Interface WorkflowManagement.InteractiveTaskEnactmentDescriptor

All Superinterfaces:
WorkflowManagement.FallibleEnactmentDescriptor, WorkflowManagement.TaskEnactmentDescriptor
Enclosing interface:

public static interface WorkflowManagement.InteractiveTaskEnactmentDescriptor
extends WorkflowManagement.TaskEnactmentDescriptor
Implementations of this interface provide the detailed information needed by the tasklist application. An instance of an implementation of this interface represents an individual interactive task enactment of one of the nodes in a process
  • Method Details

    • getJobDescriptor

      Answer the job descriptor for this task
    • getIdentifier

      java.lang.String getIdentifier()
      Answer a unique string handle for this descriptor
      Specified by:
      getIdentifier in interface WorkflowManagement.FallibleEnactmentDescriptor
    • getCreationDate

      java.util.Date getCreationDate()
      Answer the time of creation of the task enactment
    • getModificationDate

      java.util.Date getModificationDate()
      Answer the time of most recent modification of the task enactment
    • getPriority

      int getPriority()
      Answer the priority of the associated task object
    • getActorId

      java.lang.String getActorId()
      Answer the actor currently assigned to the task enactment
      The name of the currently assigned actor, or null if there is not one
    • getPooledActorIds

      java.util.Collection getPooledActorIds()
      Retrieve the pooled actors for the task enactment, or null if no pooled actors exist
    • getAssignmentMode

      int getAssignmentMode()