Tutorial5: Introducing Server-Side Javascript API


Documentation home

Introduction. 1

Importing the base forms 1

The first script 2

Adding a new Item to the To Do List 3

Changing the priority of an Item. 4

Changing the state of an Item. 4

Saving the table. 5

Add some styling for completed items 5

Add some sorting to the function. 6

Deleting an item from the To Do List 6

Finished! 7


See also:  Tutorials Index, Javascript Developer’s Guide, API Javadoc, Javascript Editor, Javascript Quick Reference Card (printable)



In this tutorial we will guide you through the first steps of writing script code using the Verj.io Server-Side API.

This tutorial will step you through writing Javascript scripts which will complete the supplied To Do List application.

We assume that you have some familiarity with using the Verj.io Studio and general Verj.io concepts such as forms,

events, scripts, tables, fields, resources, etc. If not, you are recommended to start with the tutorial Building your First Form.


The Server-Side API is an object-oriented API which provides access to Verj.io items such as fields, controls, tables, pages, resources and forms.

We will show you how to program with some of the objects in the API and how the API is used to achieve some of the most common

web application tasks. We will also introduce some of the key concepts behind the API and using the Javascript script editor.


To do this we will complete a small application for maintaining a To Do List. It will support the following functions:


  • Adding an item to the To Do List
  • Prioritizing Items on the To Do List
  • Completing an item on the To Do List
  • Removing items from the To Do List


This To Do List application is supplied with Verj.io and has to be imported before you can start this tutorial. The application is complete apart

from the scripts being empty.  This tutorial will step you through completing these scripts to provide the required functionality.



Importing the base forms

This To Do List application will make use of the to_do_list database table, which is included in the EBASE_SAMPLES database1,

and an export file of exported entities containing two forms and associated scripts and resources which must be imported before you commence the tutorial.

Import the export file as follows:


  • If the Tutorials project doesn’t already exist, create it by right clicking in the tree panel and selecting New > Project.


  • Right click on the Tutorials project and select Import > Workspace Archive and import file Studio\samples\to_do_list\tutorial5.zip from the Verj.io Studio installation accepting all the defaults. This will create a Tutorial5 folder in the project containing the imported entities.


1 The database table already exists in the database EBASE_SAMPLES provided with Verj.io. If you need to create the EBASE_SAMPLES database

   yourself scripts can be found in folder Server/databaseSchemas of the server installation.



Set the form presentation template (if not already set)

Open the form ToDoList, click form properties from the toolbar, click on Presentation tab, select presentation template xiDefault. Repeat the same for the form ToDoListConfirmDelete.



The first script



As mentioned above the API is object-oriented. We are not going to go into detail describing object-oriented language theory, but will give enough (very simplistic) information here to hopefully enable those not familiar with it to make sense of the code we are going to write.

In simple terms objects represent a logical entity, for example a car, and objects contain attributes relating to that entity (e.g. the car’s engine capacity) and methods that manipulate those attributes and enable the object to relate to other objects (for example a setEngineCapacity() method for the car):


// Example code creating two new instances of the objects car and person, in Javascript:

var mycar = new Car();

var me = new Person();


// Set object data using object methods:


mycar.setRegNumber("EBA 123");





// Objects can refer to other objects, in this example the car can refer to its owner as the object “me”:


var ownerOfTheCar = mycar.getOwner();


Introducing the built-in Verj.io objects and code-assist

Once you have imported the required forms, scripts, etc, you are ready to open your first script and start coding with the API. In the Tutorial5 folder there is a Scripts folder with 9 scripts in it.


Double click the init script to open it. You will see that it contains just two lines:





These lines are there to help us organise and access objects more easily; for the moment do not worry if you do not understand these two statements. Just remember that all the scripts in this tutorial will require that you have these two lines at the top of each script.


How to launch code assist

Below these two lines, place your cursor at the beginning of a new line in the editor and hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and then, while continuing to hold down the Ctrl key, press the Space bar. You should see two boxes appear in the editor window, on the left is a list of items and the one on the right has a shaded background and some help text that relates to the selected item on the left. If you press the up and down arrow keys on your keyboard you can change the selected item on the left hand side, and the help text changes as you alter the selected item.


Those items that have an inverted blue trianglenext to them represent API objects. The list contains objects such as fields, form, pages and tables.

For example the fields object will allow you to work with form fields, the tables object to manipulate tables of your form, etc. This list, once visible, will remain and its contents will reduce as you type into the editor.


How to get full list of objects with code assist

For example if you start at a new line in the editor, press Ctrl and Space together to bring up the code-assist you get a full list of objects, then type in the letter “f” and you will see the contents of the list reduce to just include the forms and fields objects (among other things beginning with “f”).


Insert table object using code assist

Starting on a clear line press Ctrl and Space and then type “t”, the list will contain the object tables at the top which is highlighted.

Pressing the return key will select this object and insert it into your script.


Access properties and methods of the tables object

To access properties and methods of the tables object we can type the period (full stop) character, if you do this you should see the two boxes appear again.

The top items in the left hand list are a list of all the tables specified in the form ToDoList (each script is linked to a particular form as specified at the top of the editor where it says “Using Form: my_form_name change”, this is set automatically by the system but can be changed by clicking on the change link).


The ToDoList form only has one table called TO_DO_LIST. Select this in the left hand box and press the Return key on your keyboard (as you did previously).


You should now have the text tables.TO_DO_LIST in your editor. Press the period (full stop) key again and once again you will see the two boxes, the left hand side one with a list of options relevant to the table TO_DO_LIST. The top items in the list are the columns that belong to this table (CREATED_DATE, PRIORITY, etc).

We are interested in the fetchTable() method, so type in the letter “f” and you will see the options on the left hand side reduce to all those beginning with “f”.

We want the first option which should already be highlighted, so just press return and the fetchTable() code is added to your line.

To finish off, type in a semi-colon “;”. 


You should now have this completed line of code snippet in init script:


// Fetch the data from the database



The init script is configured on the ToDoList Form’s Before Form event and runs when you run the form for the first time.

The purpose of this script is to load (“fetch”) the list’s data from the database.


Save script and run the form

Save your script and then run the ToDoList form in the Forms folder.  The script should run and fetch some test data into your table and display it.



Adding a new Item to the To Do List


Creating Javascript variables

Now we are going to edit the addNew script so we can add new items to our To Do List. This script is attached to the “Add new item” button (BUTTON1) at the top of the page and runs when the button is clicked. It will take the user entered data from the form fields NEW_ITEM_TITLE and NEW_ITEM_PRIORITY and insert a new To Do item into the database.


To make our code a little clearer to read we will get the field data and hold it in a Javascript variable.  Javascript variables are declared in your script with the var keyword.

Accessing field values from script uses the fields object (as we did with the tables object above) and then specifying the value property.


In addNew script enter the following lines of code using the code-assist feature to help you:



// Create local variables from Form fields values

var newtitle = fields.NEW_ITEM_TITLE.value;

var newpriority = fields.NEW_ITEM_PRIORITY.value;


We now have two local Javascript variables called newtitle and newpriority which contain the values of the form fields.


Inserting new table row with values

The following code will insert a new row into the table; it is very similar to the fetchtable code above, only this time we will use the method insertRow().

Again use the code-assist feature to help you enter the code into the script:


// Add a new row to the To Do List



We now have a new row in the table so we want to set the four table column values. We do this by accessing the table columns via the tables object and setting the value property with this code:


//Set the table column values

tables.TO_DO_LIST.TITLE.value = newtitle;

tables.TO_DO_LIST.PRIORITY.value = newpriority;


N.B.: We are using the Javascript variables we declared previously. We could just as easily use the form field value directly like so:

tables.TO_DO_LIST.TITLE.value = fields.NEW_ITEM_TITLE.value;


We are going to set values for the other two columns, the first of which is the current date and time: the CREATED_DATE table column is of type DateTime which accepts a Javascript date as a valid input. Enter the following text into the script:


//Set the table column values

tables.TO_DO_LIST.CREATED_DATE.value = new Date();


The STATE table column can have either “1” or “2” as a value, “1” means the task is yet to be completed, “2” means the task has been completed.

All new tasks will be set to “1”. Add the following code to your script:


//Set the table column values

tables.TO_DO_LIST.STATE.value = 1;


Adding a message

After the new item is added to the list it will be visible at the bottom of the table on the page. As an extra indication that a new task was added we are going to display a message on the page.  To display messages we can use a Message Control. Controls are accessed in the same way as tables and fields, via the API using the controls object. The Message Control MESSAGE1 has the method addWarningMessage(). Use the code-assist to enter this code:


//Add msg

var msg = "New item \"" + fields.NEW_ITEM_TITLE.value + "\" added to the list";


//Show message to user



N.B: This could be extended to show an error message if the new item wasn’t added successfully for some reason.


Reset fields

To keep things nice and tidy we will reset the two input fields so they are empty with the following code:


//reset fields

fields.NEW_ITEM_TITLE.value = null;

fields.NEW_ITEM_PRIORITY.value = 1; // The default Priority, High


Save the addNew script, we will return to it soon to complete the code.


Saving Changes to the To Do List

The only thing remaining to do now with the addNew script is to save the new item to the database for future display. We could do this with a simple updateTable() method call on the TO_DO_LIST table object. However, this application is going to be saving other changes made by our user to the database such as completing tasks, deleting tasks and changing priorities, so it makes sense for us to centralize this process. This has the benefit of making the code easier to understand and maintain. We have decided to implement a “save” button, so any changes made to the data will result in a save button being displayed.

This button when clicked will save the changed data to the database and then hide the save button again.


Define a shared function

To centralize this functionality we are going to use a shared function script. These are normal Javascript scripts that are added to the Form in the Form Properties > Events section. 

Any code in the scripts specified here is available to all other scripts on the form.  Our script specified in the Shared Functions section is called sharedToDoListFunction.

It is called this because it is going to contain some Javascript functions which we can call from other scripts (such as the addNew script we are just about to complete).


To define a function in Javascript open the sharedToDoListFunctions script and enter the following code:


function showSavePanel()





Call the shared function showSavePanel()

The function is called showSavePanel() and it contains one line of code which makes a Panel Control visible (this panel contains our save button).

Save this script then return to the addNew script you have been editing previously. Place your cursor on a new line at the bottom of this script.

Press the Ctrl and Space keys together to bring up the code-assist and your new function from the library script should now appear on the list to make it simple to enter the following code:




This will call the showSavePanel() function which we just defined in our Library Script.

Save the addNew script.


Run the TO_DO_LIST form

Run the form again and try to add a new item to the list, you should see the item added to the bottom of the list, a message confirming the addition and a save button being shown prompting you to save the changes.  This save functionality has yet to be implemented, so if you run the form again you will see that the new item has not been stored in the database (and so is missing when the fetchtable() method is run on start up).




Changing the priority of an Item – On Change event

Each item on the To Do list has a drop-down field showing the priority of the item (High, Medium or Low).

If we change this drop-down value we also want the save button to appear to flag that a change has been made and needs saving to the database.

The script changePriority is attached to the On Change event of the field (it is set to use Immediate Validation so when the drop-down’s value is changed the script runs straight away) and only contains one line, a line that calls the function we have just defined in our Library Script.


Open this script changePriority and add this line, don’t forget that the function should be available in the code-assist list:




Save the script.



Changing the state of an Item

To set an item as Completed (i.e. state is 2), the user clicks on a green tick image and this is implemented using a Table Image Column. Clicking this image runs the completeToDo script, which needs to set the new value for the state and then show the save button. 


Add the following code to the script completeToDo and save it:


// Change the state value

tables.TO_DO_LIST.STATE.value = 2;


// Alert for unsaved changes




Saving the table

The save button is shown whenever a change is made to the data in our table.  Saving the data is done when this save button is clicked and is very simple: the saveToDo script needs to call the updateTable() method on the TO_DO_LIST table.


Open this script saveToDo and add the following code:


// Save the To Do list



And then we want to hide the save prompt, don’t forget to use the code-assist feature to help you enter the code quickly and efficiently:


// Hide the save alert



Save the script, you should now be able to run the TO_DO_LIST form, add new items, change their status and priority and have these saved to the database.

Have a play changing and saving the data in the table. Just to be sure the data has been saved to the database run the form again and you should see any new or edited data.

You will also see that it is impossible to tell which tasks have been completed and those which haven’t, so let’s remedy that now.



Add some styling for completed items


Styling controls at runtime

When we complete a task wouldn’t it be nice to have the text struck out by a big line through the middle? Some satisfaction for a job well done! We can do this by adding some styling to the TITLE table column when we click the green tick icon.


This will mean adding some code to the completeToDo script. As usual using the code-assist will make life easier typing in this line of code at the end of the script:


// Add styling for completed task

controls.FIELDCOLUMN4.editorInputTextProperties.textDecoration = "line-through";


Notice we are using the controls object which gives us access to all the controls on the form.

To style the text in control FIELDCOLUMN4, we are setting the textDecoration property of editorInputTextProperties to the value line-through.


Looping through the To Do List to add styling

If you run the form and set a task to be completed you will see a nice struck through text, fantastic! However, run the form again and your styling will be lost. Boo!

This is because the reload of the table when the form starts will have forgotten any styling added previously. To make sure we always have completed tasks struck out, we are going to have to add styling each time we display the table. As this is a task we might want to do more than once from different scripts, it makes sense to write a function and add it to the sharedToDoListFunctions script.


Let’s call the new function refreshToDoList() and get it to check each row in the table and style the ones that have been completed.

Looping through a table is a little more complicated than the code examples up to now.  To do this we need a TableRowIterator object.

One of these objects gives us the ability to loop through every row in a table, and this is achieved using a while loop - this loop checks there is another row in the table and moves its pointer to reference that row; when there are no more rows, the loop finishes.


Script sharedToDoListFunctions enter the following code using the code-assist to help you:


function refreshToDoList()


  // Get a TableRowIterator object for the TO_DO_LIST table

  var rows = tables.TO_DO_LIST.getRows();


  // Loop through the rows using a while statement and the rows.next() method

  while (rows.next())


    // Clear any styling

    controls.FIELDCOLUMN4.editorInputTextProperties.textDecoration = "none";


    // Add required styling

    if (tables.TO_DO_LIST.STATE.value == 2)


      controls.FIELDCOLUMN4.editorInputTextProperties.textDecoration = "line-through";





Here we can see that we are firstly setting the style for each row to have no text decoration, and then using an “if” statement to check the value of the STATE table column.

If that value is “2” (completed) then we set the style to be struck through (note the use of “==” as the comparator).


Save the script and then open the init script and add the function call at the bottom of the script:




Repeat this for the saveToDo script as well and then save it.


Now run the form again and you should see all items that have been completed struck through!



Add some sorting to the function

I know what you are thinking, this To Do List is great but the items are over the place in the list. It would be great if we could have the completed tasks put neatly out the way at the bottom

and have the tasks ordered by priority so the most important are at the top of the list. Fortunately this is simple!


Let’s enhance the refreshToDoList() function to sort our table as well as style it. Sorting tables is easy to do using a sort() method on the TO_DO_LIST table. There is more than one sort() method to choose from: the simplest form is to pass in a TableColumn object of the column you want to order the table by, like this:




Note how we passing in a TableColumn object to the sort method.


If we used this code we would have the Highs at the top and the Lows at the bottom (and of course the Mediums in the middle), but the completed and incomplete tasks would be all mixed up.

To get around this we need to sort by two columns instead of just one, first the STATE column and then the PRIORITY.  This will first separate out the complete and incomplete tasks, then sort by the Priority, putting the high ones at the top.  To pass in more than one TableColumn object, we use an array (a collection of objects signified by the square brackets).


Enter the text below into the end of the refreshToDoList() function, just after the table while looping section (making sure it is in the function’s main brackets, not outside):


// Sort by State and then by Priority

tables.TO_DO_LIST.sort( [tables.TO_DO_LIST.STATE, tables.TO_DO_LIST.PRIORITY] );


Save the script and run the form and you will see all the completed tasks together at the bottom, and all tasks order by priority. Super! 

Make some changes and save, you should see the table being ordered with the new data.



Deleting an item from the To Do List

One last thing remains to be done: enable the ability to remove items from the list completely.  As deleting an item is pretty serious stuff, we want to get some confirmation from the user that this is really what they want to do. We are going to display a message to the user and they have to select OK to confirm, or Cancel to change their decision.

We are going to implement this by calling another form; calling a form in this way is a common requirement with Verj.io.


The delete column of the table has a script attached called deleteToDo, this script will call a form called ToDoListConfirmDelete which displays the message to the user.

After the user clicks OK or Cancel, we return the user’s response to the calling form which then continues processing the deleteToDo script. Depending on the user’s response, the task will be deleted from the table and the save button displayed. To make this clear to the user, we will give them some feedback: we will send the title of the task to be deleted into the ToDoListConfirmDelete form. We can then display it as part of the confirmation message to the user.


We pass values into the called form by creating an Javascript Object that contains name value pairs. In Javascript we can create this object with the {} syntax, for example:


var myNameValueList = {};


And setting new name value pairs is done as in this example:


myNameValueList.name = "Barry";

myNameValueList.age = fields.USER_AGE.value;


Actually calling the form is done via the form object using the callForm() method. This method can accept the form name to be called and the newly created name value pairs list.

When control comes back to the form the script continues.  It checks the value of the response and if it is confirmed, the row is set as deleted and the save button is shown. 


Enter the following code into the deleteToDo script and save it:


// Call form to confirm deletion

var params = {};

params.TITLE = tables.TO_DO_LIST.TITLE.value;


form.callForm("ToDoListConfirmDelete", params);


// On return check response, if OK the delete row and update list

if ( fields.DELETE_RESPONSE.value == true)






The form ToDoListConfirmDelete has two associated button on click scripts (confirmOk and confirmCancel) which already contain code, open them up and have a look what they are doing.


Now run the form and try and delete a few of your tasks from the list, it should all work beautifully. If not, go back and check the instructions to see if you missed anything. 

If all else fails, you can import the completed solution from Studio\samples\to_do_list\tutorial5_solution.zip from the Verj.io Studio installation.






That completes this tutorial.  You have seen how to use the code-assist features to access objects and their methods, written scripts that access field and table field values, looped through tables, styled controls at runtime and called forms, among other things.


If you want to enhance the application further and test what you have learnt so far, why not try to add the following functionality:


  • Change the icon for the completed tasks so it isn’t a green tick
  • Allow tasks to be set to incomplete from the complete state
  • Add a button to show/hide the date column
  • Add the ability to order the items by date