Interface ResourceRequestInterface

public interface ResourceRequestInterface
This interface provides access to the fields and attributes of a custom resource.
Jon Rickard 19 Oct 2002
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    static java.lang.String COMMAND_CALL  
    static java.lang.String COMMAND_DELETE  
    static java.lang.String COMMAND_EXEC  
    static java.lang.String COMMAND_FETCH  
    static java.lang.String COMMAND_INSERT  
    static java.lang.String COMMAND_PRINT  
    static java.lang.String COMMAND_READ  
    static java.lang.String COMMAND_UPDATE  
    static java.lang.String COMMAND_WRITE  
    static java.lang.String[] COMMANDS  
    static java.lang.String FIELD_TYPE_BOOLEAN  
    static java.lang.String FIELD_TYPE_CHAR  
    static java.lang.String FIELD_TYPE_CURRENCY  
    static java.lang.String FIELD_TYPE_DATE  
    static java.lang.String FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME  
    static java.lang.String FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER  
    static java.lang.String FIELD_TYPE_NUMBER  
    static java.lang.String FIELD_TYPE_TIME  
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void addScratchPadObject​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object obj)
    Adds the specified object to the system scratch pad area.
    void commitTransaction()
    Commits the current transaction and starts a new transaction.
    TableDataInterface createNewTableData()
    Factory method which returns an empty instance of the Table Data object.
    java.util.List getAllNonRepeatingDescendants​(java.lang.String fieldName)
    Returns a list of field names representing all of the non-repeating descendants of fieldName.
    java.lang.String getBinding()
    Returns the name of the binding issued with the FPL command.
    java.lang.String getChildAt​(java.lang.String fieldName, int childNum)
    Returns the field name of the specified child field.
    int getChildCount​(java.lang.String fieldName)
    Returns the number of child fields that exist for fieldName.
    java.util.List getChildren​(java.lang.String fieldName)
    Returns a list of field names representing the immediate child fields of fieldName.
    int getFieldDecimalDigits​(java.lang.String fieldName)
    Returns the number of decimal digits for the specified field
    java.lang.String getFieldExternalName​(java.lang.String fieldName)
    Returns the external name of the specified field.
    int getFieldLength​(java.lang.String fieldName)
    Returns the length of the specified field
    java.lang.String getFieldNameForExternalName​(java.lang.String externalName, java.lang.String parentFieldName)
    Returns the Ebase resource field name within the specified parent field that corresponds to the specified external name.
    java.lang.String getFieldNameFromAncestorList​(java.util.ArrayList ancestorList)
    Given a List of all ancestor names (including the current external name itself), return the name of the internal source field id which matches this current field name.
    java.util.Vector getFieldNames()
    Returns a vector of Strings consisting of all fields in the custom resource
    java.lang.String getFieldType​(java.lang.String fieldName)
    Returns the type of the specified field.
    java.lang.Object getFieldValue​(java.lang.String fieldName)
    getFieldValue2 should be used.
    java.lang.Object getFieldValue2​(java.lang.String fieldName)
    Returns the value of the specified field.
    java.lang.String getFieldValueAsString​(java.lang.String fieldName)
    Retrieves the value of this resource field as a string.
    java.lang.String getFormName()
    return name of the form
    com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormSession getFormSessionContext()
    Returns the FormSession context object for the user session.
    javax.naming.InitialContext getInitialContext()
    Returns the JNDI initial context.
    java.lang.Object getOriginalFieldValue​(java.lang.String fieldName)
    Retrieves the original value of this resource field in the form in which it was saved.
    java.lang.String getOriginalFieldValueAsString​(java.lang.String fieldName)
    Retrieves the original value of this resource field as a string.
    java.lang.String getParameterValue​(java.lang.String paramName)
    Returns the user supplied value for the named parameter.
    java.lang.String getParameterValue​(java.lang.String paramName, boolean allowSubstitution)
    Returns the user supplied value for the named parameter substituting any && variables.
    java.lang.String getParent​(java.lang.String fieldName)
    Returns the name of this field's parent or null if there is no parent.
    java.lang.String getRequestingResourceId()
    Returns the identifier of the custom resource instance which is issuing this request.
    java.lang.String getResourceParm1()
    instead, the CustomResourceInterface implementation should explicitly declare the parameter names it will be using.
    java.lang.String getResourceParm2()
    instead, the CustomResourceInterface implementation should explicitly declare the parameter names it will be using.
    java.lang.String getResourceParm3()
    instead, the CustomResourceInterface implementation should explicitly declare the parameter names it will be using.
    java.lang.String getResourceParm4()
    instead, the CustomResourceInterface implementation should explicitly declare the parameter names it will be using.
    java.lang.Object getScratchPadObject​(java.lang.String name)
    Returns the object with the specified key from the system scratch pad area.
    javax.servlet.http.HttpSession getSessionContext()
    Returns the HttpSession context object for the user session.
    java.lang.Object getSystemVariable​(int varId)
    Returns the value of the given system variable.
    TableDataInterface getTableData​(java.lang.String tableId)
    Returns an object which implements the TableDataInterface.
    java.util.List getTopLevelFieldNames()
    Returns a list of field names representing all resource fields that have no parent.
    boolean hasChildren​(java.lang.String fieldName)
    Returns true if fieldName has any child fields.
    boolean hasParent​(java.lang.String fieldName)
    Returns true if fieldName has a parent.
    boolean isBatchMode()
    Returns true if the system is operating in batch mode.
    boolean isDebug()
    Returns true if the debug flag in the custom resource editor has been checked.
    boolean isFieldAttribute​(java.lang.String fieldName)
    Determine if the specified resource field is an attribute field.
    boolean isFieldKey​(java.lang.String fieldName)
    Determine if the specified resource field is a key field.
    boolean isFieldMapped​(java.lang.String fieldName)
    Determine if the specified resource field is mapped to a form field.
    boolean isFieldRepeatable​(java.lang.String fieldName)
    Determine if the specified resource field is repeatable.
    void logFormDebug​(java.lang.String infoMsg)
    Enables the resource to log a debug message to the form's error log.
    void logFormError​(java.lang.String errorMsg)
    Enables the resource to log an error to the form's error log.
    void logFormInfo​(java.lang.String infoMsg)
    Enables the resource to log an information message to the form's error log.
    void removeScratchPadObject​(java.lang.String name)
    Removes the object with the specified key from the system scratch pad area.
    void rollbackTransaction()
    Rolls back the current transaction and starts a new transaction.
    void setFieldList​(java.lang.String fieldName, java.util.Vector values)  
    void setFieldValue​(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.Object value)
    Sets a value for the specified field.
    void setSystemVariable​(int varId, int varValue)
    Sets the named system variable to the supplied varValue
    void setSystemVariable​(int varId, java.lang.String varValue)
    Sets the named system variable to the supplied varValue
    void setSystemVariable​(com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.SystemVariableType varType, int varValue)
    Sets the named system variable to the supplied varValue Makes call to setSystemVariable( int varId, int varValue );
    void setSystemVariable​(com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.SystemVariableType varType, java.lang.String varValue)
    Sets the named system variable to the supplied varValue.
    void setTableData​(java.lang.String tableId, TableDataInterface tableData)
    Used to tell Ebase Xi to update itself from the table data supplied for the named table field.
    boolean valueHasChanged​(java.lang.String fieldName)
    Compares the field value with the Original field value.
  • Field Details


      static final java.lang.String COMMAND_FETCH
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      static final java.lang.String COMMAND_DELETE
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      static final java.lang.String COMMAND_UPDATE
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      static final java.lang.String COMMAND_INSERT
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      static final java.lang.String COMMAND_READ
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      static final java.lang.String COMMAND_WRITE
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      static final java.lang.String COMMAND_PRINT
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      static final java.lang.String COMMAND_EXEC
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      static final java.lang.String COMMAND_CALL
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      static final java.lang.String[] COMMANDS

      static final java.lang.String FIELD_TYPE_BOOLEAN

      static final java.lang.String FIELD_TYPE_CHAR

      static final java.lang.String FIELD_TYPE_INTEGER

      static final java.lang.String FIELD_TYPE_NUMBER

      static final java.lang.String FIELD_TYPE_CURRENCY

      static final java.lang.String FIELD_TYPE_DATE

      static final java.lang.String FIELD_TYPE_DATETIME

      static final java.lang.String FIELD_TYPE_TIME
  • Method Details

    • getFieldDecimalDigits

      int getFieldDecimalDigits​(java.lang.String fieldName) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Returns the number of decimal digits for the specified field
      fieldName - is the name of a resource field
      com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException - if fieldName is not a field contained in the resource
    • getFieldExternalName

      java.lang.String getFieldExternalName​(java.lang.String fieldName) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Returns the external name of the specified field. This value is intended to be used to represent the name by which the external resource refers to this field, and specifically allows this name to be different from the Ebase resource field name. Ebase resource field names must be unique within each resource. This restriction does not apply to external names.
      fieldName - is the name of a resource field
      com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException - if fieldName is not a field contained in the resource
    • getFieldNameForExternalName

      java.lang.String getFieldNameForExternalName​(java.lang.String externalName, java.lang.String parentFieldName) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Returns the Ebase resource field name within the specified parent field that corresponds to the specified external name. Note that external names are required to be unique within each parent.
      com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException - if fieldName cannot be found
    • getFieldNameFromAncestorList

      java.lang.String getFieldNameFromAncestorList​(java.util.ArrayList ancestorList) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Given a List of all ancestor names (including the current external name itself), return the name of the internal source field id which matches this current field name.
      ancestorList - - a list of ordered String names from the current name up to the root including all intermediate ancestor names. The first name on the list is the current field's name. The second is the parent of this current field. The third is the parent of this parent, etc. up to the top-level.
      String - the source field name which matches this external field name.
    • getFieldLength

      int getFieldLength​(java.lang.String fieldName) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Returns the length of the specified field
      fieldName - is the name of a resource field
      com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException - if fieldName is not a field contained in the resource
    • getFieldNames

      java.util.Vector getFieldNames()
      Returns a vector of Strings consisting of all fields in the custom resource
    • getFieldType

      java.lang.String getFieldType​(java.lang.String fieldName) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Returns the type of the specified field. These can be compared against the field type constants in this interface.
      fieldName - is the name of a resource field
      com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException - if fieldName is not a field contained in the resource
    • getFieldValue

      java.lang.Object getFieldValue​(java.lang.String fieldName) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      getFieldValue2 should be used. It is identical except for when the field is a DATE.
      Returns the value of the specified field. The object type returned depends on the type of the form field mapped to the specified resource field as follows : field type CHAR returns a String field type BOOLEAN returns a Boolean, field type DATE returns a String in the format specified by parameter Ufs.dateFormat in, field type INTEGER returns a BigInteger field type NUMBER or CURRENCY returns a BigDecimal field type TIME returns a Long value. Suitable for constructing a java.util.Date (date element set to January 1, 1970). field type DATETIME returns a Long value representing milliseconds since the epoch, January 1, 1970. Suitable for constructing a java.util.Date.
      fieldName - is the name of a resource field
      com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException - if fieldName is not a field contained in the resource
    • getFieldValue2

      java.lang.Object getFieldValue2​(java.lang.String fieldName) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Returns the value of the specified field. The object type returned depends on the type of the form field mapped to the specified resource field as follows : field type CHAR returns a String field type BOOLEAN returns a Boolean, field type DATE returns a Long value suitable for constructing a java.util.Date (time element is set to midnight) field type INTEGER returns a BigInteger field type NUMBER or CURRENCY returns a BigDecimal field type TIME returns a Long value suitable for constructing a java.util.Date (date element set to January 1, 1970) field type DATETIME returns a Long value representing milliseconds since the epoch, January 1, 1970 suitable for constructing a java.util.Date.
      fieldName - is the name of a resource field
      com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException - if fieldName is not a field contained in the resource
    • getTableData

      TableDataInterface getTableData​(java.lang.String tableId) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Returns an object which implements the TableDataInterface. This object represents the content of the table in UFS and can be interrogated for table row and table cell data.
      tableId - is the name of the resource field which is mapped to a form table.
    • createNewTableData

      TableDataInterface createNewTableData() throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Factory method which returns an empty instance of the Table Data object. This should be used by a custom resource when implementing the fetchTable operation in order to obtain a valid table data object which can then be populated.
    • setTableData

      void setTableData​(java.lang.String tableId, TableDataInterface tableData) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Used to tell Ebase Xi to update itself from the table data supplied for the named table field. This should be used by a custom resource in response to a fetchTable request.
      tableId - is the name of the resource field which is mapped to a form table.
      tableData - the populated TableData object to be returned to Ebase Xi.
    • getFormName

      java.lang.String getFormName() throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      return name of the form
    • getInitialContext

      javax.naming.InitialContext getInitialContext() throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException, javax.naming.NamingException
      Returns the JNDI initial context. This can be used to lookup any resources supported by the J2EE application server. Any such resources will automatically be added to the transactional context of the form.
    • getRequestingResourceId

      java.lang.String getRequestingResourceId()
      Returns the identifier of the custom resource instance which is issuing this request.
    • isDebug

      boolean isDebug()
      Returns true if the debug flag in the custom resource editor has been checked.
    • setSystemVariable

      void setSystemVariable​(int varId, java.lang.String varValue)
      Sets the named system variable to the supplied varValue
      varId - identifier of system variable to set. Valid values are defined on the SystemVariableType enumeration.
      varValue - value to set the system variable to.
    • setSystemVariable

      void setSystemVariable​(int varId, int varValue)
      Sets the named system variable to the supplied varValue
      varId - identifier of system variable to set. Valid values are defined on the SystemVariableType enumeration.
      varValue - value to set the system variable to.
    • getSystemVariable

      java.lang.Object getSystemVariable​(int varId)
      Returns the value of the given system variable.
      varId - identifier of system variable to return. Valid values are defined on the SystemVariableType enumeration.
    • setSystemVariable

      void setSystemVariable​(com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.SystemVariableType varType, java.lang.String varValue)
      Sets the named system variable to the supplied varValue. Makes call to setSystemVariable( int varId, String varValue );
      varType - system variable object to set. Valid values are defined on the SystemVariableType enumeration.
      varValue - value to set the system variable to.
    • setSystemVariable

      void setSystemVariable​(com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.SystemVariableType varType, int varValue)
      Sets the named system variable to the supplied varValue Makes call to setSystemVariable( int varId, int varValue );
      varType - system variable object to set. Valid values are defined on the SystemVariableType enumeration.
      varValue - value to set the system variable to.
    • isBatchMode

      boolean isBatchMode()
      Returns true if the system is operating in batch mode. i.e. no browser client exists.
    • logFormError

      void logFormError​(java.lang.String errorMsg)
      Enables the resource to log an error to the form's error log.
      errorMsg -
    • logFormInfo

      void logFormInfo​(java.lang.String infoMsg)
      Enables the resource to log an information message to the form's error log.
      infoMsg -
    • logFormDebug

      void logFormDebug​(java.lang.String infoMsg)
      Enables the resource to log a debug message to the form's error log. Can be used in conjunction with the isDebug() method to log diagnostic information.
      infoMsg -
    • getResourceParm1

      java.lang.String getResourceParm1()
      instead, the CustomResourceInterface implementation should explicitly declare the parameter names it will be using. These should then be accessed by name using getParameterValue().
      Returns the first resource parameter value
    • getResourceParm2

      java.lang.String getResourceParm2()
      instead, the CustomResourceInterface implementation should explicitly declare the parameter names it will be using. These should then be accessed by name using getParameterValue().
      Returns the second resource parameter value
    • getResourceParm3

      java.lang.String getResourceParm3()
      instead, the CustomResourceInterface implementation should explicitly declare the parameter names it will be using. These should then be accessed by name using getParameterValue().
      Returns the third resource parameter value
    • getResourceParm4

      java.lang.String getResourceParm4()
      instead, the CustomResourceInterface implementation should explicitly declare the parameter names it will be using. These should then be accessed by name using getParameterValue().
      Returns the fourth resource parameter value
    • getParameterValue

      java.lang.String getParameterValue​(java.lang.String paramName)
      Returns the user supplied value for the named parameter. These parameter names should be declared in the CustomResourceInterface implementation of the getParameterNames method.
      paramName -
      String parameter value
    • getParameterValue

      java.lang.String getParameterValue​(java.lang.String paramName, boolean allowSubstitution)
      Returns the user supplied value for the named parameter substituting any && variables. These parameter names should be declared in the CustomResourceInterface implementation of the getParameterNames method.
      paramName -
      allowSubstitution - when true, && variable names in the parameter value will be replaced with the contents of resource fields with the same name. Environment variables can also be used.
      String parameter value
    • isFieldMapped

      boolean isFieldMapped​(java.lang.String fieldName) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Determine if the specified resource field is mapped to a form field.
      fieldName - is the name of a resource field
      com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException - if fieldName is not a field contained in the resource
    • setFieldValue

      void setFieldValue​(java.lang.String fieldName, java.lang.Object value) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Sets a value for the specified field. Also sets the Original Field Value. Many different object types are acceptable depending on the field type. An unacceptable object type will throw a FormException.
      fieldName - is the name of a resource field
      com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException - if fieldName is not a field contained in the resource
    • addScratchPadObject

      void addScratchPadObject​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Object obj)
      Adds the specified object to the system scratch pad area. Note that objects are never automatically removed from the scratch pad area, even when the user session expires. They must be explicitly removed with method removeScratchPadObject().
      name - - a String to be used as key
      obj - - the object to be added
    • getScratchPadObject

      java.lang.Object getScratchPadObject​(java.lang.String name)
      Returns the object with the specified key from the system scratch pad area.
      name - - the key
      Object - the object stored with the corresponding key
    • removeScratchPadObject

      void removeScratchPadObject​(java.lang.String name)
      Removes the object with the specified key from the system scratch pad area.
      name - - the key
    • getSessionContext

      javax.servlet.http.HttpSession getSessionContext()
      Returns the HttpSession context object for the user session. This can be used to store and retrieve user-related parameters and data. Note that the HttpSession context and all attributes it contains are automatically released when the session expires.
    • getFormSessionContext

      com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormSession getFormSessionContext()
      Returns the FormSession context object for the user session. There is one FormSession object for each end-user browser window. This can be used to store and retrieve parameters and data that relate to one specific execution of a form. This is in contrast to method getSessionContext() that returns the HttpSession object that applies to the entire session.
    • setFieldList

      void setFieldList​(java.lang.String fieldName, java.util.Vector values) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
    • isFieldRepeatable

      boolean isFieldRepeatable​(java.lang.String fieldName) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Determine if the specified resource field is repeatable.
      fieldName - is the name of a resource field
      com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException - if fieldName is not a field contained in the resource
    • isFieldKey

      boolean isFieldKey​(java.lang.String fieldName) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Determine if the specified resource field is a key field.
      fieldName - is the name of a resource field
      com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException - if fieldName is not a field contained in the resource
    • isFieldAttribute

      boolean isFieldAttribute​(java.lang.String fieldName) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Determine if the specified resource field is an attribute field.
      fieldName - is the name of a resource field
      com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException - if fieldName is not a field contained in the resource
    • getChildren

      java.util.List getChildren​(java.lang.String fieldName) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Returns a list of field names representing the immediate child fields of fieldName. Field names are returned in the order in which they appear in the Custom Resource Editor. If fieldName has no children, returns an empty list. Each field name in the list is a String.
      fieldName - is the name of a resource field
      com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException - if fieldName is not a field contained in the resource
    • getAllNonRepeatingDescendants

      java.util.List getAllNonRepeatingDescendants​(java.lang.String fieldName) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Returns a list of field names representing all of the non-repeating descendants of fieldName. If fieldName has no children, returns an empty list. Each field name in the list is a String.
      fieldName - is the name of a resource field
      com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException - if fieldName is not a field contained in the resource
    • getTopLevelFieldNames

      java.util.List getTopLevelFieldNames()
      Returns a list of field names representing all resource fields that have no parent.
    • getParent

      java.lang.String getParent​(java.lang.String fieldName) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Returns the name of this field's parent or null if there is no parent.
      fieldName - is the name of a resource field
      com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException - if fieldName is not a field contained in the resource
    • hasChildren

      boolean hasChildren​(java.lang.String fieldName) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Returns true if fieldName has any child fields. Otherwise returns false.
      fieldName - is the name of a resource field
      com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException - if fieldName is not a field contained in the resource
    • hasParent

      boolean hasParent​(java.lang.String fieldName) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Returns true if fieldName has a parent. Otherwise returns false.
      fieldName - is the name of a resource field
      com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException - if fieldName is not a field contained in the resource
    • getChildCount

      int getChildCount​(java.lang.String fieldName) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Returns the number of child fields that exist for fieldName.
      fieldName - is the name of a resource field
      com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException - if fieldName is not a field contained in the resource
    • getChildAt

      java.lang.String getChildAt​(java.lang.String fieldName, int childNum) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Returns the field name of the specified child field. The child field numbering sequence reflects the order in which the child fields appear in the Custom Resource Editor.
      fieldName - is the name of a resource field
      com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException - if fieldName is not a field contained in the resource
    • getOriginalFieldValue

      java.lang.Object getOriginalFieldValue​(java.lang.String fieldName) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Retrieves the original value of this resource field in the form in which it was saved.
      fieldName -
      original value of a resource field
    • getOriginalFieldValueAsString

      java.lang.String getOriginalFieldValueAsString​(java.lang.String fieldName) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Retrieves the original value of this resource field as a string.
      fieldName -
      original value of this resource field
    • getFieldValueAsString

      java.lang.String getFieldValueAsString​(java.lang.String fieldName) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Retrieves the value of this resource field as a string.
      fieldName -
      the value of a resource field
    • valueHasChanged

      boolean valueHasChanged​(java.lang.String fieldName) throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormException
      Compares the field value with the Original field value.
      true if the value has changed
    • getBinding

      java.lang.String getBinding()
      Returns the name of the binding issued with the FPL command. e.g. if command 'READ RESOURCE1 B1' has been issued, 'B1' is returned. Returns null if no binding was specified on the command.
    • rollbackTransaction

      void rollbackTransaction() throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormTransactionException
      Rolls back the current transaction and starts a new transaction.
    • commitTransaction

      void commitTransaction() throws com.ebasetech.ufs.kernel.FormTransactionException
      Commits the current transaction and starts a new transaction.