Configuring the Studio
Setting studio options and
Change Java memory and/or Java
Change Embedded Server options
certificate to the Java trust store
Change the FPL language structure
See also: Introduction to the Studio, Studio File System, Starting and Stopping the Studio
Most studio configuration is done using the Studio Preferences Dialog (File > Preferences) within
the studio. These preferences are saved in file userdata/properties/ This file can
be edited directly if required.
Edit file userdata/bin/verjio_studio.vmoptions. Any parameters entered in this
file override the distributed options file in installation_directory/Studio.
* -Xmx :
Java maximum memory e.g. –Xmx2048m
* -Xms :
Java initial memory e.g. –Xms768m
* -Dxx :
Java –D parameters (multiple parameters are delimited by a space) e.g.
–Dparm1=value1 –Dparm2=value2
Restart the studio.
The minimum Java level to run the Studio is 1.8.0. A Java runtime environment is included with the distribution so this pre-requisite only applies if you want to override this and use your own Java version.
Edit file at the
root of the studio installation and change or set the VERJIO_STUDIO_JAVA
environment variable. This file is located in parallel with the installation_directory
e.g. if the installation directory is ../V5.6/VerjioStudio,
then the file to edit is ../V5.6/
Restart the studio.
Edit file at the
root of the studio installation and change the directory specified for the
VERJIO_STUDIO_USERDATA environment variable. This file is located in parallel
with the installation_directory
e.g. if the installation directory is ../V5.6/VerjioStudio,
then the file to edit is ../V5.6/
Restart the studio. If the userdata
directory is empty it will be populated by re-copying from installation_directory/Studio/initData.
The default colors and fonts can be configured by editing file userdata/preferences/installation_preferences.xml. Click here for more details.
The docking
configurations used by the studio are saved in a number of *.layout files in userdata/layout. These files cannot be edited, but if
they are deleted the corresponding layouts will be reset to their defaults when
the studio is restarted.
The Java trust store is where you
configure trusted certificates for communicating to external servers e.g. when importing
a WSDL for a SOAP web service that uses a private certificate. If a file is
found at userdata/security/truststore, its contents will be combined with the default
Java trust store (jre/lib/security/cacerts). It is expected to use the JKS keystore format.
The following command uses the keytool utility program to add the certificate; it will also create the trust store file if it doesn’t already exist.
<path-to-java>/bin/keytool -import -file <certfile>
-alias <alias-name> -storetype JKS -keystore <truststore
Where alias name needs to be unique for each certificate, but can be any
name of your choice. This name does not affect the functioning of the
certificate, but is required to subsequently remove the certificate.
Then answer any prompts from the keytool utility.
cd to installation/jre/bin
keytool -import -file C:\cacerts\firstCA.cert -alias firstCA -storetype JKS -keystore userdata/security/truststore
See the Java keytool
standard documentation for more information.
The studio log files are located in
the userdata/logs.
Follow these instructions when you have
modified the FPL language in some way, usually to add a custom function. This
process will rebuild the ufsLanguage.jar which
contains the compiled FPL language syntax. Note that rebuilding the ufsLanguage.jar is not
strictly necessary to execute a custom function on the server. But it is required to get the FPL editor to
recognize the new function as valid i.e. show the function in the Script
Assistant and not generate a validation syntax error.
the FPL.jj file in userdata/fpl and make any changes.
the ufsLanguage.jar by executing languageBuilder.bat
or in installation_directory/LanguageBuilder.
the studio.
See also the documentation installation_directory/LanguageBuilder/readme.txt.
Note that to execute a new custom
function on the server you will also need to add the function name and its
corresponding Java class to the ebaseConf/userFunctions.xml on the server.