Configuring Server Properties - Workspace

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See also: Server Administration Application Home Page, Workspace


Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to save the properties. These properties are saved to file in the ebaseConf folder of the web application e.g. userdata/apps/<webappname>/ebaseConf/


The icon  shown to the left of a property indicates that the server must be restarted before a property change is activated. Changes to all other properties are effective immediately.


Click More Info.. at the right-hand side of each property to display help for that property.


Workspace Properties


Property Name




Workspace Location



File location of the workspace. The workspace contains all the designed entity objects e.g. forms, scripts, templates, images etc. When a studio is connected to the server, both studio and server must be configured to point to the same workspace.


Do not use backslash characters (\) – use forward slashes (/) instead.

Excluded Folder Types



Folders with these names are ignored inside the workspace. The default is .svn, .cvs, .git. The corresponding designer property in Studio Preferences should also be configured with the same values.