Form Header Panel


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See also: Form Properties


The Form Header Panel is an optional panel which can be included at the top of every page. It displays the form header text and optionally a set of small page navigation icons:



There is only one form header text for each form which is configured using the Texts tab of the Form Properties dialog or by double clicking on the text: when the Form Header Panel option is selected, this text is displayed at the top of all form pages. The Form Header Panel is configured using a set of properties in the Presentation Tab of the Form Properties dialog as follows:


Use settings from template

Check this option to indicate that all settings are taken from the Form defaults section of the presentation template. Configuring these options in the presentation template makes it possible to set Form Header Panel options for all forms.

Display form header

Check this option to include the form header panel at the top of each page of the form

Form Header Style

The CSS class and style applied to the form header text. This styling can also be specified for the form header text on each page using the Page Control Styling Assistant and default values can be configured in a presentation template. When the same styling property is specified in both Form Properties and the Page Control Styling Assistant (or template), the property from Form Properties will be applied.

Show top navigation images

Check this option to include the appropriate small page navigation image buttons to the right of the form header text. These buttons are shown when a form header text exists and an image URL has been configured.

Next page image

The image URL of the next page image button. This is displayed when a next page exists. See Page Sequencing.

Previous page image

The image URL of the previous page image button located to the right of the form header text. This is displayed when a previous page exists. See Page Sequencing.

Finish image

The image URL of the finish image button located to the right of the form header text. This is displayed when no next page exists. See Page Sequencing.


Styling properties for the form header text are configured using the Page Control Styling Assistant.