Interface WebFormTableColumn

All Superinterfaces:
Element, Field,, TableColumn, WebFormFieldOrColumn

public interface WebFormTableColumn
extends TableColumn, WebFormFieldOrColumn
The WebFormTableColumn represents a table column in an interactive web form.

Individual table columns can be accessed via their parent table.

  • Method Details

    • getColumnControl

      FieldColumnControl getColumnControl()
      Returns the first Table Column Control on the current page that displays this column. Use this method when the table column is displayed in a Table Control. Use method getFieldControl() when the table column is displayed in a Repeater Control or standalone on a page.
      table column control
      See Also:
    • getColumnControl

      FieldColumnControl getColumnControl​(Page page)
      Returns the first Table Column Control on the specified page that displays this column. Use this method when the table column is displayed in a Table Control. Use method getFieldControl(Page) when the table column is displayed in a Repeater Control or standalone on a page.
      table column control
      See Also:
    • getFieldControl

      FieldControl getFieldControl()
      Returns the first Field Control on the current page that displays this column. Use this method when the table column is displayed in a Repeater Control or as a standalone Field Control on a page. Use method getColumnControl() when the table column is displayed in a Table Control.
      field control
      See Also:
    • getFieldControl

      FieldControl getFieldControl​(Page page)
      Returns the first Table Column Control on the specified page that displays this column. Use this method when the table column is displayed in a Repeater Control or as a standalone Field Control on a page. Use method getColumnControl(Page) when the table column is displayed in a Table Control.
      field control
      See Also:
    • getLabelText

      Text getLabelText()
      Returns the column header Text for the column for the current language.
      Specified by:
      getLabelText in interface WebFormFieldOrColumn
      label text