Interface XmlResourceBase

All Superinterfaces:
Element, Resource,
All Known Subinterfaces:
IntegrationResource, WebServiceResource, XmlResource

public interface XmlResourceBase
extends Resource
XmlResourceBase represents the base interface for all resources based around Xml documents.

Further documentation.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void call()
    Calls the default adapter specified on the XML or Integration Resource.
    void call​(java.lang.String adapterName)
    Calls the adapter specified by adapterName on the XML or Integration Resource.
    void fetch()
    Transfers any non-tabular field data from the resource to mapped form fields.
    org.w3c.dom.Document getDocument​(java.lang.String documentName)
    Returns Document object from the resource based on a given name
    void setDocument​(java.lang.String documentName, java.lang.Object document)
    Set a document from external API.
    void update()
    Transfers any non-tabular field data from mapped form fields to the resource.

    Methods inherited from interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.Element

    getElementName, getElementType

    Methods inherited from interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.Resource

    isDebug, setDebug
  • Method Details

    • call

      void call() throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Calls the default adapter specified on the XML or Integration Resource. Note that different adapters support different methods and not all adapters support this method.

      Before the call request is processed, the update() method is called internally - this transfers any non-tabular field data to the resource from mapped form fields . After the call request is processed, the fetch() method is called internally - this transfers any non-tabular field data from the resource to mapped form fields.

      If the resource is mapped to tables in the form, resource data must be updated prior to invoking this method; this is done using the updateTable() method on all relevant tables. Similarly, any tables resulting from the call should be fetched after invoking this method using the fetchTable() method.

      Further documentation.

      com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException - if any error occurs during execution
      See Also:
    • call

      void call​(java.lang.String adapterName) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Calls the adapter specified by adapterName on the XML or Integration Resource. Note that different adapters support different methods and not all adapters support this method.

      Before the call request is processed, the update() method is called internally - this transfers any non-tabular field data to the resource from mapped form fields . After the call request is processed, the fetch() method is called internally - this transfers any non-tabular field data from the resource to mapped form fields.

      If the resource is mapped to tables in the form, resource data must be updated prior to invoking this method; this is done using the updateTable() method on all relevant tables. Similarly, any tables resulting from the call should be fetched after invoking this method using the fetchTable() method.

      Further documentation.

      Javascript example (call a web service):"REMOTE_CALL_ADAPTER");
      adapterName - the adapter to be called
      com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException - if any error occurs during execution
      See Also:
    • fetch

      void fetch() throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Transfers any non-tabular field data from the resource to mapped form fields. Note that fetch() is invoked automatically by many adapters when they are invoked via call(), read() or write().

      Further documentation.

      com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException - if any error occurs during execution
    • update

      void update() throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Transfers any non-tabular field data from mapped form fields to the resource. Note that update() is invoked automatically by many adapters when they are invoked via call(), read() or write().

      Further documentation.

      com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException - if any error occurs during execution
    • setDocument

      void setDocument​(java.lang.String documentName, java.lang.Object document) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Set a document from external API. Accepts any of:
      • an Xbeans XMLObject
      • String
      • org.w3c.Document
      • any other object (invokes toString() )

      Further documentation.

      Example 1: (shows XML object)

       // Create XML structure
       var languagesObj = <languages type="dynamic">
       // set the document 
       resources.LANGUAGES_XML.setDocument("languages", languagesObj.toXMLString());
      Example 2: (shows XML String)
       // Create XML structure
       var languagesString = var languages = "<languages type=\"dynamic\"><lang>JavaScript</lang><lang>Python</lang></languages>";;
       // set the document 
       resources.LANGUAGES_XML.setDocument("languages", languagesString);
      documentName - The name of the document within the XML Resource to be set.
      document - The document object to be set. Accepts XML Beans, String, Document or any other object where toString() is invoked.
      com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException - if any error occurs during execution
      See Also:
      Document, getDocument()
    • getDocument

      org.w3c.dom.Document getDocument​(java.lang.String documentName) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Returns Document object from the resource based on a given name

      Further documentation.

      Javascript example:

       // Create XML structure;
       var languages = resources.LANGUAGES_XML.getDocument("languages");
       if(languages != null)
            //append another language
            var languageXml = new XML(languages);
            var languages = languageXml.languages;
            var groovy = "Groovy";
            //add Groovy to list of languages
      Document within the resource using the a given documentName. Returns null if no document is bound to the documentName.
      com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException - if any error occurs during execution
      See Also:
      Document, setDocument()