Main Toolbar

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See also: Studio_Main Menu, Introduction to the Studio, Studio Tree, Studio Preferences, Test Server Configuration



The Main Toolbar is displayed at the top of the studio window:




Main Toolbar


Create a new project, folder or entity. A project will always be created at the top level of the workspace. Anything else will be created at the selected location. This same functionality is available by clicking File > New from the menu at the top of the studio or right clicking in the tree.


Click here for a summary of the different entities that you can create.

Save (Ctrl S)

Saves the entity currently being edited. This icon is blue when the entity has been changed but not yet saved, and grey when no changes exist.


Save all (Ctrl Shift S)

Saves all open entities that have been changed

Quick Search (Ctrl Q)

Shows the Quick Search Panel which is very useful for quickly locating items in the tree. This dialog searches the item names in the tree; use Search Files (next item) to search inside the files.


This same functionality is available by clicking Tools > Quick Search from the menu at the top of the studio.

Search Files (Alt Ctrl F)

Shows the Search Files Panel which searches the contents of entities within the tree.


This same functionality is available by clicking Tools > Search Files from the menu at the top of the studio.

Link with editor

The tree panel is synchronized with the editor panel. The tree opens to display the element currently being edited.

Backwards icon

Clicking this icon navigates backwards through the stack of open entity editors


Backwards history

Shows a list of available entity editors in the backwards history stack

Forwards icon

Clicking this icon navigates forwards through the stack of open entity editors


Forwards history

Shows a list of available entity editors in the forwards history stack

Test (Ctrl R)

Test (runs) the current entity – this is only enabled when the entity is runnable. When a form is tested and has parameters, or if option Display options panel when launching forms is selected in the Studio preferences, the run form dialog is displayed. This dialog supports:

·         Setting values for parameters (form fields configured as URL parameters)

·         Selecting language

·         Selecting browser



Test history

Shows a list of recently tested entities

Script Debug

Starts and stops a script debugging session. The icon also indicates whether a scrip debugger is currently active.


Deploy selected entities to the selected target server. A list of potential target servers is shown in a dropdown with cloud servers shown with a  icon and non-cloud servers shown with a  icon. Click here for more details.

Run on Server

Runs the selected entity on a target server. A list of potential target servers is shown in a dropdown with cloud servers shown with a  icon and non-cloud servers shown with a  icon.

Deploy and Run

Deploys the selected entity and any other entities which it needs to run e.g. linked scripts, to the selected target server then runs the selected entity. A list of potential target servers is shown in a dropdown with cloud servers shown with a  icon and non-cloud servers shown with a  icon.


Allows documentation to be maintained for the entity.



Created and last updated information.

Help (F1)

Displays the help documentation for the current entity.






Test Server

Allows selection of the current test server, shows its status, and if applicable links to start and stop the server. See Test Server Configuration.