Interface IncludeControl

All Superinterfaces:
Control, Element, EventOwner, MessageContainer,, WebFormEventOwner

public interface IncludeControl
extends Control
An Include Control represents an external JSP or HTML file that is to be inserted into the generated page output at the location represented by the control. Only files within the Ebase web application can be included.

Further documentation.

  • Method Details

    • getFile

      java.lang.String getFile()
      The URL of the JSP/HTML file relative to the document root of the Ebase web application. Only files within the Ebase web application can be included.
      See Also:
    • setFile

      void setFile​(java.lang.String file)
      Sets the URL of the JSP/HTML file relative to the document root of the Ebase web application. Only files within the Ebase web application can be included.


       controls.INCLUDE1.file = "samples/jsps/JSP001.jsp";
    • isStatic

      boolean isStatic()
      Indicates whether the JSP/HTML file represented by this control should be refreshed when Ajax communication is enabled and a page is redisplayed e.g. when an event such as a button click, hyperlink or field immediate validation results in the same page being redisplayed. Note that JSP/HTML files are always refreshed when moving to a different page or when Ajax communication is disabled.
      See Also:
    • setStatic

      void setStatic​(boolean isStatic)
      Sets whether the JSP/HTML file represented by this control should be refreshed when Ajax communication is enabled and a page is redisplayed e.g. when an event such as a button click, hyperlink or field immediate validation results in the same page being redisplayed. Note that JSP/HTML files are always refreshed when moving to a different page or when Ajax communication is disabled.