Interface WorkflowManagement.FallibleEnactmentDescriptor

All Known Subinterfaces:
WorkflowManagement.DecisionEnactmentDescriptor, WorkflowManagement.EscalatorEnactmentDescriptor, WorkflowManagement.InteractiveTaskEnactmentDescriptor, WorkflowManagement.PauseEnactmentDescriptor, WorkflowManagement.SystemTaskEnactmentDescriptor, WorkflowManagement.TaskEnactmentDescriptor
Enclosing interface:

public static interface WorkflowManagement.FallibleEnactmentDescriptor
This descriptor is used to represent descriptions of those enactments that implement the Fallible interface and therefore capable of failing at enactment time.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    java.lang.String getDescription()  
    java.lang.Exception getFailureCause()  
    java.lang.String getIdentifier()
    Answer a unique string handle for this descriptor
    int getJobSequence()
    Answer the sequence number of the job for the associated enactment
    int getNodeEnactmentSequence()
    Answer the sequence number of the associated enactment
    java.lang.String getNodeName()
    Answer the textual name of the task object of which that the associated enactment is
    java.lang.String getProcessName()
    Answer the name of the process that defines the associated enactment's job
    int getProcessVersion()
    Answer the version of the process that defines the associated enactment's job
    com.ebasetech.ufs.workflow.server.enactment.state.State getState()
    Answer the state of the associated enactment
    java.lang.String getSubJobProcessName()
    Answers the process name of a sub-job spawned as a result of executing this node
    int getSubJobProcessVersion()
    Answers the process version of a sub-job spawned as a result of executing this node
    int getSubJobSequence()
    Answers the job sequence number of a sub-job spawned as a result of executing this node
    void setFailureCause​(java.lang.Exception failureCause)  
  • Method Details

    • getState

      com.ebasetech.ufs.workflow.server.enactment.state.State getState()
      Answer the state of the associated enactment
    • getIdentifier

      java.lang.String getIdentifier()
      Answer a unique string handle for this descriptor
    • getProcessName

      java.lang.String getProcessName()
      Answer the name of the process that defines the associated enactment's job
    • getProcessVersion

      int getProcessVersion()
      Answer the version of the process that defines the associated enactment's job
    • getJobSequence

      int getJobSequence()
      Answer the sequence number of the job for the associated enactment
    • getNodeEnactmentSequence

      int getNodeEnactmentSequence()
      Answer the sequence number of the associated enactment
    • getNodeName

      java.lang.String getNodeName()
      Answer the textual name of the task object of which that the associated enactment is
    • getSubJobSequence

      int getSubJobSequence()
      Answers the job sequence number of a sub-job spawned as a result of executing this node
    • getSubJobProcessName

      java.lang.String getSubJobProcessName()
      Answers the process name of a sub-job spawned as a result of executing this node
    • getSubJobProcessVersion

      int getSubJobProcessVersion()
      Answers the process version of a sub-job spawned as a result of executing this node
    • getDescription

      java.lang.String getDescription()
    • getFailureCause

      java.lang.Exception getFailureCause()
    • setFailureCause

      void setFailureCause​(java.lang.Exception failureCause)