Interface MenuControl

All Superinterfaces:
AriaControlProperties, BackgroundStyleProperties, BorderStyleProperties, ContainerControl, Control, Element, EventOwner, MarginStyleProperties, MessageContainer, MessageProperties, PaddingStyleProperties,, WebFormEventOwner
All Known Subinterfaces:
HorizontalMenuControl, VerticalMenuControl

public interface MenuControl
extends ContainerControl, MessageProperties, PaddingStyleProperties, MarginStyleProperties, BackgroundStyleProperties, BorderStyleProperties, AriaControlProperties
MenuControl is the base interface for both horizontal and vertical menu controls.
  • Method Details

    • getWidth

      java.lang.String getWidth()
      Menu width. See setWidth(String) for details of supported values when setting this property.
    • setWidth

      void setWidth​(java.lang.String width)
      Sets the menu width.

      Supported values:

      A specific valueAs per the CSS width property e.g. 300px
      ChildThe minimum value: this results in the menu being just as wide as it needs to be to accommodate its children.

      The width setting will be ignored if the parent container layout specifies a horizontal cell alignment of fill (this applies to Horizontal Box, Vertical Box and Column layouts).

      Warning: when a specific value is set, any padding, border or margins will be in addition to the specified value and can cause the menu to "break out" of its parent space.


       controls.HORIZONTALMENU1.width = "300px";
       controls.HORIZONTALMENU1.width = "50%";
    • isShareable

      boolean isShareable()
      Indicates whether the menu state can be shared with menu controls on other pages or forms. This property is read only.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • isMarkParentsAsSelected

      boolean isMarkParentsAsSelected()
      Indicates whether or not all parent menu items are also marked as selected when a lower level menu item is selected.
    • setMarkParentsAsSelected

      void setMarkParentsAsSelected​(boolean markParentsAsSelected)
      Sets whether or not all parent menu items are also marked as selected when a lower level menu item is selected.
    • isSkipValidation

      boolean isSkipValidation()
      Returns the skip validation flag that indicates whether or not validation of controls higher on the page is skipped when a menu item is selected.

      Note that field type validation is always executed regardless of the setting of this flag (e.g. check that only numeric data is entered for numeric fields).

      Further documentation.

    • setSkipValidation

      void setSkipValidation​(boolean skipValidation)
      Specifies whether or not validation of controls higher on the page is skipped when a menu item is selected.

      Note that field type validation is always executed regardless of the setting of this flag (e.g. check that only numeric data is entered for numeric fields).

      Further documentation.

    • getName

      java.lang.String getName()
      The item name that uniquely identifies the shared menu and allows other Menu Controls to share the same menu state. This property is read only.

      Further documentation.

    • getSelected

      java.lang.String getSelected()
      The item name of the currently selected menu item or null if no menu item is selected. This can be used to determine which menu item has been clicked.

      Further documentation.

    • setSelected

      void setSelected​(java.lang.String menuItemName)
      Selects the menu item identified by menuItemName.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • getTopLevelClass

      java.lang.String getTopLevelClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to top level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setTopLevelClass

      void setTopLevelClass​(java.lang.String topLevelClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to top level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getTopLevelStyle

      java.lang.String getTopLevelStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to top level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setTopLevelStyle

      void setTopLevelStyle​(java.lang.String topLevelStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to top level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getTopLevelTextClass

      java.lang.String getTopLevelTextClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to the texts of top level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setTopLevelTextClass

      void setTopLevelTextClass​(java.lang.String topLevelTextClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the texts of top level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getTopLevelTextStyle

      java.lang.String getTopLevelTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of top level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setTopLevelTextStyle

      void setTopLevelTextStyle​(java.lang.String topLevelTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of top level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getTopLevelSelectedClass

      java.lang.String getTopLevelSelectedClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to top level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setTopLevelSelectedClass

      void setTopLevelSelectedClass​(java.lang.String topLevelSelectedClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to top level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getTopLevelSelectedStyle

      java.lang.String getTopLevelSelectedStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to top level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setTopLevelSelectedStyle

      void setTopLevelSelectedStyle​(java.lang.String topLevelSelectedStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to top level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getTopLevelSelectedTextClass

      java.lang.String getTopLevelSelectedTextClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to the texts of top level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setTopLevelSelectedTextClass

      void setTopLevelSelectedTextClass​(java.lang.String topLevelSelectedTextClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the texts of top level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getTopLevelSelectedTextStyle

      java.lang.String getTopLevelSelectedTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of top level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setTopLevelSelectedTextStyle

      void setTopLevelSelectedTextStyle​(java.lang.String topLevelSelectedTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of top level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getTopLevelHoverTextStyle

      java.lang.String getTopLevelHoverTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of top level non-leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setTopLevelHoverTextStyle

      void setTopLevelHoverTextStyle​(java.lang.String topLevelHoverTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of top level non-leaf selected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getTopLevelHoverStyle

      java.lang.String getTopLevelHoverStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to top level non-leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setTopLevelHoverStyle

      void setTopLevelHoverStyle​(java.lang.String topLevelHoverStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to top level non-leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getTopLevelLeafClass

      java.lang.String getTopLevelLeafClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to top level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setTopLevelLeafClass

      void setTopLevelLeafClass​(java.lang.String topLevelLeafClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to top level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getTopLevelLeafStyle

      java.lang.String getTopLevelLeafStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to top level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setTopLevelLeafStyle

      void setTopLevelLeafStyle​(java.lang.String topLevelLeafStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to top level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getTopLevelLeafTextClass

      java.lang.String getTopLevelLeafTextClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to the texts of top level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setTopLevelLeafTextClass

      void setTopLevelLeafTextClass​(java.lang.String topLevelLeafTextClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the texts of top level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getTopLevelLeafTextStyle

      java.lang.String getTopLevelLeafTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of top level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setTopLevelLeafTextStyle

      void setTopLevelLeafTextStyle​(java.lang.String topLevelLeafTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of top level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getTopLevelLeafSelectedClass

      java.lang.String getTopLevelLeafSelectedClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to top level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setTopLevelLeafSelectedClass

      void setTopLevelLeafSelectedClass​(java.lang.String topLevelLeafSelectedClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to top level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getTopLevelLeafSelectedStyle

      java.lang.String getTopLevelLeafSelectedStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to top level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setTopLevelLeafSelectedStyle

      void setTopLevelLeafSelectedStyle​(java.lang.String topLevelLeafSelectedStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to top level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getTopLevelLeafSelectedTextClass

      java.lang.String getTopLevelLeafSelectedTextClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to the texts of top level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setTopLevelLeafSelectedTextClass

      void setTopLevelLeafSelectedTextClass​(java.lang.String topLevelLeafSelectedTextClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the texts of top level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getTopLevelLeafSelectedTextStyle

      java.lang.String getTopLevelLeafSelectedTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of top level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setTopLevelLeafSelectedTextStyle

      void setTopLevelLeafSelectedTextStyle​(java.lang.String topLevelLeafSelectedTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of top level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getTopLevelLeafHoverStyle

      java.lang.String getTopLevelLeafHoverStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to top level leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setTopLevelLeafHoverStyle

      void setTopLevelLeafHoverStyle​(java.lang.String topLevelLeafHoverStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to top level leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getTopLevelLeafHoverTextStyle

      java.lang.String getTopLevelLeafHoverTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of top level leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setTopLevelLeafHoverTextStyle

      void setTopLevelLeafHoverTextStyle​(java.lang.String topLevelLeafHoverTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of top level leaf selected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getItemClass

      java.lang.String getItemClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to drop-down non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setItemClass

      void setItemClass​(java.lang.String itemClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to drop-down non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getItemStyle

      java.lang.String getItemStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to drop-down non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setItemStyle

      void setItemStyle​(java.lang.String itemStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to drop-down non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getTextClass

      java.lang.String getTextClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to the texts of drop-down non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setTextClass

      void setTextClass​(java.lang.String textClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the texts of drop-down non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getTextStyle

      java.lang.String getTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of drop-down non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setTextStyle

      void setTextStyle​(java.lang.String textStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of drop-down non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getSelectedClass

      java.lang.String getSelectedClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to drop-down non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setSelectedClass

      void setSelectedClass​(java.lang.String selectedClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to drop-down non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.
    • getSelectedStyle

      java.lang.String getSelectedStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to drop-down non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setSelectedStyle

      void setSelectedStyle​(java.lang.String selectedStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to drop-down non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getSelectedTextClass

      java.lang.String getSelectedTextClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to the texts of drop-down non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setSelectedTextClass

      void setSelectedTextClass​(java.lang.String selectedTextClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the texts of drop-down non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getSelectedTextStyle

      java.lang.String getSelectedTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of drop-down non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setSelectedTextStyle

      void setSelectedTextStyle​(java.lang.String selectedTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of drop-down non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getHoverStyle

      java.lang.String getHoverStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to drop-down non-leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setHoverStyle

      void setHoverStyle​(java.lang.String hoverStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to drop-down non-leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getHoverTextStyle

      java.lang.String getHoverTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of drop-down non-leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setHoverTextStyle

      void setHoverTextStyle​(java.lang.String hoverTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of drop-down non-leaf selected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getLeafClass

      java.lang.String getLeafClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to drop-down leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setLeafClass

      void setLeafClass​(java.lang.String leafClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to drop-down leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getLeafStyle

      java.lang.String getLeafStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to drop-down leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setLeafStyle

      void setLeafStyle​(java.lang.String leafStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to drop-down leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getLeafTextClass

      java.lang.String getLeafTextClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to the texts of drop-down leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setLeafTextClass

      void setLeafTextClass​(java.lang.String leafTextClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the texts of drop-down leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getLeafTextStyle

      java.lang.String getLeafTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of drop-down leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setLeafTextStyle

      void setLeafTextStyle​(java.lang.String leafTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of drop-down leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getLeafSelectedClass

      java.lang.String getLeafSelectedClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to drop-down leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setLeafSelectedClass

      void setLeafSelectedClass​(java.lang.String leafSelectedClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to drop-down leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getLeafSelectedStyle

      java.lang.String getLeafSelectedStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to drop-down leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setLeafSelectedStyle

      void setLeafSelectedStyle​(java.lang.String leafSelectedStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to drop-down leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getLeafSelectedTextClass

      java.lang.String getLeafSelectedTextClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to the texts of drop-down leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setLeafSelectedTextClass

      void setLeafSelectedTextClass​(java.lang.String leafSelectedTextClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the texts of drop-down leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getLeafSelectedTextStyle

      java.lang.String getLeafSelectedTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of drop-down leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setLeafSelectedTextStyle

      void setLeafSelectedTextStyle​(java.lang.String leafSelectedTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of drop-down leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getLeafHoverStyle

      java.lang.String getLeafHoverStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to drop-down leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setLeafHoverStyle

      void setLeafHoverStyle​(java.lang.String leafHoverStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to drop-down leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getLeafHoverTextStyle

      java.lang.String getLeafHoverTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of drop-down leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      See Also:
    • setLeafHoverTextStyle

      void setLeafHoverTextStyle​(java.lang.String leafHoverTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of drop-down leaf selected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

    • getSecondLevelClass

      java.lang.String getSecondLevelClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to second level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setSecondLevelClass

      void setSecondLevelClass​(java.lang.String secondLevelClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to second level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getSecondLevelStyle

      java.lang.String getSecondLevelStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to second level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setSecondLevelStyle

      void setSecondLevelStyle​(java.lang.String secondLevelStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to second level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getSecondLevelTextClass

      java.lang.String getSecondLevelTextClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to the texts of second level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setSecondLevelTextClass

      void setSecondLevelTextClass​(java.lang.String secondLevelTextClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the texts of second level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getSecondLevelTextStyle

      java.lang.String getSecondLevelTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of second level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setSecondLevelTextStyle

      void setSecondLevelTextStyle​(java.lang.String secondLevelTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of second level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getSecondLevelSelectedClass

      java.lang.String getSecondLevelSelectedClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to second level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setSecondLevelSelectedClass

      void setSecondLevelSelectedClass​(java.lang.String secondLevelSelectedClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to second level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getSecondLevelSelectedStyle

      java.lang.String getSecondLevelSelectedStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to second level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setSecondLevelSelectedStyle

      void setSecondLevelSelectedStyle​(java.lang.String secondLevelSelectedStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to second level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getSecondLevelSelectedTextClass

      java.lang.String getSecondLevelSelectedTextClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to the texts of second level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setSecondLevelSelectedTextClass

      void setSecondLevelSelectedTextClass​(java.lang.String secondLevelSelectedTextClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the texts of second level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getSecondLevelSelectedTextStyle

      java.lang.String getSecondLevelSelectedTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of second level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setSecondLevelSelectedTextStyle

      void setSecondLevelSelectedTextStyle​(java.lang.String secondLevelSelectedTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of second level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getSecondLevelHoverStyle

      java.lang.String getSecondLevelHoverStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to second level non-leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setSecondLevelHoverStyle

      void setSecondLevelHoverStyle​(java.lang.String secondLevelHoverStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to second level non-leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getSecondLevelHoverTextStyle

      java.lang.String getSecondLevelHoverTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of second level non-leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setSecondLevelHoverTextStyle

      void setSecondLevelHoverTextStyle​(java.lang.String secondLevelHoverTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of second level non-leaf selected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getSecondLevelLeafClass

      java.lang.String getSecondLevelLeafClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to second level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setSecondLevelLeafClass

      void setSecondLevelLeafClass​(java.lang.String secondLevelLeafClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to second level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getSecondLevelLeafStyle

      java.lang.String getSecondLevelLeafStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to second level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setSecondLevelLeafStyle

      void setSecondLevelLeafStyle​(java.lang.String secondLevelLeafStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to second level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getSecondLevelLeafTextClass

      java.lang.String getSecondLevelLeafTextClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to the texts of second level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setSecondLevelLeafTextClass

      void setSecondLevelLeafTextClass​(java.lang.String secondLevelLeafTextClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the texts of second level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getSecondLevelLeafTextStyle

      java.lang.String getSecondLevelLeafTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to second level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setSecondLevelLeafTextStyle

      void setSecondLevelLeafTextStyle​(java.lang.String secondLevelLeafTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to second level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getSecondLevelLeafSelectedClass

      java.lang.String getSecondLevelLeafSelectedClass()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to second level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setSecondLevelLeafSelectedClass

      void setSecondLevelLeafSelectedClass​(java.lang.String secondLevelLeafSelectedClass)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to second level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getSecondLevelLeafSelectedStyle

      java.lang.String getSecondLevelLeafSelectedStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to second level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setSecondLevelLeafSelectedStyle

      void setSecondLevelLeafSelectedStyle​(java.lang.String secondLevelLeafSelectedStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to second level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getSecondLevelLeafSelectedTextClass

      java.lang.String getSecondLevelLeafSelectedTextClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to the texts of second level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setSecondLevelLeafSelectedTextClass

      void setSecondLevelLeafSelectedTextClass​(java.lang.String secondLevelLeafSelectedTextClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the texts of second level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getSecondLevelLeafSelectedTextStyle

      java.lang.String getSecondLevelLeafSelectedTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of second level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setSecondLevelLeafSelectedTextStyle

      void setSecondLevelLeafSelectedTextStyle​(java.lang.String secondLevelLeafSelectedTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of second level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getSecondLevelLeafHoverStyle

      java.lang.String getSecondLevelLeafHoverStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to second level leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setSecondLevelLeafHoverStyle

      void setSecondLevelLeafHoverStyle​(java.lang.String secondLevelLeafHoverStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to second level leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getSecondLevelLeafHoverTextStyle

      java.lang.String getSecondLevelLeafHoverTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of second level leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setSecondLevelLeafHoverTextStyle

      void setSecondLevelLeafHoverTextStyle​(java.lang.String secondLevelLeafHoverTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of second level leaf selected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getThirdLevelClass

      java.lang.String getThirdLevelClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to third level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setThirdLevelClass

      void setThirdLevelClass​(java.lang.String thirdLevelClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to third level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getThirdLevelStyle

      java.lang.String getThirdLevelStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to third level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setThirdLevelStyle

      void setThirdLevelStyle​(java.lang.String thirdLevelStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to third level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getThirdLevelTextClass

      java.lang.String getThirdLevelTextClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to the texts of third level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setThirdLevelTextClass

      void setThirdLevelTextClass​(java.lang.String thirdLevelTextClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the texts of third level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getThirdLevelTextStyle

      java.lang.String getThirdLevelTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of third level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setThirdLevelTextStyle

      void setThirdLevelTextStyle​(java.lang.String thirdLevelTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of third level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getThirdLevelSelectedClass

      java.lang.String getThirdLevelSelectedClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to third level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setThirdLevelSelectedClass

      void setThirdLevelSelectedClass​(java.lang.String thirdLevelSelectedClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to third level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getThirdLevelSelectedStyle

      java.lang.String getThirdLevelSelectedStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to third level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setThirdLevelSelectedStyle

      void setThirdLevelSelectedStyle​(java.lang.String thirdLevelSelectedStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to third level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getThirdLevelSelectedTextClass

      java.lang.String getThirdLevelSelectedTextClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to the texts of third level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setThirdLevelSelectedTextClass

      void setThirdLevelSelectedTextClass​(java.lang.String thirdLevelSelectedTextClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the texts of third level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getThirdLevelSelectedTextStyle

      java.lang.String getThirdLevelSelectedTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to third level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setThirdLevelSelectedTextStyle

      void setThirdLevelSelectedTextStyle​(java.lang.String thirdLevelSelectedTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to third level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getThirdLevelHoverTextStyle

      java.lang.String getThirdLevelHoverTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of third level non-leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setThirdLevelHoverTextStyle

      void setThirdLevelHoverTextStyle​(java.lang.String thirdLevelHoverTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of third level non-leaf selected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getThirdLevelHoverStyle

      java.lang.String getThirdLevelHoverStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to third level non-leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setThirdLevelHoverStyle

      void setThirdLevelHoverStyle​(java.lang.String thirdLevelHoverStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to third level non-leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getThirdLevelLeafClass

      java.lang.String getThirdLevelLeafClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to third level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setThirdLevelLeafClass

      void setThirdLevelLeafClass​(java.lang.String thirdLevelLeafClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to third level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getThirdLevelLeafStyle

      java.lang.String getThirdLevelLeafStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to third level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setThirdLevelLeafStyle

      void setThirdLevelLeafStyle​(java.lang.String thirdLevelLeafStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to third level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getThirdLevelLeafTextClass

      java.lang.String getThirdLevelLeafTextClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to the texts of third level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setThirdLevelLeafTextClass

      void setThirdLevelLeafTextClass​(java.lang.String thirdLevelLeafTextClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the texts of third level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getThirdLevelLeafTextStyle

      java.lang.String getThirdLevelLeafTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to third level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setThirdLevelLeafTextStyle

      void setThirdLevelLeafTextStyle​(java.lang.String thirdLevelLeafTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to third level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getThirdLevelLeafSelectedClass

      java.lang.String getThirdLevelLeafSelectedClass()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to third level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setThirdLevelLeafSelectedClass

      void setThirdLevelLeafSelectedClass​(java.lang.String thirdLevelLeafSelectedClass)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to third level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getThirdLevelLeafSelectedStyle

      java.lang.String getThirdLevelLeafSelectedStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to third level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setThirdLevelLeafSelectedStyle

      void setThirdLevelLeafSelectedStyle​(java.lang.String thirdLevelLeafSelectedStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to third level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getThirdLevelLeafSelectedTextClass

      java.lang.String getThirdLevelLeafSelectedTextClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to the texts of third level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setThirdLevelLeafSelectedTextClass

      void setThirdLevelLeafSelectedTextClass​(java.lang.String thirdLevelLeafSelectedTextClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the texts of third level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getThirdLevelLeafSelectedTextStyle

      java.lang.String getThirdLevelLeafSelectedTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of third level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setThirdLevelLeafSelectedTextStyle

      void setThirdLevelLeafSelectedTextStyle​(java.lang.String thirdLevelLeafSelectedTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of third level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getThirdLevelLeafHoverStyle

      java.lang.String getThirdLevelLeafHoverStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to third level leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setThirdLevelLeafHoverStyle

      void setThirdLevelLeafHoverStyle​(java.lang.String thirdLevelLeafHoverStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to third level leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getThirdLevelLeafHoverTextStyle

      java.lang.String getThirdLevelLeafHoverTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of third level leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setThirdLevelLeafHoverTextStyle

      void setThirdLevelLeafHoverTextStyle​(java.lang.String thirdLevelLeafHoverTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of third level leaf selected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getFourthLevelClass

      java.lang.String getFourthLevelClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to fourth level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setFourthLevelClass

      void setFourthLevelClass​(java.lang.String fourthLevelClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to fourth level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getFourthLevelStyle

      java.lang.String getFourthLevelStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to fourth level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setFourthLevelStyle

      void setFourthLevelStyle​(java.lang.String fourthLevelStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to fourth level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getFourthLevelTextClass

      java.lang.String getFourthLevelTextClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to the texts of fourth level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setFourthLevelTextClass

      void setFourthLevelTextClass​(java.lang.String fourthLevelTextClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the texts of fourth level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getFourthLevelTextStyle

      java.lang.String getFourthLevelTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of fourth level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setFourthLevelTextStyle

      void setFourthLevelTextStyle​(java.lang.String fourthLevelTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of fourth level non-leaf unselected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getFourthLevelSelectedClass

      java.lang.String getFourthLevelSelectedClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to fourth level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setFourthLevelSelectedClass

      void setFourthLevelSelectedClass​(java.lang.String fourthLevelSelectedClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to fourth level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getFourthLevelSelectedStyle

      java.lang.String getFourthLevelSelectedStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to fourth level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setFourthLevelSelectedStyle

      void setFourthLevelSelectedStyle​(java.lang.String fourthLevelSelectedStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to fourth level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getFourthLevelSelectedTextClass

      java.lang.String getFourthLevelSelectedTextClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to the texts of fourth level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setFourthLevelSelectedTextClass

      void setFourthLevelSelectedTextClass​(java.lang.String fourthLevelSelectedTextClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the texts of fourth level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getFourthLevelSelectedTextStyle

      java.lang.String getFourthLevelSelectedTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to fourth level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setFourthLevelSelectedTextStyle

      void setFourthLevelSelectedTextStyle​(java.lang.String fourthLevelSelectedTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to fourth level non-leaf selected menu items. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getFourthLevelHoverStyle

      java.lang.String getFourthLevelHoverStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to fourth level non-leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setFourthLevelHoverStyle

      void setFourthLevelHoverStyle​(java.lang.String fourthLevelHoverStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to fourth level non-leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getFourthLevelHoverTextStyle

      java.lang.String getFourthLevelHoverTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of fourth level non-leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setFourthLevelHoverTextStyle

      void setFourthLevelHoverTextStyle​(java.lang.String fourthLevelHoverTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of fourth level non-leaf selected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A non-leaf item refers to a menu item with children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getFourthLevelLeafClass

      java.lang.String getFourthLevelLeafClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to fourth level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setFourthLevelLeafClass

      void setFourthLevelLeafClass​(java.lang.String fourthLevelLeafClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to fourth level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getFourthLevelLeafStyle

      java.lang.String getFourthLevelLeafStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to fourth level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setFourthLevelLeafStyle

      void setFourthLevelLeafStyle​(java.lang.String fourthLevelLeafStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to fourth level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getFourthLevelLeafTextClass

      java.lang.String getFourthLevelLeafTextClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to the texts of fourth level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setFourthLevelLeafTextClass

      void setFourthLevelLeafTextClass​(java.lang.String fourthLevelLeafTextClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the texts of fourth level leaf unselected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getFourthLevelLeafTextStyle

      java.lang.String getFourthLevelLeafTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to fourth level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setFourthLevelLeafTextStyle

      void setFourthLevelLeafTextStyle​(java.lang.String fourthLevelLeafTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to fourth level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getFourthLevelLeafSelectedClass

      java.lang.String getFourthLevelLeafSelectedClass()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to fourth level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setFourthLevelLeafSelectedClass

      void setFourthLevelLeafSelectedClass​(java.lang.String fourthLevelLeafSelectedClass)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to fourth level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getFourthLevelLeafSelectedStyle

      java.lang.String getFourthLevelLeafSelectedStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to fourth level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setFourthLevelLeafSelectedStyle

      void setFourthLevelLeafSelectedStyle​(java.lang.String fourthLevelLeafSelectedStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to fourth level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getFourthLevelLeafSelectedTextClass

      java.lang.String getFourthLevelLeafSelectedTextClass()
      Returns the list of CSS classes applied to the texts of fourth level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setFourthLevelLeafSelectedTextClass

      void setFourthLevelLeafSelectedTextClass​(java.lang.String fourthLevelLeafSelectedTextClass)
      Sets one or more CSS classes to be applied to the texts of fourth level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Multiple classes are specified by using a space between the class names, as per the HTML class parameter.

      These classes are configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getFourthLevelLeafSelectedTextStyle

      java.lang.String getFourthLevelLeafSelectedTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of fourth level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setFourthLevelLeafSelectedTextStyle

      void setFourthLevelLeafSelectedTextStyle​(java.lang.String fourthLevelLeafSelectedTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of fourth level leaf selected menu items. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getFourthLevelLeafHoverStyle

      java.lang.String getFourthLevelLeafHoverStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to fourth level leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setFourthLevelLeafHoverStyle

      void setFourthLevelLeafHoverStyle​(java.lang.String fourthLevelLeafHoverStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to fourth level leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

    • getFourthLevelLeafHoverTextStyle

      java.lang.String getFourthLevelLeafHoverTextStyle()
      Returns the inline CSS style applied to the texts of fourth level leaf unselected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.

      See Also:
    • setFourthLevelLeafHoverTextStyle

      void setFourthLevelLeafHoverTextStyle​(java.lang.String fourthLevelLeafHoverTextStyle)
      Sets the inline CSS style to be applied to the texts of fourth level leaf selected menu items when the mouse is hovered over the item. A leaf item refers to a menu item with no children. Style is entered as for the HTML style parameter.

      This inline style is configured in the designer using the Advanced Properties button within the control's Styling Assistant.

      Further documentation.
