RESTful Web Service toolbar. Click the  button in the Shared Functions panel. Click the  button on the Configure scripts dialog toolbar, give the script the name authenticateUser. Click the OK button.


  1. We are now going to add logic to authenticate a user: the script will authenticate the username and password credentials for the user. Enter the following text into the authenticateUser script:






function validateUser(username, password)


    log("validating username: " + username);

    if(username == "demouser" && password == "demopwd")

               return true;


               return false;    



  1. Click the  button to save the autheticateUser script.


  1. Select the  petstore at the top of the Studio.


  1. Create a new endpoint: Click the  button in the left hand panel of the RESTful Web Service, name the endpoint addPet. Click the OK button, this will create a new endpoint and automatically select the endpoint in the RESTful Web Service tree in the left hand panel.


  1. Click the  on the Consumes field and select application/json, click the OK button.


  1. Deselect the GET and select the POST within the Supported HTTP Methods.


  1. Create a new endpoint event: Click on the  toolbar button on the Event Scripts > Endpoint tab, name the script addPet. Click the OK button.





  1. We are now going to add the logic to authenticate the user and add a new pet to the pet store. The following script validates whether the database table exists by calling the Shared Function - createDatabaseTable. The script will then authenticate the user credentials, if the authentication credentials are missing, a HTTP 401 response is returned or if the authentication fails, a HTTP 403 response is returned. If authentication is successful the script converts the JSON object from the HTTP request and creates a new pet ID. The pet is then inserted into the database. The new ID is returned back as the response in JSON format.


Enter the following script text into the addPet script:







   //validate and create the pets database table calling the shared function

   if(!createTables("EBASE_SAMPLES", "pets"))

         throw "Error creating database table 'pet'";


   //do some authentication

   var cred =;


   var authenticated = false;



               //authenticate user

          if(validateUser(cred.getUsername(), cred.getPassword()))


                 var requestBody =;



                     log("Incoming Request: " + requestBody);

                     //A new pet consists of a name, description and a tag for filtering the type of pet.

                     //convert the json to an object

                     var pet = JSON.parse(requestBody);




                                 //no request body, send back back request


                 "No pet name specified.");





                           //insert pet

                                 var id = addPet(, pet.description, pet.tag);

                                 //set back new pet id

                                 var newPet = {};

                        = id;






                     //no request body, send back back request


           "No pet details found.");






                     //just reject the user






         log("No credentials");
"WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"User Realm\"");




{"Error adding pet: " + e);;



function addPet(name, description, tag)


    var id = createId();

    var insert = "insert into pets (id, name, description, tag) values " +

                                             "(" + id + ", '" + name + "', '" + description + "', '" + tag + "')";



    services.database.executeGenericUpdateStatement("EBASE_SAMPLES", insert);

    return id;




function createId()


    var id = 1;

    var stmt = "select max(id) as max_id from pets";

    services.database.executeSelectStatement("EBASE_SAMPLES", stmt,

   function (columnData)




                     id = columnData.MAX_ID + 1;



   return id;



  1. Click the  button to save the addPet script.


  1. Select the  petstore tab at the top of the Studio.


  1. Click the  button to save the RESTful Web Service.


At this point the endpoint should look like this:



  1. Click the  button on the endpoint toolbar.


The HTTP Request Preview should contain the following text:


          POST http://localhost:3050/ebasetest/api/petstore/addPet

            Content-Type : application/json


  1. First we are going to test the HTTP 401 response by not adding any user credentials. Click the Submit button. The response should look like this:



Click the Close button to close the Response Dialog.


  1. We are now going to test a successful post request. Select the option Basic on the Authentication drop down, click the  button next to this and enter the credentials:


Username: demouser

Password: demopwd




          Click the OK button to close the window


  1. Enter the following text into the HTTP Request:



  "name": "Sadie",

  "description": "Yorkshire terrier",

  "tag": "dog"



The HTTP Request Preview should contain the following text:


POST http://localhost:3052/ufs/api/petstore/addPet

Content-Type : application/json

Authorization : Basic ZGVtb3VzZXI6ZGVtb3B3ZA==


  "name": "Sadie",

  "description": "Yorkshire terrier",

  "tag": "dog"



  1. Click the Submit button. The response should have returned a HTTP 200 and a new pet ID. The response should look like:



Click the Close button to close the Response Dialog.


Click the Close button to close the Test Dialog.


  1. We are going validate that the new pet has been added to the pet store. Click the  getPets endpoint on the left hand panel.


  1. Click the  button on the endpoint toolbar.


  1. Click the Parameters panel. Select both the tag and limit parameters and click the  button to remove them.


  1. Click the Submit button. The response should now contain 9 rows and contain the new pet Sadie that was added in the previous step. The response should look like this:



Click the Close button to close the Response Dialog.


  1. We are now going to test the unsuccessful credential post request. Select the  addPet endpoint in the left hand panel.
  2. Select the option Basic on the Authentication drop down box, click the  button next to this and enter the credentials:


Username: fred

Password: bloggs


Click the OK button.


  1. Click the Submit button. The response should have returned a HTTP response of 403 and look like this:



Click the OK button to close the Response Dialog.


Click the Close button to close the Test Dialog.


Part 3: Building a simple DELETE RESTful Web Service that uses path parameters


In this tutorial, we will create an endpoint to delete a pet from our online pet store application. The endpoint accepts a HTTP DELETE call and contains a pet ID as a path parameter on the request URI. Path parameters are configured on the endpoint URI and are identified by enclosing { } brackets. To delete information from the database we need to implement HTTP Basic authentication that we have already created in Part 2.


  1. Create a new endpoint: Click the  button in the left hand panel of the RESTful Web Service, name the endpoint deletePet. Click the OK button. This will create a new endpoint and automatically select the endpoint in the RESTful Web Service tree in the left hand panel.


  1. We are going to add a path parameter to the endpoint URI: edit the Endpoint URI, edit the text so that it contains: /deletePet/{petId}


  1. Deselect the GET and select DELETE within the Supported HTTP methods.


  1. Create a new endpoint event: Click on the  toolbar button on the Event Scripts, Endpoint tab, name the script deletePet. Click the OK button.


  1. We are now going to add the logic to authenticate the user and delete a pet from the pet store that is identified by a pet ID. The following script validates whether the database table exists by calling the Shared Function - createDatabaseTable. The script will then authenticate the user credentials, if the authentication credentials are missing, a HTTP 401 response is returned or if the authentication fails, a HTTP 403 response is returned. If authentication is successful the pet ID is extracted from the path parameters and the pet is deleted from the database.


Enter the following script text into the deletePet script:







   //validate and create the pets database table calling the shared function

   if(!createTables("EBASE_SAMPLES", "pets"))

         throw "Error creating database table 'pet'";


   //do some authentication

   var cred =;


   var authenticated = false;



               //authenticate user

          if(validateUser(cred.getUsername(), cred.getPassword()))


                     var id ="petId");






                     //just reject the user






         log("No credentials");
"WWW-Authenticate", "Basic realm=\"User Realm\"");




{"Error deleting pet: " + e);;



function deletePet(id)


         var deletePet = "delete from pets where id= " + id;



    services.database.executeGenericUpdateStatement("EBASE_SAMPLES", deletePet);



  1. Click the  button to save the deletePet script.


  1. Select the  petstore tab at the top of the Studio.


  1. Click the  button to save the RESTful Web Service.


  1. Click the  button on the endpoint toolbar.


  1. Select the Path Parameters tab and double click the value cell next to the petId name, enter the value 1 followed by the return key.


  1. Select option Basic on the Authentication drop down box, click the  button next to this and enter the credentials:


Username: demouser

Password: demopwd



The HTTP Request Preview should contain the following text:


          DELETE http://localhost:3050/ebasetest/api/petstore/deletePet/1

            Authorization : Basic ZGVtb3VzZXI6ZGVtb3B3ZA==


  1. Click the Submit button. The response should have returned a HTTP response of 200 and look like this:



Click the Close button to close the Response Dialog.


Click the Close button to close the Test Dialog.


  1. Repeat steps from Part 2 to verify that the pet is removed from the pet store. Note that the response should not contain the pet that has the ID of 1.



This now completes the RESTful Web Service tutorials. The completed tutorials can be imported from file Studio/samples/restful_service/ of the studio installation.