XML Resource Adapters

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The following documentation is available for XML and Web Service resources:



This page describes the adapters supplied with the XML resource and parameters to configure them.   The web service adapter is described in a separate document


File Adapter

HTTP Adapter

HTTP Request/Response Adapter

HTTP Parameter Adapter

Validate Adapter

Log Adapter

XSL Transform


Stored Procedure

JMS Adapter

Send Receive JMS Adapter


Substitutable Parameters



File Adapter


The file adapter reads and writes XML documents to files.



Directory, Filename - Enter the directory and filename of the file to read or write. Directory and Filename both support substitutable parameters. See substitutable parameters section for more details.

Document – Choose one of the resource's documents to read or write.

Create unique filename – When selected, a unique filename is generated every time the file is written.  The unique filename takes the form filenameNNNN.ext where NNNN is an incrementing number.

Debug – Flag to debug file adapter

Import XSD – see Importing from an XML schema


A script is used to read or write a file.   The adapter commands are read and write



To read from the XML file configured in the myFileAdapter adapter of the MYFILERESOURCE resource.



API based language (Javascript):


read MYFILERESOURCE 'myFileAdapter';






To write to the XML file.



API based language (Javascript):


write MYFILERESOURCE 'myFileAdapter';






Before a write command, an update command is automatically executed (i.e. non tabular field data is transferred from the form to the resource).

After a read command, a fetch command is automatically executed (i.e. non tabular field data is transferred to the form from the resource).



HTTP Adapter


The HTTP adapter reads or writes XML to an HTTP server. 



Target URL – Target URL of the HTTP server. Target URL supports substitutable parameters. See substitutable parameters section for more details.

Document – Choose a document to send to the server (WRITE), or the document receive XML data (READ)

Debug – Flag to debug HTTP adapter

Import XSD – see Importing from an XML schema


A script is used to send or retrieve XML.   The adapter commands are read and write.  In a read, the request is an empty GET method.  A response with the XML in the message body is expected.


read – A request with an empty message body is sent.  The message uses the GET method.   The message body of the response is expected to be XML, which is used to populate the chosen document.

write – The body of the request message consists of XML from the chosen document.  The message uses the POST method.




To read XML from a server as configured in the myHTTPAdapter adapter of the MYHTTPRESOURCE resource.



API based language (Javascript):








To write XML to the same server.



API based language (Javascript):








Before a write command, an update command is automatically executed (i.e. non tabular field data is transferred from the form to the resource).

After a read command, a fetch command is automatically executed (i.e. non tabular field data is transferred to the form from the resource).



HTTP Request/Response Adapter


The HTTP Request/Response adapter sends XML to an HTTP server in the request message and retrieves XML from the response message.



Target URL – Target URL of the HTTP server. Target URL supports substitutable parameters. See substitutable parameters section for more details.

Request Document – Choose a request document.   This XML document is sent in the body of the request message.  The message uses the POST method

Response Document – Choose a response document.   The body of the response message, which should be valid XML, is written to this document.

Debug – Flag to debug http request/response adapter

Import XSD – see Importing from an XML schema


The HTTP Request/Response adapter is invoked using the call script command.



To call the HTTP server configured in the myHTTPAdapter adapter of the MYHTTPRESOURCE resource:



API based language (Javascript):








Before a call command, an update command is automatically executed (i.e. non tabular field data is transferred from the form to the resource).

After a call command, a fetch command is automatically executed (i.e. non tabular field data is transferred to the form from the resource).



HTTP Parameter Adapter


The HTTP Parameter adapter is similar to the HTTP Request/Response adapter.  The difference is that the request document is sent as the value of an HTTP parameter.



Target URL – Target URL of the HTTP server. Target URL supports substitutable parameters. See substitutable parameters section for more details.

Parameter Name – The name of the HTTP parameter holding the request document.

Request Document – Choose a request document.   This XML document will be sent as the value of the parameter.  The XML is encoded using standard URL encoding rules (RFC 1738).  The message uses the POST method.

Response Document – Choose a response document.   The body of the response message, which should be valid XML, is written to this document.

Debug – Flag to debug http parameter adapter

Import XSD – see Importing from an XML schema


The HTTP parameter adapter is invoked using the call script command.  e.g.



To call the HTTP server configured in the myHTTPParamAdapter adapter of the MYHTTPPARAMRESOURCE resource:



API based language (Javascript):








Before a call command, an update command is automatically executed (i.e. non tabular field data is transferred from the form to the resource).

After a call command, a fetch command is automatically executed (i.e. non tabular field data is transferred to the form from the resource).



Validate Adapter


This simple adapter validates the selected document against its XML Schema. 


The result of the validation is written to the $COMMAND_STATUS system variable.  If the validation is successful, the value will be 'OK', otherwise the value will contain the errors.



Document – select the document to validate.


The validate adapter is invoked using the call script command.



To validate the document configured in the myInvalidAdatper adapter of the MYRESOURCE resource:



API based language (Javascript):


call MYRESOURCE 'myInvalidAdapter';







Log Adapter


This simple adapter writes the selected document to the server log.



Document – select the document to log.


The log adapter is invoked using the call script command.



To log the document configured in the myLogAdatper adapter of the MYRESOURCE resource:



API based language (Javascript):


call MYRESOURCE 'myLogAdapter';







XSL Transform


The XSL adapter provides XSL transform functionality.  The source document is transformed using the provided XSLT text and the result written to the destination document.  As the result must be an XML document, the XSL output method should be 'xml'.



Source document – select the source document for the transform.

Destination document – select the destination document for the transform.

XSLT – Transform text.   Type or paste in a standard XSLT 1.0 document.

Debug – Flag to debug XSL adapter


The XSL Transform adapter is invoked using the call script command.



To perform the transform configured in the myXSLTAdapter adapter of the MYRESOURCE resource:



API based language (Javascript):


call MYRESOURCE 'myXSLTAdapter';









The copy adapter copies XML fragments from one location to another location. The input and output are both represented by fields in the resource and are mapped via XPath to document locations. A deep copy is performed (i.e. the element and all of its contents). The copy adapter can:





Source field – Identifies the location of the XML to copy.

Destination Field – Identifies where to copy the XML to.

Parse source XML – If this option is selected then the text value of the source field will be used rather than its XML contents.   '&lt;' and '&rt;' will be replaced with the XML tag characters '<' and '>' respectively.   The text value should represent a valid XML document with a single root element.

Escape destination XML – does the reverse of Parse source XML.  The XML is written as the value of the destination field, escaping XML characters.  Normally the value is wrapped in a CDATA section.

Debug – Flag to debug copy adapter


Click here for examples of using the copy adapter.


The copy adapter is invoked using the call script command.



To perform the copy configured in the myCopyAdapter of the MYRESOURCE resource:



API based language (Javascript):


call MYRESOURCE 'myCopyAdapter';






Stored Procedure


The stored procedure resource reads XML from and writes XML to a pre-configured database using a stored procedure call. Note: The stored procedure must be written and compiled into your database before trying to invoke it from this adapter. Verj.io does not supply this stored procedure but it must be declared with the following parameters:



Parameter Name


Data Type












The name of the stored procedure is configured within the XML stored procedure resource adapter panel.



Datasource Name –The Database Connection from which the stored procedure is invoked.

Stored Procedure Name – The name of the stored procedure to invoke.

Request Document – The IN parameter XML document (request)

Response Document – The OUT parameter XML document (response)

Debug – Flag to debug stored procedure adapter

Import XSD – see Importing from an XML schema



The ERROR_STATUS OUT parameter is written to the system variable $COMMAND_STATUS. This is an integer value that can map to the stored procedure writers own error status codes,












To invoke the stored procedure adapter from a script:



API based language (Javascript):


call MYRESOURCE 'myStoredProcedureAdapter';

if [$COMMAND_STATUS != '100']

  //error, show error message and display the command status

  message E, 1001, $COMMAND_STATUS;





if (system.variables.$COMMAND_STATUS.value != 100)


  //error, show error message and display the command status

  event.owner.addErrorMessage(1001, system.variables.$COMMAND_STATUS.value);





JMS Adapter


The JMS (Java Message Server) adapter supports sending and receiving an XML message to JMS. The JMS adapter supports reading or writing an XML message to either a JMS queue or JMS topic.


All XML messages are added to or retrieved from JMS as text.



Connection Factory Classname – Identifies the binding connection factory class name.

Provider URL – The connection URL of the JMS server.

Connection Factory Lookup - Identifies Connection Factory JNDI lookup name.

Destination Name – Identifies the destination object JNDI lookup name.

JMS XML Document – The XML associated with the read or write.

Connection Username – The username required to authenticate the JMS connection. This value is optional if not security is configured on the JMS connection.

Connection Password – The password required to authenticate the JMS connection. This value is optional if not security is configured on the JMS connection.

Additional JNDI Properties – Add values to the JNDI Properties for additional JNDI lookup parameters required when looking up the connection factory and destination object.

          JNDI Name - java.naming.Context values required for JNDI Configuration. e.g java.naming.security.principal, this value could be a username for JNDI username configuration

          JNDI Value – The value associated to the JNDI Name.

Receiver Wait – This is only applicable when reading from JMS. If selected then a receiver wait interval value is required.

Receiver Wait Interval – This is only applicable to reading from JMS. This represents the time interval in seconds to wait for a message to arrive onto the JMS before returning an empty document. If the value is set to 0 then the receiver will wait indefinitely.

Persist Message – Only applicable to writing to JMS and flags the document to be persisted by the JMS for failover and recovery purposes.

Transactional – Flag whether the message supports transactional behavior on the JMS.

Debug – Flag for debugging the JMS adapter.



The script commands READ and WRITE are supported by the JMS Adapter. The system variable $JMS_MESSAGE_ID  is set to the message id of the JMS message when adding or retrieving from the queue or topic.




To invoke from a script:



API based language (Javascript):


write MY_JMS_SEND;





var msgId = system.variables.$JMS_MESSAGE_ID.value;



Send Receive JMS Adapter


The Send Receive JMS (Java Message Server) adapter supports a synchronous sending and receiving an XML message to JMS. The JMS adapter supports a request/response style message where an XML message is added to a Queue or Topic and waits until a response document is returned before exiting.


All XML messages are added to or retrieved from the Queue or Topic as text.



Connection Factory Classname – Identifies the binding connection factory class name.

Provider URL – The connection URL of the JMS server.

Connection Factory Lookup - Identifies Connection Factory JNDI lookup name.

Destination Name – Identifies the destination object JNDI lookup name.

JMS XML Document – The XML associated with the read or write.

Connection Username – The username required to authenticate the JMS connection. This value is optional if not security is configured on the JMS connection.

Connection Password – The password required to authenticate the JMS connection. This value is optional if not security is configured on the JMS connection.

Additional JNDI Properties – Add values to the JNDI Properties for additional JNDI lookup parameters required when looking up the connection factory and destination object.

          JNDI Name - java.naming.Context values required for JNDI Configuration. e.g java.naming.security.principal, this value could be a username for JNDI username configuration

          JNDI Value – The value associated to the JNDI Name.

Transactional – Flag whether the message supports transactional behavior on the JMS.

Write to Queue – If selected then the message is written to a JMS queue. If not selected the message is written to a JMS topic.

Debug – Flag for debugging the Send Receive JMS adapter.


The script command CALL is supported by the Send Receive JMS Adapter. The system variable $JMS_MESSAGE_ID is set to the message id of the JMS message when adding or retrieving from JMS.

The system variable $JMS_COLLABORATION_ID must be used in conjunction with the Send Receive JMS Adapter. This variable is set onto the JMS message before writing to JMS and checks JMS collaboration id is the same when a response is returned to JMS.




To invoke from a script:



API based language (Javascript):







system.variables.$JMS_COLLABORATION_ID.value = "MyUniqueID";


var msgId = system.variables.$JMS_MESSAGE_ID.value;



Substitutable Parameters


Some adapters support substitutable parameters that allow you to substitute parameters values with form field values. The XML resource requires a source field configured for substitution that is mapped to a field on the form. These values can be dynamically changed at runtime.




The file adapter Filename and Directory support substitutable field values.


  1. Add two fields to the XML resource, e.g FILENAME and DIRECTORY
  2. Import these fields into the form or map the new fields to existing form fields.
  3. In a script:



API based language (Javascript):


set FILENAME = 'customer_details.xml';

set DIRECTORY = 'c:/xmloutput/';




fields.FILENAME.value = "customer_details.xml";

fields.DIRECTORY.value = "c:/xmloutput/";





Use the urlencode FPL function or method encode() on Java class java.net.URLEncoder when substituting parameters on a URL. If the target URL for an HTTP XML Adapter is set to http://localhost:3030/xml?CUSTOMER_NAME=&&CUSTOMER_NAME_ENCODED, the illegal URL characters will be replaced with as http://localhost:3030/xml?CUSTOMER_NAME=John+Smith.


  1. Add field to XML resource, e.g CUSTOMER_NAME_ENCODED
  2. Import this field into the form or map the new field to an existing field
  3. in a script:



API based language (Javascript):






var custEnc = java.net.URLEncoder.encode(fields.CUSTOMER_NAME.value);

fields.CUSTOMER_NAME_ENCODED.value = custEnc;





See the adapter descriptions for details of supported substitutable parameters.