Outline View


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Introduction. 1

Outline View toolbar 2

Adding Controls 2

Moving Controls 3

Deleting Controls 3

Right Click Functionality. 3

Help. 3


See also: WYSIWYG View, Form Editor, Controls


The Outline View is designed to be used in conjunction with the WYSIWYG View. Each page consists of a number of controls organised in a tree-like structure. The WYSIWYG View shows a page as it will appear in a browser, whereas the Outline View shows the controls as a tree hierarchy. So both of these panels show alternate views of the same underlying controls. Most editing functions are available from both panels.


Selection and highlighting of items between the Outline and WYSIWG views can be synchronized by clicking on the  toggle switch at the top of the Outline View.



Outline View toolbar


Expand all controls in the tree


Contract all controls in the tree


Toggles the display of control names


This toggle switch controls synchronization with the WYSIWYG View. When synchronized, a control selected in either view is highlighted in both views; when unsynchronized, each view works independently.



Adding Controls

Controls can be added to a page in a number of ways:


  1. By dragging items from one of the other view panels. The following are supported:


·         Dragging any control from the Palette View. Note that for field and table controls, this will also create a new field or table respectively.

·         Dragging one or more fields from the Fields View

·         Dragging one or more tables or table columns from the Tables View


Drop locations are shown as follows:

·         A short black line underneath a control icon indicates the selected controls will be added after the control

·         A short black arrow underneath a control name indicates the selected controls will be added to the control


  1. Via right click.


  1. Using the fields wizard  shortcut Alt Ctrl W (this only supports the creation of new fields and field controls)


When a new control is added, its properties are shown in the Properties View.


Moving Controls

Controls can be moved by dragging: either within the Outline View, within the WYSIWYG View, or between these two views.

Drop locations are shown as follows:


Deleting Controls

Controls are deleted by first selecting them, then either:



Right Click Functionality

Right clicking on a control shows the control right click menu.



The help key F1 displays help for the currently selected control at any point.