Interface ImageControlProperties

All Known Subinterfaces:
ImageColumnControl, ImageControl

public interface ImageControlProperties
Image Control properties.

Further documentation.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Text getAlternativeText()
    Returns the Text object for the image alternate text.
    java.lang.String getHyperlinkTarget()
    Returns the target window id or frame id in which the hyperlink URL is displayed.
    java.lang.String getHyperlinkURL()
    Returns the hyperlink URL activated when the displayAsHyperlink property is set to true.
    java.lang.String getImageURL()
    Returns the URL of the image to be displayed.
    Text getMouseOverText()
    Returns the Text object for the mouse over text.
    boolean isDisplayAsHyperlink()
    Returns true if the image should behave as a hyperlink when clicked, otherwise returns false.
    boolean isSkipValidation()
    Returns the skip validation flag that indicates whether or not validation of controls higher on the page is skipped prior to executing the image's on click event (if configured).
    void setDisplayAsHyperlink​(boolean displayAsHyperlink)
    Sets whether or not the image should behave as a hyperlink when clicked,.
    void setHyperlinkTarget​(java.lang.String hyperlinkTarget)
    Sets the target window id or frame id in which the hyperlink URL is displayed.
    void setHyperlinkURL​(java.lang.String hyperlinkURL)
    Sets the hyperlink URL activated when the displayAsHyperlink property is set to true.
    void setImageURL​(java.lang.String imageURL)
    Sets the URL of the image to be displayed.
    void setSkipValidation​(boolean skipValidation)
    Specifies whether or not validation of controls higher on the page is skipped prior to executing the image's on click event (if configured).
  • Method Details

    • getImageURL

      java.lang.String getImageURL()
      Returns the URL of the image to be displayed. The URL can be either relative or absolute.

      Further documentation.

    • setImageURL

      void setImageURL​(java.lang.String imageURL)
      Sets the URL of the image to be displayed. The URL can be either relative or absolute. When absolute, it should start with the protocol e.g.

      Further documentation.

    • getAlternativeText

      Text getAlternativeText()
      Returns the Text object for the image alternate text.

      Accessibility Note: an alternate text is required for all images.

    • getMouseOverText

      Text getMouseOverText()
      Returns the Text object for the mouse over text.
    • isSkipValidation

      boolean isSkipValidation()
      Returns the skip validation flag that indicates whether or not validation of controls higher on the page is skipped prior to executing the image's on click event (if configured).

      Note that field type validation is always executed regardless of the setting of this flag (e.g. check that only numeric data is entered for numeric fields).

      Further documentation.

    • setSkipValidation

      void setSkipValidation​(boolean skipValidation)
      Specifies whether or not validation of controls higher on the page is skipped prior to executing the image's on click event (if configured).

      Note that field type validation is always executed regardless of the setting of this flag (e.g. check that only numeric data is entered for numeric fields).

      Further documentation.

    • isDisplayAsHyperlink

      boolean isDisplayAsHyperlink()
      Returns true if the image should behave as a hyperlink when clicked, otherwise returns false.
      • When true and the image is clicked by the user, the hyperlink URL is displayed (property hyperlinkURL)
      • When false and the image is clicked by the user, the on click event is executed (if configured)
    • setDisplayAsHyperlink

      void setDisplayAsHyperlink​(boolean displayAsHyperlink)
      Sets whether or not the image should behave as a hyperlink when clicked,.
      • When true and the image is clicked by the user, the hyperlink URL is displayed (property hyperlinkURL)
      • When false and the image is clicked by the user, the on click event is executed (if configured)
    • getHyperlinkTarget

      java.lang.String getHyperlinkTarget()
      Returns the target window id or frame id in which the hyperlink URL is displayed. This is applicable when the displayAsHyperlink property is set to true.

      Further documentation.

    • setHyperlinkTarget

      void setHyperlinkTarget​(java.lang.String hyperlinkTarget)
      Sets the target window id or frame id in which the hyperlink URL is displayed. This is applicable when the displayAsHyperlink property is set to true.

      Further documentation.

    • getHyperlinkURL

      java.lang.String getHyperlinkURL()
      Returns the hyperlink URL activated when the displayAsHyperlink property is set to true. The URL can be either relative or absolute.

      Further documentation.

    • setHyperlinkURL

      void setHyperlinkURL​(java.lang.String hyperlinkURL)
      Sets the hyperlink URL activated when the displayAsHyperlink property is set to true. The URL can be either relative or absolute. When absolute, is should start with the protocol e.g.

      Further documentation.
