RESTful Web Services Administration

Documentation home


RESTful Web Service Properties 1

Redeploy RESTful Web Service. 2

View RESTful Web Service Documentation. 2



See also: Server Administration Application Home Page, Publishing RESTful Web Services Overview, RESTful Services, Endpoint Scripting, Publishing Web Service Documentation


This page provides the ability to control Web Services which are the public interface to RESTful Web Services. All RESTful Web Services in the workspace are shown here.



RESTful Web Service Properties

Click the web service name to show a list of the endpoints associated with the RESTful web service.



Name: Displays the name of the RESTful Web Service

Title: Displays the title entered in the RESTful Web Service documentation or the Designer note entered for the RESTful Web Service panel using the studio.

Enabled: Click the checkbox to enable (publish) or disable (unpublish) the service

Publish Swagger: Click the checkbox to enable (publish) or disable (unpublish) Swagger JSON and YAML documents.

Available Endpoints: Displays a list of the endpoints associated with the RESTful Web Service.


Method: Displays the HTTP method for the endpoint.

Endpoint URL: Displays the configured endpoint URL.

Summary: Displays the summary entered in the RESTful Web Service documentation endpoint.

Consumes: Displays the “Content-Type” that the endpoint accepts.


Redeploy RESTful Web Service

If any changes have been made to a RESTful Web Service then the corresponding service can be redeployed. Changes are automatically picked up by the server and applied, but if this fails, a redeploy can be issued. Select the RESTful Web Service that you want to re-deploy and click the Redeploy icon . This de-registers the RESTful Web Service which will then be re-registered when the next call comes in from an external client.


Designer Note: The RESTful Web Service does not need to be re-deployed if an Endpoint Script has been modified. This is because the structure of the RESTful Web Service has not changed.



View RESTful Web Service Documentation


Clicking the  icon launches another browser window that shows the documentation for a selected RESTful Web Service. See Publishing Web Service Documentation for more information.