Interface PrintResource

All Superinterfaces:
Element, Resource,

public interface PrintResource
extends Resource
The PrintResource interface represents a Printing Resource. A Printing Resource can be used to generate a PDF document based on an Adobe PDF Form and populate the document with data from Ebase form fields.

Further documentation.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void print()
    Builds a PDF document using the PDF form specified in the Print Resource and transfers all values from mapped form fields into the document.
    void print​(boolean save, boolean noDisplay)
    Builds a PDF document using the PDF form specified in the Print Resource and transfers all values from mapped form fields into the document.

    Methods inherited from interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.Element

    getElementName, getElementType

    Methods inherited from interface com.ebasetech.xi.api.Resource

    isDebug, setDebug
  • Method Details

    • print

      void print() throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Builds a PDF document using the PDF form specified in the Print Resource and transfers all values from mapped form fields into the document. This method can only be used with PDF form documents.

      Further documentation.

      com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException - if any error occurs during execution
      See Also:
      print(boolean, boolean), WebForm.generatePdf(PdfOptions)
    • print

      void print​(boolean save, boolean noDisplay) throws com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException
      Builds a PDF document using the PDF form specified in the Print Resource and transfers all values from mapped form fields into the document. The PDF can then be displayed to the user in a popup window and/or saved to the file system. This method can only be used with PDF form documents.

      Further documentation.

      save - the file is saved on the server using a name generated as follows: the directory is specified with property Ufs.pdfDirectoryName in the file. The filename is automatically generated and is constructed as follows: form name-file sequence number.pdf.
      noDisplay - when true, the document is not displayed to the user
      com.ebasetech.xi.exceptions.FormRuntimeException - if any error occurs during execution
      See Also:
      print(), WebForm.generatePdf(PdfOptions)