Uses of Interface

Packages that use TableColumn
Package Description
  • Uses of TableColumn in com.ebasetech.xi.api

    Subinterfaces of TableColumn in com.ebasetech.xi.api
    Modifier and Type Interface Description
    interface  WebFormTableColumn
    The WebFormTableColumn represents a table column in an interactive web form.
    Methods in com.ebasetech.xi.api that return TableColumn
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    TableColumn Table.getColumn​(java.lang.String columnName)
    Returns the specified table column or null if the column does not exist.
    TableColumn[] Table.getColumns()
    Returns an array of all columns in the table.
    TableColumn[] Table.getSortColumns()
    Returns an Array of all the columns that are currently sorted.
    Methods in com.ebasetech.xi.api with parameters of type TableColumn
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    int Table.findRow​(TableColumn column, java.lang.Object value)
    Returns the first row number with the specified column value, or -1 if no match is found.
    java.lang.Object Table.getColumnValueOnRow​(TableColumn column, int row)
    Returns an Object representing the value of the table cell at the specified column and row.
    void Table.setColumnValueOnRow​(TableColumn column, int row, java.lang.Object value)
    Sets a value for the table cell at the specified column and row.
    void Table.sort​(TableColumn column)
    Sorts the table rows using the single column specified by column in ascending order.
    void Table.sort​(TableColumn[] columns)
    Sorts the table rows using multiple columns in ascending order.
    void Table.sort​(TableColumn[] columns, java.lang.String[] directions)
    Sorts the table rows using multiple columns.
    void Table.sort​(TableColumn column, java.lang.String direction)
    Sorts the table rows using the single column specified by column in the order specified by direction.