Interface Table

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public interface Table
extends Element
The Table interface represents a table defined in a form, integration service or workflow job.

Individual tables can be accessed via the Tables interface.

Further documentation.

  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    static java.lang.String SORT_DIRECTION_ASCENDING
    A constant for sort direction ascending for use with the sort() methods
    static java.lang.String SORT_DIRECTION_DESCENDING
    A constant for sort direction descending for use with the sort() methods
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void copyTable​(Table fromTable, boolean removeExistingRows)
    Optionally removes all existing rows and then copies rows from the table specified by fromTable.
    boolean deleteRow()
    Deletes the current row (see getCurrentRow()) in the table.
    boolean deleteRow​(int row)
    Deletes the specified row in the table.
    TableRowIterator fetchTable()
    Loads data into the table from the external resource specified as the backing resource, and sets the first row as the current row (see getCurrentRow()).
    TableRowIterator fetchTable​(boolean noUpdate)
    Loads data into the table from the external resource specified as the backing resource, and sets the first row as the current row (see getCurrentRow()).
    int findRow​(TableColumn column, java.lang.Object value)
    Returns the first row number with the specified column value, or -1 if no match is found.
    TableRowIterator findRows​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> parms)
    Returns a row iterator object containing all rows that match the search criteria specified by parms.
    TableColumn getColumn​(java.lang.String columnName)
    Returns the specified table column or null if the column does not exist.
    TableColumn[] getColumns()
    Returns an array of all columns in the table.
    java.lang.Object getColumnValueOnRow​(TableColumn column, int row)
    Returns an Object representing the value of the table cell at the specified column and row.
    int getCurrentRow()
    Returns the row number for the table's current row.
    int getRowCount()
    Returns the number of rows in the table.
    TableRowIterator getRows()
    Returns a row iterator object that can be used to traverse all table rows
    TableColumn[] getSortColumns()
    Returns an Array of all the columns that are currently sorted.
    java.lang.String[] getSortDirections()
    Returns an Array of all the directions that are currently sorted.
    int insertRow()
    Inserts a new row into the table and sets this row as the current row of the table (see getCurrentRow()).
    boolean isRowDeletedByUser()
    Returns true if the current row (see getCurrentRow()) is marked as deleted by the user.
    boolean isRowDeletedByUser​(int row)
    Returns true if the specified row is marked as deleted by the user.
    boolean isRowEmpty()
    Returns true if the current row (see getCurrentRow()) is marked as empty.
    boolean isRowEmpty​(int row)
    Returns true if the specified row is marked as empty.
    boolean isRowInserted()
    Returns true if the current row (see getCurrentRow()) has been inserted.
    boolean isRowInserted​(int row)
    Returns true if the specified row has been inserted.
    boolean isRowModified()
    Returns true if the current row (see getCurrentRow()) has been modified.
    boolean isRowModified​(int row)
    Returns true if the specified row has been modified.
    boolean isRowSelected()
    Returns true if the current row (see getCurrentRow()) is marked as selected
    boolean isRowSelected​(int row)
    Returns true if the specified row is marked as selected.
    void loadFromJSON​(java.lang.String jsonString)
    Loads rows from a JSON string into the table.
    void replaceTable​(Table fromTable)
    Removes all existing rows and copies rows from the table specified by fromTable.
    void resetTable()
    Removes all rows from the table and resets the current row (see getCurrentRow()).
    void setColumnValueOnRow​(TableColumn column, int row, java.lang.Object value)
    Sets a value for the table cell at the specified column and row.
    void setCurrentRow​(int row)
    Sets the table's current row.
    void setRowDeletedByUser​(boolean deleted)
    Sets the deleted by the user status for the current row (see getCurrentRow()).
    void setRowDeletedByUser​(int row, boolean deleted)
    Sets the deleted by the user status for the specified row.
    void setRowEmpty​(boolean empty)
    Sets the empty status for the current row (see getCurrentRow()).
    void setRowEmpty​(int row, boolean empty)
    Sets the empty status for the specified row.
    void setRowSelected​(boolean selected)
    Sets the selected flag for the current row (see getCurrentRow()).
    void setRowSelected​(int row, boolean selected)
    Sets the selected flag for the specified row.
    void sort​(TableColumn column)
    Sorts the table rows using the single column specified by column in ascending order.
    void sort​(TableColumn[] columns)
    Sorts the table rows using multiple columns in ascending order.
    void sort​(TableColumn[] columns, java.lang.String[] directions)
    Sorts the table rows using multiple columns.
    void sort​(TableColumn column, java.lang.String direction)
    Sorts the table rows using the single column specified by column in the order specified by direction.
    java.lang.String toJSON()
    Returns a JSON string representing all rows in the table in the following format:
    java.lang.String toJSON​(boolean excludeNullValues)
    Returns a JSON string representing all rows in the table, this is the same as toJSON() but additionally provides an option on how null values in table columns are handled.
    void updateTable()
    Updates the external resource specified as the backing resource for the table with the table data, deleting, inserting, and updating rows as required.

    Methods inherited from interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.Element

    getElementName, getElementType
  • Field Details


      static final java.lang.String SORT_DIRECTION_ASCENDING
      A constant for sort direction ascending for use with the sort() methods
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      static final java.lang.String SORT_DIRECTION_DESCENDING
      A constant for sort direction descending for use with the sort() methods
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values
  • Method Details

    • fetchTable

      TableRowIterator fetchTable() throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Loads data into the table from the external resource specified as the backing resource, and sets the first row as the current row (see getCurrentRow()). All internal row numbers are reset.

      Further documentation.

      Javascript example:

       var orders = tables.ORDERS;
       var rows = orders.fetchTable();
       while (
         orders.ORDER_VAT.value = orders.ORDER_VALUE.value * vatRate;
      a row iterator object that can be used to traverse all table rows
      See Also:
    • fetchTable

      TableRowIterator fetchTable​(boolean noUpdate) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Loads data into the table from the external resource specified as the backing resource, and sets the first row as the current row (see getCurrentRow()). All internal row numbers are reset.

      The noUpdate flag provides an optional optimization. When this flag is set to true, the amount of memory required to support the table content data is reduced by about 50%; however, it is not possible to use the updateTable() method. It is recommended that this option should be used for all read only tables.

      Further documentation.

      Javascript example:

       var orders = tables.ORDERS;
       var rows = orders.fetchTable(true);
       while (
         orders.ORDER_VAT.value = orders.ORDER_VALUE.value * vatRate;
      noUpdate - when true indicates that the table will not be updated with updateTable()
      a row iterator object that can be used to traverse all table rows
      See Also:
    • updateTable

      void updateTable() throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Updates the external resource specified as the backing resource for the table with the table data, deleting, inserting, and updating rows as required. Any rows flagged as empty are ignored and are not written to the external resource. All internal row numbers are reset. The current row (see getCurrentRow()) may be changed by this command.

      Further documentation.

      Javascript example:

      See Also:
    • replaceTable

      void replaceTable​(Table fromTable) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Removes all existing rows and copies rows from the table specified by fromTable. This method is equivalent to calling copyTable(fromTable, true). Rows flagged as empty in fromTable are ignored. Any rows in fromTable that have been deleted using the deleteRow() method are ignored. All other rows are copied.

      All columns having the same name in each table are copied e.g. if T1 has columns A, B, C, D and T2 has columns B, C, X, Y, T1.replaceTable(T2) will result in data from columns B and C being copied. Any other columns in T1 will be set to null or the column's default value. The current row (see getCurrentRow()) is set to the first row after the copy.

      The table specified by fromTable is unaffected and is not changed in any way.

      Further documentation.

      Javascript example:

      fromTable - the source table from which rows are copied
      See Also:
    • copyTable

      void copyTable​(Table fromTable, boolean removeExistingRows) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Optionally removes all existing rows and then copies rows from the table specified by fromTable. Rows flagged as empty in fromTable are ignored. Any rows in fromTable that have been deleted using the deleteRow() method are ignored. All other rows are copied.

      All columns having the same name in each table are copied e.g. if T1 has columns A, B, C, D and T2 has columns B, C, X, Y, T1.copyTable(T2, true) will result in data from columns B and C being copied. Any other columns in T1 will be set to null or the column's default value. The current row (see getCurrentRow()) is set to the first row after the copy.

      The table specified by fromTable is unaffected and is not changed in any way.

      Further documentation.

      Javascript example:

       tables.ORDERS.copyTable(tables.ORDERS_SAVE, false);
      fromTable - the source table from which rows are copied
      removeExistingRows - if true, all existing rows are removed from the table prior to copying
      See Also:
    • resetTable

      void resetTable()
      Removes all rows from the table and resets the current row (see getCurrentRow()).

      Further documentation.

      Javascript example:

      Note that resetTable() will not result in the deletion of records from a backing resource specified for the table e.g. a Database Resource. i.e. any subsequent updateTable() method will not remove these rows from the attached resource. To remove all rows from the table and the backing resource use:
       var t1 = tables.MyTable;
       var rows = t1.rows;
       while (
      See Also:
      replaceTable(Table), updateTable()
    • getRows

      TableRowIterator getRows()
      Returns a row iterator object that can be used to traverse all table rows

      Further documentation.

      Javascript example:

       var orders = tables.ORDERS;
       var rows = orders.getRows();
       while (
         orders.ORDER_VAT.value = orders.ORDER_VALUE.value * vatRate;
      a row iterator object that can be used to traverse all table rows
      See Also:
    • getRowCount

      int getRowCount()
      Returns the number of rows in the table.
      the number of rows in the table
      See Also:
    • getColumn

      TableColumn getColumn​(java.lang.String columnName)
      Returns the specified table column or null if the column does not exist. When columnName is a valid Java name, the column can more easily be accessed as tableName.columnName e.g. T1.COL1, however use of this method is the only way to access column names that are not valid Java names.

      Javascript example:

       var col = tables.ORDERS.getColumn("2XX");
      a table column, or null if the column does not exist
    • getColumns

      TableColumn[] getColumns()
      Returns an array of all columns in the table.

      Javascript example:

       var cols = tables.ORDERS.getColumns();
       for each (var col in cols)
         log(col.elementName + ": " + col.value);
      an array of all columns in the table
    • deleteRow

      boolean deleteRow()
      Deletes the current row (see getCurrentRow()) in the table.

      When the table is backed by an external resource such as a database, the row will be deleted from this resource when a subsequent updateTable() method is invoked.

      Javascript example:

       var orders = tables.ORDERS;
       var rows = orders.getRows();
       while (
         if (shouldDeleteOrder())
      true if the row has been deleted which should always be the case
    • isRowSelected

      boolean isRowSelected()
      Returns true if the current row (see getCurrentRow()) is marked as selected

      A row can be marked as selected by:

      Javascript example:

       var orders = tables.ORDERS;
       var rows = orders.getRows();
       while (
         if (orders.isRowSelected())
      true if the row has been selected
    • isRowDeletedByUser

      boolean isRowDeletedByUser()
      Returns true if the current row (see getCurrentRow()) is marked as deleted by the user.

      A row can be marked as deleted by the user by:

      Note that rows deleted using the deleteRow() or deleteRow(int) methods are not marked as deleted by the user.

      Note that the deleted by the user status is removed when updateTable() is called.

      Javascript example:

       var orders = tables.ORDERS;
       var rows = orders.getRows();
       while (
         if (orders.isRowDeletedByUser())
      true if the row has been marked as deleted by the user
    • isRowInserted

      boolean isRowInserted()
      Returns true if the current row (see getCurrentRow()) has been inserted. Note that the inserted status is removed when updateTable() is called.

      Javascript example:

       var orders = tables.ORDERS;
       var rows = orders.getRows();
       while (
         if (orders.isRowInserted())
      true if the row has been inserted
    • isRowEmpty

      boolean isRowEmpty()
      Returns true if the current row (see getCurrentRow()) is marked as empty.

      A row is marked as empty when:

      Rows marked as empty are ignored by the updateTable() method.

      Javascript example:

       var orders = tables.ORDERS;
       var rows = orders.getRows();
       while (
         if (orders.isRowEmpty())
      true if the row is marked as empty
    • isRowModified

      boolean isRowModified()
      Returns true if the current row (see getCurrentRow()) has been modified. Note that inserted or deleted rows will always return false.

      Javascript example:

       var orders = tables.ORDERS;
       var rows = orders.getRows();
       while (
         if (orders.isRowModified())
      true if the row has been modified
    • deleteRow

      boolean deleteRow​(int row)
      Deletes the specified row in the table.

      When the table is backed by an external resource such as a database, the row will be deleted from this resource when a subsequent updateTable() method is invoked.

      Javascript example:

       var deleted = tables.ORDERS.deleteRow(rowNum);
      row - number
      true if the row has been deleted, false if the row does not exist
    • isRowSelected

      boolean isRowSelected​(int row)
      Returns true if the specified row is marked as selected. Throws an IllegalArgumentException if row is not a valid row number.

      A row can be marked as selected by:

      Javascript example:

       if (tables.ORDERS.isRowSelected(rowNum))
      row - number
      true if the row has been selected
    • isRowDeletedByUser

      boolean isRowDeletedByUser​(int row)
      Returns true if the specified row is marked as deleted by the user. Throws an IllegalArgumentException if row is not a valid row number.

      A row can be marked as deleted by the user by:

      Note that rows deleted using the deleteRow() or deleteRow(int) methods are not marked as deleted by the user.

      Note that the deleted by the user status is removed when updateTable() is called.

      Javascript example:

       if (tables.ORDERS.isRowDeletedByUser(rowNum))
      row - number
      true if the row has been marked as deleted by the user
    • isRowInserted

      boolean isRowInserted​(int row)
      Returns true if the specified row has been inserted. Throws an IllegalArgumentException if row is not a valid row number. Note that the inserted status is removed when updateTable() is called.

      Javascript example:

       if (orders.isRowInserted(rowNum))
      row - number
      true if the row has been inserted
    • isRowEmpty

      boolean isRowEmpty​(int row)
      Returns true if the specified row is marked as empty. Throws an IllegalArgumentException if row is not a valid row number.

      A row is marked as empty when:

      Rows marked as empty are ignored by the updateTable() method.

      Javascript example:

       if (orders.isRowEmpty(rowNum))
      row - number
      true if the row is marked as empty
      See Also:
    • isRowModified

      boolean isRowModified​(int row)
      Returns true if the specified row has been modified. Throws an IllegalArgumentException if row is not a valid row number. Note that inserted or deleted rows will always return false.

      Javascript example:

       if (orders.isRowModified(rowNum))
      row - number
      true if the row has been modified
    • setRowSelected

      void setRowSelected​(boolean selected)
      Sets the selected flag for the current row (see getCurrentRow()).

      The selected status can be displayed to the user by adding a select column checkbox to a Table Control.

      Javascript example:

       var orders = tables.ORDERS;
       var rows = orders.getRows();
       while (
      selected -
      See Also:
    • setRowSelected

      void setRowSelected​(int row, boolean selected)
      Sets the selected flag for the specified row. Throws an IllegalArgumentException if row is not a valid row number.

      The selected status can be displayed to the user by adding a select column checkbox to a Table Control.

      Javascript example:

       tables.ORDERS.setRowSelected(rowNum, false);
      row - number
      selected -
      See Also:
    • setRowDeletedByUser

      void setRowDeletedByUser​(boolean deleted)
      Sets the deleted by the user status for the current row (see getCurrentRow()). Note that the deleted by the user status is removed when updateTable() is called.

      The deleted by the user status can be displayed to the user by adding a delete column checkbox to a Table Control.

      Javascript example:

       var orders = tables.ORDERS;
       var rows = orders.getRows();
       while (
      deleted -
      See Also:
    • setRowDeletedByUser

      void setRowDeletedByUser​(int row, boolean deleted)
      Sets the deleted by the user status for the specified row. Throws an IllegalArgumentException if row is not a valid row number. Note that the deleted by the user status is removed when updateTable() is called.

      The deleted by the user status can be displayed to the user by adding a delete column checkbox to a Table Control.

      Javascript example:

       tables.ORDERS.setRowDeletedByUser(rowNum, false);
      row - number
      deleted -
      See Also:
    • setRowEmpty

      void setRowEmpty​(boolean empty)
      Sets the empty status for the current row (see getCurrentRow()). Rows marked as empty are ignored by the updateTable() method.

      Javascript example:

       var orders = tables.ORDERS;
       var rows = orders.getRows();
       while (
      empty -
      See Also:
    • setRowEmpty

      void setRowEmpty​(int row, boolean empty)
      Sets the empty status for the specified row. Rows marked as empty are ignored by the updateTable() method. Throws an IllegalArgumentException if row is not a valid row number.

      Javascript example:

       tables.ORDERS.setRowEmpty(rowNum, false);
      row - number
      empty -
      See Also:
    • insertRow

      int insertRow()
      Inserts a new row into the table and sets this row as the current row of the table (see getCurrentRow()). The columns in the row are initialized with their default values or null as appropriate. Inserted rows are displayed at the bottom of a Table Control.

      Javascript example:

       var newRowNum = tables.ORDERS.insertRow();
      the row number of the new row
    • findRow

      int findRow​(TableColumn column, java.lang.Object value)
      Returns the first row number with the specified column value, or -1 if no match is found.

      Javascript example:

       var row = tables.ORDERS.findRow(tables.ORDERS.ORDER_ID, fields.SEARCH_ORDER_ID.value);
       if (row != -1)
      column - table column
      value - the value of the table column, should be the same type as the underlying column object (see Field.getValue())
      the row number of the found row or -1
      See Also:
    • findRows

      TableRowIterator findRows​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> parms)
      Returns a row iterator object containing all rows that match the search criteria specified by parms.

      Javascript example:

       var searchParms = {};
       searchParms.CUSTOMER_TYPE = "Internal";
       searchParms.RATING = 4;
       var rows = tables.CUSTOMERS.findRows(searchParms);
       while (
      parms - a Map of key/value pairs where key is a column name and value is the corresponding value. In Javascript, an Object can be used where key is a column name and value is the corresponding value which should be the same type as the underlying column object (see Field.getValue()).
      a table row iterator
      See Also:
      findRow(TableColumn, Object)
    • getCurrentRow

      int getCurrentRow()
      Returns the row number for the table's current row.

      The current row represents an important concept - a current row exists for all tables that are not empty. All references to table columns and their values which do not explicitly specify a row number are interpreted as referring to the corresponding table cell for the column on the current row. For example, in the following line of code, values for the ORDER_VAT and ORDER_VALUE columns are obtained from the current row.

       orders.ORDER_VAT.value = orders.ORDER_VALUE.value * vatRate;
      The current row is set by the system as follows:
      • when a table cell event is executed e.g. user clicks a button or hyperlink, the current row is set to the row containing that table cell
      • while traversing table rows using a TableRowIterator, the current row is set each time the next() or previous() method is invoked. When all rows have been processed by the TableRowIterator, the current row is returned to its original value. If all rows are not processed by the TableRowIterator, the current row remains set to the row at the break point.
      • the insertRow() method, or the user clicking the add row button, both set the current row to the new row
      • the fetchTable() method sets the first row as the current row
      • a sort operation, either invoked by the user or using one of the sort(TableColumn) methods, sets the first row as the current row
      • the updateTable() may reset the current row depending on circumstances
      • a vertical scroll operation by the user sets the current row to the first visible row of the new display
      the row number of the table's current row
    • setCurrentRow

      void setCurrentRow​(int row)
      Sets the table's current row.
      See Also:
    • sort

      void sort​(TableColumn[] columns, java.lang.String[] directions)
      Sorts the table rows using multiple columns. Columns are processed from left to right.

      Javascript example:

       tables.ORDERS.sort( [tables.ORDERS.DELIVERY_DATE, tables.ORDERS.QUANTITY], 
      columns - an array of table columns
      directions - an array of directions where each direction is either "asc" or "desc" (static constants Table.SORT_DIRECTION_ASCENDING or Table.SORT_DIRECTION_DESCENDING can be used). The sort direction at position n is applied to the column at position n. The number of directions must match the number of columns.
    • sort

      void sort​(TableColumn[] columns)
      Sorts the table rows using multiple columns in ascending order. Columns are processed from left to right.

      Javascript example:

       tables.ORDERS.sort( [tables.ORDERS.DELIVERY_DATE, tables.ORDERS.QUANTITY] );
      columns - an array of table columns
    • sort

      void sort​(TableColumn column, java.lang.String direction)
      Sorts the table rows using the single column specified by column in the order specified by direction.

      Javascript example:

      column - the table column
      direction - either "asc" or "desc" (static constants Table.SORT_DIRECTION_ASCENDING and Table.SORT_DIRECTION_DESCENDING can be used)
    • sort

      void sort​(TableColumn column)
      Sorts the table rows using the single column specified by column in ascending order.

      Javascript example:

      column - the table column
    • getColumnValueOnRow

      java.lang.Object getColumnValueOnRow​(TableColumn column, int row)
      Returns an Object representing the value of the table cell at the specified column and row. See Field.getValue() for documentation on which object types are returned for each column type.

      Javascript examples:

       tables.ORDERS.getColumnValueOnRow(tables.ORDERS.ORDER_VALUE, rowNum);
      column - the table column
      row - row number
      See Also:
    • setColumnValueOnRow

      void setColumnValueOnRow​(TableColumn column, int row, java.lang.Object value)
      Sets a value for the table cell at the specified column and row. See Field.setValue(Object) for documentation on which object types can be used with each column type.

      Javascript examples:

       tables.ORDERS.setColumnValueOnRow(tables.ORDERS.ORDER_VALUE, rowNum, 25.13);
      column - the table column
      row - row number
      value - the value object, see Field.setValue(Object)
    • getSortColumns

      TableColumn[] getSortColumns()
      Returns an Array of all the columns that are currently sorted. This can be useful to reestablish a sort order created by the user after a fetchtable.

      See getSortDirections() for documentation on sort directions
      See sort(TableColumn[]) for documentation on sorting columns

      Javascript examples:

       var sortColumns = tables.ORDERS.getSortColumns();
       var sortDirections = tables.ORDERS.getSortDirections();
       tables.ORDERS.sort(sortColumns, sortDirections);
      See Also:
      getSortDirections(), sort(TableColumn[], String[])
    • getSortDirections

      java.lang.String[] getSortDirections()
      Returns an Array of all the directions that are currently sorted. The position of the sort in the Array matches the position of the column name within the Array returned from getSortColumns(). This can be useful to reestablish a sort order created by the user after a fetchtable.

      The sort order directions are defined as SORT_DIRECTION_ASCENDING or SORT_DIRECTION_DESCENDING.

      See getSortDirections() for documentation on sort directions
      See sort(TableColumn[], String[]) for documentation on sorting columns

      Javascript examples:

       var sortColumns = tables.ORDERS.getSortColumns();
       var sortDirections = tables.ORDERS.getSortDirections();
       tables.ORDERS.sort(sortColumns, sortDirections);
      See Also:
      getSortColumns(), sort(TableColumn[], String[])
    • toJSON

      java.lang.String toJSON()
      Returns a JSON string representing all rows in the table in the following format:
          {Name:Smith, Age:31, StartDate:1459206000000},
          {Name:Mendez, Age:23, StartDate:1462306000000},
          {Name:Jones, Age:45, StartDate:1459961000000}
      The JSON string contains a single "rows" property which contains an array of table rows where each row contains columnName:value property pairs where the value for each column is the same as its value property, see Field.getValue(). Columns with null values are included with an explicit "null" value. See toJSON(boolean) which includes an option to exclude columns with a null value.


       // 1. send to REST web service
       var ordersJson = tables.ORDERS.toJSON();"", ordersJson);
       // 2. convert to Javascript object
       var ordersJson = tables.ORDERS.toJSON();
       var ordersObj = JSON.parse(ordersJson);
       var order1Value = ordersObj.rows[0].orderValue;
       var order2Id = ordersObj.rows[1].orderId;
       for each (var order in ordersObj.rows)
         var id = order.orderId;
         var orderDate = order.orderDate;
      See Also:
      toJSON(boolean), loadFromJSON(String)
    • toJSON

      java.lang.String toJSON​(boolean excludeNullValues)
      Returns a JSON string representing all rows in the table, this is the same as toJSON() but additionally provides an option on how null values in table columns are handled. Columns with a null value can either be omitted or included as value "null".
          {Name:Smith, Age:31, StartDate:1459206000000},
          {Name:Mendez, Age:23, StartDate:1462306000000},
          {Name:Jones, Age:null, StartDate:null}
      The JSON string contains a single "rows" property which contains an array of table rows where each row contains columnName:value property pairs where the value for each column is the same as its value property, see Field.getValue(). when excludeNullValues is true, columns with null values are omitted. When excludeNullValues is false, columns with null values are included with value "null" - see example above;


       // 1. send to REST web service
       var ordersJson = tables.ORDERS.toJSON(true);"", ordersJson);
       // 2. convert to Javascript object
       var ordersJson = tables.ORDERS.toJSON(true);
       var ordersObj = JSON.parse(ordersJson);
       var order1Value = ordersObj.rows[0].orderValue;
       var order2Id = ordersObj.rows[1].orderId;
       for each (var order in ordersObj.rows)
         var id = order.orderId;
         var orderDate = order.orderDate;
      excludeNullValues - when true, columns with null values are omitted; when false, columns with null values are included with value "null"
      See Also:
      toJSON(), loadFromJSON(String)
    • loadFromJSON

      void loadFromJSON​(java.lang.String jsonString)
      Loads rows from a JSON string into the table. The JSON string must be formatted as per the following example (which is split into multiple rows for clarity):
          {Name:Smith, Age:31, StartDate:1459206000000},
          {Name:Mendez, Age:23, StartDate:1462306000000},
          {Name:Jones, Age:45, StartDate: null}
      This represents a Javascript object with a single "rows" property which contains an array of table rows where each row contains columnName:value property pairs. Any value that can be specified for a column's value property can be used, see Field.setValue(Object). Columns with null values can be either excluded completely or "null" can be specified as the column value as per the example above. The toJSON() methods can be used to generate a JSON string with this format from an existing table.

      This method does not delete any existing rows that might exist in the table. If this is required resetTable() should be called first.


       var jsonString = "{rows:[{Name:Smith, Age:31, StartDate:1459206000000}, {Name:Mendez, Age:23, StartDate:1462306000000}]}"  
       tables.ORDERS.control.scrollToTop();             //scroll to the top of the table
      jsonString - formatted JSON string containing table row data
      See Also:
      toJSON(), toJSON(boolean)