Web Services Security

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WS-Addressing. 1

Introduction. 1

WS-Addressing Parameters. 1

Configuration. 1






The Verj.io Web Services Adapter supports WS-Addressing. WS-Addressing provides transport-neutral mechanisms to address Web services and messages. This has been introduced within the Web Services basic profile 1.2.


WS-Addressing Parameters.


There are 5 configuration parameters when configuring WS-Addressing:


1)     Action URI - This is a required element which indicates the semantics of the message, e.g message routing. Populates the <wsa:Action> element in the addressing header.

2)     Destination URI – This is the destination URI for the message. Populates the <wsa:to> element in the addressing header. This parameter is optional.

3)     Source URI - The endpoint of the service that dispatched this message. Populates the <wsa:from> element in the addressing header. This parameter is optional.

4)     Reply To URI - The endpoint to which reply messages should be dispatched. Populates the <wsa:replyTo> element is the addressing header. This parameter is optional.

5)     Fault URI - The endpoint to which fault messages should be dispatched. Populates the <wsa:Fault> element in the addressing header. This parameter is optional.



The action is a minimum requirement for WS-Addressing to function. This will be automatically added to the WS-Addressing header information.





To configure WS-Addressing for the Web Service Resource:-


1)     Select the Web Service Resource in the studio tree.

2)     Select the Web Services Adapter.

3)     Select the ‘Configure WS-Addressing’ button. The WS-Addressing configuration dialog will appear.

4)     Select Enable WS-Addressing.

5)     Enter the Action URI (required).

6)     Enter the Destination URI (optional).

7)     Enter the Source URI (optional).

8)     Enter the Reply to URI (optional).

9)     Enter the Fault URL (optional).

10) Click OK.