Form Properties – Save Restore Tab


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Save/Restore tab

This tab allows you to specify all attributes associated with the Ebase save/restore feature.





Save/restore enabled

This is the master switch to enable or disable the feature for this form.

User to supply password

If this option is selected, the user will be prompted to supply a password when saving work. The same password must be used for the corresponding restore.

Client cookie lifetime

this sets the maximum number of days in which the user can restore saved work.

Save text

The language dependent text to be displayed in the save button.

Restore text

The language dependent text to be displayed in the restore button.

Save info text

This language dependent text will be displayed at the top of the save popup window box.

Restore info text

This language dependent text will be displayed at the top of the restore popup window box.


To view and maintain all texts in the same window you can click the Maintain language texts button on the form toolbar.