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linkToPage(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, String) - Method in class
Displays the page to the end user as specified by the passed URL
logFormDebug(String) - Method in interface com.ebasetech.ufs.mapping.ResourceRequestInterface
Enables the resource to log a debug message to the form's error log.
logFormError(String) - Method in class com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.UFSFormInterface
Log an error message.
logFormError(String) - Method in interface com.ebasetech.ufs.mapping.ResourceRequestInterface
Enables the resource to log an error to the form's error log.
logFormInfo(String) - Method in class com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.UFSFormInterface
Log an information message.
logFormInfo(String) - Method in interface com.ebasetech.ufs.mapping.ResourceRequestInterface
Enables the resource to log an information message to the form's error log.
LogonExitServletBase - Class in
LogonExitServletBase() - Constructor for class
logout(String) - Method in interface
Called to indicate that the user is no longer connected to the system and any resources can therefore be released.
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